Loops terms could good for FOSS...? (Loops = video like TikTok, SnapChat, TikTok, Snapchat, and Vine alternative)...
@Sup3rN0va I see this part of the terms as possibly or initially as a good thing...
This post is a quick look to give you a reply and remind myself to talk about it, but I'm still open to reasoning and not being to reactive about it at all here...
So here's my reasoning...
...basically a kind of "ladder of priority" and what Dan (in my thinking) might have put first almost as a protective condition or wrapper around it all.
If you imagine a ladder and the top being first / most important as the priority, then as you go down the ladder the lesser priority things can come into actin BUT first / top things then protect things those things inside or down the latter it which basically what licenses do as #termsandconditions.
So it makes sense (if I get this right) that #Loops NEVER could be used by commercial entities against itself and LOOPS is 'not free' in that sense to do more of the same #enshitiffication we see with other software / take overs / free work to Google etc for their fake support to do the same bad things inside another wraper left uncheck by good people (it's normal good people give it away / don't expect ideas to be robbed / exploited) while I don't mean over-doing it but initially yes maybe so it's not weaponised again or dumb / uninterested users just moving on to the next thing for doing same proprietary work / living in their life...
Side Example (maybe not best)... but look at Mastodon
It's like Mastodon how millions of people are use it for posting Google links and Youtube etc...
Serving Google as ad-farm basically by proxy ! It's honestly VERY VERY DAMAGING in terms of sheer money to wrong people - Imagine if @Gargron said "You have to try use free open source alternative links also as a choice in posts... or use our own filter / cloaking mechanisms to stop feeding users to google and our users to the wrong people," because it is a economic thing in the end or inevitably ... despite you being free to use it - you must protect it from being used badly also.
To protect from corporations AND the bourgeois users wo are "not-really-interested-in-FOSS-all-the-way" and who-don't-care a lot (just 'users' and in way) to make sure people don't use FOSS in the worst ways... free ad-farms I think is a good example.
So while Loops aims to be an open #Fediverse #alternative to #TikTok, #Snapchat, and# Vine, I've always thought there was a flaw in much of software like giving hammers to people without training (just put your email here allows a lot bad work too in posting) since "They" (the vultures, un-foss people, Modern Capitalism and it's degeneration of "death-is-a-kind of-growth" way then people so end up fake / uneducated etc and will do the daily damage which is seriously millions per day to wrong side.
And lack of educators or admin, or groups of people to help on fediverse is bad and a weak point..
Too many not to go wrong and even help "produce" weak users of uncaring kind or stagnation once they signup and think that's about it in terms of Mastodon and their job from Twitter etc.
If Mastodon had for example alternatives to youtube like (like @invidious - it at least has to have an auto-generated alternative link or first option... to avoid being exploited
Google is making a killing from Mastodon link$ leaving the UNCHECKED CURRENTLY - not to mention #trackers and #US / #USA webspace increasingly a security threat / bad space / #AWS Amazon etc
So long story short is without continual education or cut-throat terms and conditions (to compensate nobody reading or educating others) FOSS can "make" users a bit dumb at the start (which I admit is a huge step to getting there but we shouldn't stop there in #progressing / could help all those doing existing massive work) so not sure of words/
But words like "less stagnation" and "less ignorant" / "more educated personally" people (including #admins that think usage is enough but could be helped more on servers) then something of a massive fail-safe has to happen (probably in license as users can't be trusted to read / understand / do).
Many things like #Loops or any vanilla #Mastodon type thing shouldn't really be federated in non-same #systems and side example is Mastodon again having a #help #system but not inside itself to suggest or improves things but ONLY USING #Microsoft #Github or another system / 3RD PARTY which isn't good enough / weak in itself <--- could be wrong but I think it's about right)
So a few big things / weaknesses which Loops and @dansup might inoculating / making sure of here to stop / block
'viral' things actually being a virus (advert farm / anything used badly).
It's a harsh reality to deal with.
Love to hear your thoughts.
@climatecampscotland Here's an advert made for event (see pic AND BOOST!)
And don't forget to add hashtags LIKE below !
#Glasgow #ClimateCamp #Scotland #Protest #March #Gathering #FreeSchool
@climatecampscotland Hi just did a short advert here with bigger text of your info - see:
And don't forget to add hashtags below for example!
Did you know that SDF offers access to 23 vintage computers through our Remote Systems program? We're looking for your help in continuing to offer this access as well as expand it. What systems would you like to have access to?
To support SDF Vintage Systems, please visit https://icm.museum/join.html
#Glasgow #ClimateCamp #Scotland
Sunday 16th March - Free
#MAP here (Non-google):
#CriticalMass style #Protest #Gathering
Your Android phone will run Debian Linux soon (like some Pixels already can)
Google introduces Debian Linux terminal app for Android. My phone's a laptop at last!
@letoams @hanno @nluug FTP protocol is 70 years and what many still use to share their images / ISO's / OS's (#Debian) and my one of my preferred protocols.
Since 2000's we had it all pretty much - most of what we have now just with more lag from layers of aesthetics and installs!... (ok a few more featurs with #nextcloud etc)
but FTP is NATIVE! (no software and lols on everything else for update speed, as fast as you can press F5! Instant basically self-lists files and info... and even directories!)
@hanno So how did it go?
Your thoughts about the whole thing and your presentation also?
SHORT sentences SHORT change meaning...
#SHORT #sentences...
SHORT change meaning
SHORT change situations
No wonder there is #war.
People can't do more than a few conversation sentences.
Short sentences are mostly #aesthetics and even #fake not daring even battle with words first and leaving war to stupid people.
SHORT = shallow... the bourgeois short sentences contribute to all this.
#Fediverse is FULL on the inactive #Caturday spectrum simply same opposite of spam. Ineffective, yes the cats are a bit better but not by much.
A #bitcoin person is sill more active in conversation than #cat person.
#FREESCHOOL - Picture is modified from: #NVC by #Yoram
Scottish place names are full of ghosts. They describe fields that are no longer there, forests long felled. Gaelic carries the memory of people, land, and place. When languages disappear, so does a part of our history and the ways of thinking they represent.
I wrote about it here:
If you like what I write consider signing up for my newsletter. No spam just good stuff.
" I think this is how fascism goes : it will devours the other head until there's only one. "
Bhatara Indie #Quotes #Fediverse
My comment:
Pretty accurate / nice description.
Fascism might just eat it's own head after too.
BUT the $tate IS linked to all the existing bad things! ---> (YOU DIDN'T REPLY TO MY QUESTIONS)...
@ubi4me You didn't even answer the title answer... or the basics answers I took time to write you and mark so you can at least do them one by one.
Even one at a time would be fine, but you skipped it all.
So this is the point and whole reason why / how it goes wrong.
Obviously things take some thinking but that's the point here or is the point just to accept what you say? If you're not going to reply in a bit of depth and customise - that's a problem (for you in future and for me).
You're saying the same general rhetoric without any engagement like a skipped record / almost copy and paste what I could do from material I've read.
So do read my text again.
Saying you don't have the word count isn't enough or if you don't want to answer JUST SAY! No problem. If you didn't have the idea ro make multiple posts - that's you answer.
Again IF you can't do that let me know and surely that's all our answers to see.
You want attention but can't handle it - double edge sword for you maybe but I'd love someone actually writing me and look how many write you now (NOT MANY).
So it's not clear what you are doing and people are left to guess why this person is not answering but saying the "let's do it anyway... it's good... it will do this and that..." without answering my "yeah but there is a whole in front of you called the $tate, but hey yeah wait dude there's a hole, helloooo are you listening?"
Just spend the time to answer every day a small thing and send one at time to get people on board and I'll even help if you can answer a bit convincingly.
Let me know which way you want - "I don't have your kind of wordcount" IS NOT ENOUGH or standard reply to "let's create positive change" because writing and understanding IS THE POSITIVE CHANGE
You have the whole future in front of you to answer.
Isn't UBI worth that investment and even for us to make a FAQ page? Or is it just about voting and donating blind same as the other stuff? (this is not a question you need answer the upper part is the main). Come do a bit better.
QOTO 1/ not reporting a post reply + 2/ phantom 'has been edited' post notifications daily...
QOTO not reporting post reply ( @freemo )
Not major but could be 2 things:
1 I've found an unread message without notification...
It was written 1+ hours ago and looking at list of notifications it's not in the list (I will add if notification ever comes) - I found it only by chance re-looking at the thread,
I would have not been told someone replied to me so it's a bit worrying or just a basic enough thing to be important.
I think it has happened before once or twice but didn't report it...
2 And a thing as everyone is experienced maybe daily is the phantom "xyz edited a post" (seen on different servers)
Aa post keeps coming up as a new notification that it's been edited when it hasn't been. This is happens lots daily...
Grow better people ? You get what you invest in....
Grow better people - Invest more time into people to get more out of them (find mutuality)
You get what you invest in. Grow better people...
#Fediverse is mostly rebuilding computers and code... not investing time and energy into people.
Priority today is developing people better to 'make' better people as the long-term work.
Soul work.
We have developed #Technology to the death / draining planet's life and our time for less and less in return from #BigTech.
You get what you invest in.
Grow better people most than anything else?
Fediverse vs. World - TLDR Fediverse is less frantic but a bit inactive (like the outside or online world)... many are escaping the actual social / individual helping each other as the "evolution" to fix everything via friendships...
@danmodp Less frantic and a bit inactive is the Fediverse... unless computers are the topic... which in the end isn't 'developing' people.
So #Fediverse is still like the outside or online world... and if you scratch anyone's surface they can surprisingly chase their own tail or be suspicious / not building anything but their own doubts...
So I'll be honest - it's close to being the same as Trump or anything raving almost exactly BUT about something equally not building or over-building in the software and Tech field x 9999 to the extent it's feeding BigTech and stagnating everything (once we've past being able to message and do things safely which we can now)..
So in the opposite spectrum or different sector it's not enough vs too much, or #unsocial vs over-social Tech - while some still wonder why life doesn't work without building individuality and waiting for ? <--- I think they are just waiting...
Some think tech "is IT" and the way to go but mostly just feeding #energy fires or over-doing disposable code... not realising (or realising and escaping) the actual social individual helping individual is next "evolution" and what Mastodon and Fediverse should be doing (federating as people almost and tribes / friendly clans with admin spear-heading the respect) - but in most there is a long way to go.
Hard to imagine for most is friendship and linking together as a higher % reward to humanity than more computer 'development' instead of better people (people #development).. so while it's not a #shitshow it's still a kind of binary mentality / non-human approach which is a fail despite a few increments and milestones to do things without adverts). Still are days are numbered like that and almost without each other actually together.. .instead of one-way posting and not really building / challenging intellect (unless it's Trumps and we know already).
If you want extra 2 cents just ask
- friendship here is free :)
@danmodp Personally not knowing about that, somehow still the word resistive and resistance resistance didn't surprise me in that :)
"Hello sir, would you like some resistive heating?"
"No Thanks 'll take the the un-resistive heating. " :)
#Selfhost Servers
https://yunohost.org/ allows people with little to no technical knowledge to #selfhost, with crystal clear, easy to follow guides.
Quote from #ElenaRossini @ele
Orig Post https://elenarossini.com/2025/01/my-so-called-sudo-life-time-matters/
is real word!...
#KAKistocracy (is real word!)
= A Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizen
( KAK in the word is a double bonus multiplier for reading and meaning effect... KAKistocracy!
#Notes #Quotes from #Caring #Politics #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites - all towards a more caring intelligent world / people...
Also here as casual friendly to work inside The Fediverse to encourage your own thoughts and action! (build your dream and maybe mine). I reply to your interests and give you some ideas... mutuality and maybe friendship can help WIN:WIN it for all...
Account helps develop real people - not machines. If life is machine orientated or computers then don't complain that's what you get as leverage against you!
We have enough tech so improving people with each other is the glue to humanity needed and better than more 'systems' (and cold machine code eventually used by BigTech for more crap).
TLDR 1 #FreeSchool [hashtag]
TLDR 2 Pictures Gallery
LONGER version: (can skip)
More than hating 'leaders' and getting nowhere as progress... a better example of ourselves on the #Fediverse is possible by loving things together and increasing number of #friendships online - even if it's just 1 person and 1 question daily.
Not just hating on hashtags like Trump / Musk / Bezos / Alex Jones etc, or any president, but positively increment our own progress of our own stuff and ourselves (the brain and the mindset)...
BUT it does takes "two to tango" and if neither of us can enjoying our own creativeness then we almost deserve Putin frankly who almost has it left on a plate to devour. The boot of Putin or Trump etc is their "win by default" if we don't show up ourselves and with each other. Not doing the micro stuff and micro-appreciation between us = Win for Capitaism. They will dance all over us and charge u$ for it and leave their shit marks all over you.
So the phrase: " It's not just what bad people do, it's also what good people don't do"... means the friendship work weekly is the better increment in life...
and sometimes that starts by talking about our own stuff before the Hollywood #shitshow we seem to get posts about and even shipped to our screens faster than building the Fediverse.
#Shitiverse ? vs #Fediverse ?
Reinvent society by making you meanings regularly and making mutual friends and people of solidarity (yes 'strangers' too that can be friends and not all your friends were born in the womb with you!). To make our own fanship of each otehr / friendship from each other is a very good way.
If you act like there is only bad things then #Crapitalism will sure win. Defending life is using our mind, not just physical matter (not just material or money) even if both lead to each other - it's the mind first now (including less machines).
You can't expect anything better to happen to you if you don't try make friends. If you don't give time to anyone voluntarily, then we don't get much as humanity, and even worse get hate / misunderstanding.
The #Ubuntu mindset I think is true (I am because you are / we allow each other to exist / part of one humanity etc)
FreeSchool is a casual daily friendly school that will reply to your interests and encourage some thoughts and action!....
1/ #FreeSchool hashtag = quick preview
2/ Media Gallery : https://qoto.org/@freeschool/media
Educational Memes / Quotes etc...
3/ Chat / Conversations / Brain work :
(same as replies tab below)
1/ Caring world means DEVELOPING PEOPLE... NOT just developing computers or code !!! (I'm not being exclusive here or unkind)
2/ True #p2p is between you and I, and not just a more-empty machine 'system' template full of others untrained in talking and hammering the Trump hashtag - (something more than that).
3/ Virtue signalling is ok for a while and part of the journey but regularly throwing nice feeling rocks also doesn't build much - those actions are getting us nowhere unless it's about improving people / our work.
"Free School" the name is a 60's 70's educational life / movement / practical living towards togetherness - details here:
EXAMPLE = Editing text, basic audio and video editing / #FreeSchool remix.
No scraping. Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
All inalienable rights reserved.
#NoSearcheEngine #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Help People Grow! Not just grow Tech! ...
Better People+Habits (
) ... Learning Better Habits
... Freedom=Respect Love Learn ... Growing Each Other #FreeSchool ... BETTER USERS... Not just Tech! ... IMPROVE PEOPLE! Enough Tech!
#FreeSchool Together
= More Peace