System of Friendship 💗 + 📋 Dictionary of words... Friendship solves it all...
Friendship solves it all. 🤝 👭
💗📈🔁 We need more than Capitalism, right? Use ourselves!
Make friends....
💗 System of Friendship 💗
by #FreeSchool 🔔 📋
💗 📈 Better Humans = #Communication & Interaction between people.
Your friends are not perfect but you live with them, even help them.
#Friendship more easily solves and accepts imperfection of which all humans are imperfect <--- very important
No need to #penalise each other so much for what is #natural.. or #compartmentalise it as wrong or right / #binary, but continuously show the work in progress and grow each other as the main "work" rather than #unhealthy #competition or destruction as show by our '#leaders' who give us unhealthy '#jobs' to do (often bad work or not improving communication).
A new system... Make friends.
Better than watching leaders in Capitalism... and not really going anywhere... Build up and support each other. Nobody else will.
How? / The Method:
☑️ Improve your Words / Dictionary
☑️ Clear up these meanings listed below in yourself first!
☑️ Show you CARE + RESPECT more visibly (online or offline) as well as healthy critique.
🌱 💖 💗 💓 💗 💖 🌱
Vocabulary words below...
🖋️ Try writing a few of these as your homework or for kids! ✏️ 🧒
✔️ For home for relationships
✔️ At work for nicer environments
WRITE THEM OUT! Help people SEE 👀 the words!
Relativity grows from people and more relativity in the world THE BETTER!... #LoveSystem #SystemofLove / #Fediverse #Friendship
█ Care
(close attention, concern or responsibility) (noun)
█ Clarity
(the quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)
█ Listening
(to pay attention to a sound) (verb)
(hear out until that person has finished) (verb)
█ Affinity
(characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
(affiliation - The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another) (noun)
(association - a connection to or an affiliation with something)
█ Experience
(event(s) of which one is cognizant) (noun)
(activity which one has performed) (noun)
█ Measurability
(able to be measured / quantified) (adjective)
(regular - with constant frequency)
█ Practiced
(actual practice or experimentation, in contrast to just theory) (noun)
(to introduce - to bring into practice)
(to grow stronger)
█ Honesty
(quality of being honest) (noun)
█ Sociability
(sociable, gregarious, affable)
(friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)
█ Curiosity
(inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) (noun)
█ Compassion
(deep awareness of the suffering of another) (noun)
█ Imagination
(image-making power of the mind) (noun)
(creativity or creative thoughts)
█ Reliability
(regular in timing or other way)
█ Therapy
(treatment of disease) (noun)
(psychological study)
(social psychology / counseling)
(counseling / ontology (study of being) (noun)
psychosis (mental disorder or distortion) (noun)
█ Transparency
(quality of being transparent) (noun)
█ Confidence
(expression or feeling of certainty) (noun)
(self-assurance) (noun)
█ Commitment
(religious - committed to the practice of religion)
(commit - to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) (verb)
█ Passion
(any great emotion) (noun)
(suffering of Jesus) (noun)
(theology - study of God, or a god, or gods) (noun)
█ Respect
(tolerance) (noun)
(to have regard for the rights of others) (verb)
(self-respect - knowledge of one's own worth) (noun)
(admiration for a person)
(to honour - (show praiseworthiness, respect) (noun)
(to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
█ Moderation
(to a moderate, in some degree or level of presence or position) (adverb)
█ Sincerity
(quality of being sincere) (noun)
█ Logic
(method of human thought) (noun)
(theory in logic - a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) (noun)
█ Experimentation
(thought experiment)
(practice / practical experiment - actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory experiment)
█ Teaching
(evangelistic - enthusiasm for a cause or teaching about some parts of something)
(religious evangelism - promoting the preaching and dissemination of the Christian gospel, teachings of Jesus or any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
█ Appreciation
(to value highly) (verb)
(to be grateful for something) (verb)
(admiration - adoration) (noun)
█ Welfare
(health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) (noun)
(humanitarian concerned with people's welfare) (adjective)
(humanity - human beings as a group) (noun)
█ Relief
(removal of stress or discomfort) (noun)
(catharsis - a therapeutic technique to relieve tension) (noun)
(assist - help) (verb)
assistant (person who assists or helps someone else)
█ Forbearance
(forbearing, forgiving, tolerant)
█ Toleration
(tolerance (ability to tolerate) (noun)
█ Awareness
awareness (the state of consciousness) (noun)
awareness (the consciousness of a state, or state of mind) (noun)
█ Openness
(receptiveness to new things) (noun)
(intimacy - feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) (noun)
█ Reasoning
(action of the verb 'to reason') (noun)
(rational - capable of reasoning) (adjective)
█ Diversity
(quality of being diverse; difference) (noun)
(biodiversity - diversity of flora and fauna) (noun)
█ Confluence
(meeting - gathering for a purpose) (noun)
(merging of similar or different elements into a union)
(Flowing - liquid or metaphorically; flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous)
(mix - stir two or more substances together) (verb)
█ Fun
(have fun - enjoy oneself) (verb)
(fun - enjoyment or amusement) (noun)
(have fun - wish someone a good time) (interjection)
█ Kindness
(being kind) (noun)
(heart - emotions or kindness) (noun)
█ Patience
(quality of being patient) (noun)
(not losing one's temper while waiting) (adjective)
█ World-view
(personal view of the world) (noun)
█ Unity - the state of being one or undivided) (noun)
█ Friendship (countable) - friendly relationship) (noun)
█ #Religion - system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) (noun)
█ Balance
(to balance / counterbalance)
(to equilibrate - to bring into equilibrium)
(well-balanced; in equilibrium itself or eco-system) (adjective)
(mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) (adjective)
(Calm, serene, well-balanced, all-rounder).
(fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) (noun)
(study - mental effort to acquire knowledge) (noun)
identity (knowledge of who one is) (noun)
(quality of a confident character) (noun)
(gutsy - marked by courage) (adjective)
(courageous (of an action, that requires courage) (adjective)
(bold courageous, daring) (adjective)
(direction - indication of the point toward which an object is moving) (noun)
(coherence - quality of cohering; of being coherent) (noun)
(coherent - orderly, logical and consistent) (adjective)
(good-natured - of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition) (adjective)
(the forces or will of good) (noun)
(as a result of good will by someone / a group) (noun)
(showing friendliness or goodwill - warm, approachable)
(fair, justified) (adjective)
(self-denial - an action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) (noun)
(state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) (noun)
(psychological fitness - general level of positive or thoughts) (adjective)
(body fitness- general physical structure of a human or animal) (noun)
(cure - a method, device or medication that restores good health) (noun)
█Healthy Community
(community - group of people sharing a common understanding) (noun)
(perception - conscious understanding of something) (noun)
(process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgement) (noun)
(self-study (study without the aid of a formal education institution) (noun)
(self-education; self-directed learning) (noun)
(fulfilment of a need or desire) (noun)
(persevere - to live, survive) (verb)
(Psychology: perseverate - repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus)
(union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group)
(unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) (noun)
(psychological or material support) (noun)
to solidify (to become solid)
(act of reflecting, thinking more)
(careful thought or consideration) (noun)
(understanding situation)
(sympathy - as a person / humanity) (noun)
(free from anger and anxiety) (adjective)
(calmly - in a calm manner) (adverb)
(condition of being unworried and free from anger) (noun)
(peaceful - motionless and calm; placid) (adjective)
(relaxation - act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) (noun)
(showing regard for others) (adjective)
(affable - friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)
(easily bent without breaking) (adjective)
(flexibility - quality of being flexible) (noun)
(know / grasp - to understand an idea or subject) (verb)
(to be aware of the meaning of) (verb)
▌(to stand under authority - "I understand this letter means XYZ terms and conditions...")
(hard experience shared in sympathy / consolation as a human being) (adjective)
(to treat as a sport)
(a regular "game" using of certain active variables from life and usually achievements, rewards, medals, acknowledgement given in virtual or non-virtual ways sometimes as incentive)
(not just one way always)
(to play and have fun in other ways)
(messages or interaction between people)
(carrier of a way, acting as messenger for a person or philosophy)
(not giving up easily)
(being flexible with someone or about any issue or topic)
(grasping / knowing the real core point of it all, usually from time invested and dedicated looks into something)
(empathy / sympathy)
(travel for the purpose of discovery)
(careful systematic search)
(systematic consideration)
We all want for love / care / respect "or else" the opposites start to occur like cancer (various levels) and things (people) get left neglected and also untrained.
We let the bad in by not doing the good basically as it's a kind of maintenance / repair-as-you go.
NOT just "we wait until it's fully broken!" or when person gets suicidal!)
Just the way things are and how things get without caring and doing the people work in every level of life during everything.
As much as you "don't have time" all these things (or their opposites) do catch up - so this is actually saving your time when you family or project doesn't fall apart!!! The damage is reduced / people don't waste our time later or bad things happen still but not without healthy use of healthy ways and even disconnection can be done better at the end and lessons learned much better ! So to practise talking now (at whatever level) pays off in the end to do more careful work together / constructing something beyond
Capitalism also as we have learned CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK - it does care for what you think or choose - it's mostly authoritarian and profit-minded.
It can mean starting something from this perspective that communication is better - because it's true many people just won't listen - but who is also offering or training people in these things - maybe you with this printed!
Yu literally have to create life yourself if it doesn't exist (on top of existing very pure sources, like I did with this list from the dictionary !!
Once you as individually and family learn to print and share these things (stick on your fridge/door), it's techniques and sentiments can "live on themselves" (in others)...
Love / care / respect is an intentional system, individually carried out for overall humanity - I'm not an NGO or anything big but as a human I stand or good - measurably, words and actions.
This can also start with you and more people taking just 1 picture and having the atmosphere of it reach others (give peaceful words a chance?)... We just needs humans to spread it somewhat and daily conversations get better as and people talk more and pass better words on
Sticking it up somewhere (fridge or wall) as is a good conversation point and piece of interest / meditation / discussion during dinner etc.
💌 Much love goes out to humanity, get in contact if interested... 💌
We know how it feels without love of various kinds (at work, home, outside) - so let's not neglect any of these smaller things - I'm not even talking big "love" / hippyness, but the smaller things and bigger efforts to improve vocabulary and practice it at home / on the internet as group chats etc... all can be a better therapy 💌
"System of Love" is from a list I collected over the years in my own relationships and looked them all up either from my words, partners or observations (everyone in my life!)
Related to love, care and respect needed between people more words are sometimes very crucial in heated battles or complex situations... learn well as it makes for less anger or else all hell breaks loose! 😃
Boost 🚀 if you would like to see more of these things practised in life.
#QOTO and #STEM perhaps are not alway emotionally minded or trained so it's also for people who don't' get exposed to why it's important to talk (to human, not just computers!).
Even as a science or biology consider of that mainly starts and ends with emotions (human input output) - check out Bruce Liption!
That goes beyond externally programming machines and more capitalistic styles of hiring people just to get stuff done - because computers and capitalism are without caring mostly and don't ask or design around what people think - it's mostly top-down authoritative (at least in modern day #STEM).
Learning love (or to love others) or even to fight well, isn't exactly what school teaches everyone so we need these kinds of posters and reminders...
💗 System of Love 💗 by #FreeSchool
█ Globalisation - Globalisation (a process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models) (noun)
- process of going to a more interconnected world) (noun)
▌(credit and debit - balance of an account) which as a banking system can never be balanced as money is constantly loaned again and again creating more debt than equalisation
▌(debt / society balance - an action, state of mind, or object one has as an obligation to perform for another) (noun)
▌(money owing - that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)
#FreeSchool 🗨️ Contact ✉️ for more info.
Programmers unhappy in their jobs... ? (Comment + Video clip)
#Meaningless #repetitive work?
Temporary disposable code for the future and #disposable jobs?
Most of #Computing in the #commercial world might be just doing the #tasks for #BigTech / Bad #Tech since that's the only group that can really pay for people's increasingly extortionate #rents - which is another thing people have throw themselves into perhaps, $ucked into paying more and have to work even more as a result just to be in a city or out of it.
Not surprising then is it that #Programmers are unhappy in their #job... ?... Unless maybe constantly in beautiful #remote places?
Source: #Fireship channel says:
"2024 StackOverflow #survey results where only 20% of #programmers reported being happy at their #software #engineering #jobs."
StackOverflow #Survey 2024 says only 20% of programmers reported being happy at their #software #engineering #jobs.
6 reasons why #professional #developers become unhappy at work.
Useless people / People are losing value as individuals
⬇️ Useless people ⬇️
Useless people are not only because you or others have skills or not, but if system and people want it (or not).
Systems devalue many types of people and skill so even others wanted they can't find word.
#Futile #Jobs #Employment #Diversity
#Money #Banks ➡️ #Devalue #People
⬇️ People are losing value ⬇️
People are losing value as people / individuals themselves because now systems are more weighted according to what those controllers and "system" wants (doesn't want).
What systems don't provide (like diversity) means it's not just about your skills but if system and people want it.
Doing bad work is needed to create jobs...
Doing bad work is needed for people in order to give themselves a job / "make a living"...
Otherwise they would be #redundant!
Else many unnecessary things and extra things wouldn't be used as #leverage and excuse to keep the money coming in using #bad #jobs.
The good always solved almost completely and had to move on in the #oppression of #business - whereas ideally everyone would be already paid for by previous generation who took plenty from planet already and could simply pay it forward and only do what was really needed. Food and shelter mostly.
That's why state creates bad jobs and taxes everything - to keep that #shitshow and #fuckery of #Enshitification going... until the job is done and they think of the next things that brings pure money,..
#Government does " #Work "
and creates " #Jobs " when it doesn't really care about #People #Nature etc just pure #Extraction
What #Science & #Scientist perhaps don't understand or can't see is that: THERE IS ENOUGH ALREADY
To say "SLOW DOWN!" ⚠️ may not make sense and is like asking the machine (like a car or vehicle representing the industries) to slow down... because we're definitely over doing it or not doing the human sides in many many fields... and it all ends up for people who don't care at the top making the problems!
It's like people going infinitely with the human care left out.
People making money "from it" also betrays a lot of sciences even if they were working more humanly with humans (which is why government supports STEM I think).
If you (or your company) has in mind any part of the human situation going on (everywhere) then it has to be on your radar to stop also and do some other more-human work.
And you will see that more Science Tech Engineering Maths ONLY FEED CAPITALISTS more than anyone else. For profit AND keep the way things are unless it's for more profit and token gestures of "change" IF THERE IS PROFIT AND GOLD THERE TO DIG.
You are speeding up problems to a large extent even if temporarily you think you find the holy grail it's only for the next Ad-farms.....
Nothing really good will be used for any spectrum of freedoms...
Imagine stock market micro-transactions or #Enshitification (making this worse for you to buy more or have less). It's all across the world...
#STEM could use instead exchange it's great work at it's level for human-only progress and make sure that other areas not improved can catch up (which means more human interaction than classic #Sciences.
Simply voice chat for example to understand what's happening to us is a lot better than more software.
More STEM is like more stuff they can use #bots, #Adverts, #machines, #program in programs #AI #scripts which all has to slow down and let humanity catch up with each other much more often. Let that relativity happen...
We already have more than we need and being BOMBarded with what ends up as mass crap more than celebrated freedoms (GNU etc is obviously not wanted or supported)... what we don't have is human care in everything ( #jobs and #hiring is also not really caring in any industry and increasingly people will be more desperate).
❓ Infinite work instead of personal progress?
#Tech and #Technology all become unhealthy like chopping their wood for too long and not seeing the trees and everything are all cut now when it's not needed and just mono-work too isolating itself.
Life as a Cold System = Uncaring Gun mechanism / Ultimatum 🔫
To make everything more cold / unrelated means we end up with the world working in a cold system like a gun which is firing either with or without money, instead of caring for things along the way and that being the aim of the "gun" (could be different ).
🔗 "Value as Substance or Relationship of Validation (Geltungsverhaeltnis)"
"Heinrich rightly criticises the idea that value can be attributed to an individual commodity or represents the labor time... "
ans this " perspective often obscures the fact that value is the expression of a social relationship."
Life as Cold System - Like a Gun / Ultimatum 🔫
Too busy to give others something better to do?... Use #IHaveTime hashtag if you have time for people!
AND WE ALL KNOW "JOBS" ARE NOT THE BEST ANSWERS FOR CHANGING THINGS! yeah more state and money involved (and more problems!)
Free time and people are not being used for work and even go to do B$ jobs just because good people can't give them something to do.
We all know "job" is just about money / keeping empire going with tax mostly and what is regulated and "allowed" HARDLY MAKES A CHANGE with everyone under a contract!
Use #IHaveTime hashtag of similar - not just " #Jobs "
#FreeTime #GiveMeSomethingTodo #ToDo
------ >Write a #Wishlist #List !
Mechanise life and you take away humanity almost proportionately...
As you mechanise you take away humanity and their activities which become replaced, taken over and eventually not needed.
Some is natural but we need to balance this back.
Because Machines at some stage render the need for humans obsolete, which is a terrible world for humans. And if there are must pay their way then not having a job is as close to a death (hunger) sentence as you can get.
Machines at some stage render the need for human's obsolete.
And the opportunities and environments are as important as habitat where what we do and touch, what we are around is important.
Mechanise life and you take away humanity almost proportionately or as if the two were ties together...
#AI #Machines #Computing #ArtificialIntelligence #Automation #Jobs #Money #Landlords
We / #Society can't shun people because there's no work left or even they did it too well and now have to be kicked out and away constantly... !
I mean it's not easy but we can't shun people because there's no work left or even they did it too well... ! #Jobs #Workers #BetterPractices in #Human #Unity
"You can't even get recruited by them without giving up all privacy."
- eagerpebble #quote #privacy #jobs #recruitment @eagerpebble
#jobs I want my Mastodon posts to be exported into more universal format (so I don't need this instance to view my stuff -
mainly the outbox.json and the media ... which you get with export BUT nothing to view together!
Jobs cannot solve things totally if puts you out of a job...!
This means often people and #Government need to prolong problems or extend existing ways to keep alive and keep their job!
Play it too fair as individual or suggest a great idea at work and you can measurably show you're obsolete and even lose your job. So since as you are not needed and they see now they can do the job without you a bit of down-sizing (and being cut out) happens. Robots and machines are one more direct example but even good ideas can be similar replacement for a person.
Brutal and simple it means companies and individuals do a lot of other stuff that isn't in the usual moral interest at all to solve THIS problem (of needing employment before anything)...
(Governments and people at the top especially are stuck in a paradox face with risking their position for any big real ideas or implementation)
It explains also why less-deserving people get promoted and I've see this first hand as undoubtedly the best in the department has not been promoted and sent to top (for years) because there is probably at lost of risk they will set things straight / be too good and if they are not full of bad attitude they will not continue that flavour of hierarchy and even propose it bravely.
Imagine if #politics actually reduced or solved problems - it would put people out of a Governmental job ! - make things too efficient for them) because it is actually possible to run things without using existing methods and techniques without so many people paid or layers / hierarchy etc... so when people talk about problems they don't see those people need to prolong them else cut themselves out of the loop (even with some re-inventing or moving possible - who wants to risk that in a shrinking employment market ⬅️ if that's true or it's simply not easy to change / find new employer / relocate / start again).
It's similar to manufacturing, make a good product - as there is not always enough market for them to buy in a years or that people will even buy from you again later... so do you need a monopoly and attachment with it (right!?)
Solving problems is a problem in itself when people using jobs to stay alive and therefore HAVE TO CAUSE PROBLEMS TO THEN CLEAR IT UP.
#Conversation #realisation
#politics or even normal #jobs
The design for change is not to change basically "the way things are" in business.
#realtalk #friends #friendship #change #BetterPractices #work #jobs
It's a mistake to have mostly colleagues as your friends in the world...
'Work' as your medium can be surprisingly temporary when one day you are given leave or leave of your own accord (unhappiness, lack of change etc).
'Work' as your vehicle and medium for friendship can be often superficial, boxed in and limited in breaking the barriers of any sterilised-design workplaces and state-sanctioned templates of atmosphere.
Ironically the design for change, is not to change things.
Colleagues can be nice but not necessarily long-term or for the long-term. Sometimes when the job stops so does your friendship.
So I'm not saying: don't try - but do look for more purpose made or genuine friendship and spaces... and if not make space at home or wherever you can for some real talk!
#Jobs of the #Government is to stress, extract and impact upon people's lives for it's own agenda and benefits...
It's their #war on other people... the same templates is implemented everywhere...
Fediverse Music Audio about:
Looking for Work / Working Together - But why on Fediverse ?
♫ (audio download link) ♫
🚀 Boost if you like!
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🎤 Lyrics and Love by #FreeSchool
🗨️ Comments welcome
Topics around audio theme:
Fediverse collaboration, the challenges finding activity (not just prof or government approved / accepted "job" that are non-existent / being reduced by Tech / ineffective in many ways)
Doing it all more as collective in the hive mind 🐝
= BOTH alone 🐝 *and together* ! 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
Audio notes:
For Fediverse platform only
Audio Creative Commons
[CC-BY-NC-SA license = Share by Attribution, Share IF Non-commercial platform, Share with same CC unless permission otherwise given on Fediverse)
Inspired by Martin
================== /
#FediMusic #FediTalent #jobs #fedihire
#SolarPunk #ADHD #Hacker #Fediverse #Audio #Music #Lyrics
#Jobs #Capitalism #Love ?
Jobs in life should prioritise spreading peaceful ways.
If it's not respecting you and you are not respecting people while working - consider something else (let's talk).
❓ Ask yourself ❓
"Does my job or activity grow better understanding / peace between people ? "
Keeping better relativity and "better ways" (a bit more) will help keep things intact. I see it as the higher priority even if you can't have it all.
Capitalism is not the only thing in life we can help build.
#Capitalism is somewhat measurably opposite to everything
It's cutting all corners in order to achieve less long-term for everyone / make it more expensive / privatise wealth.
#Capitalism vs. Life
So Capitalism as a house is bad / bad-progression.
Capitalism wants to achieve different goals than the spreading love / peace / respect / freedoms between us.
Capitalism also wants to spread #debt and #consumption as slow #death and #depression on top of not spread love / peace.
Ask yourself -
" Do I do something that grows love / peace or pure profit mostly? "
Do you want to spread / #grow more peace and love?
I believe a "loving system" can start to exist if we inject it constantly.
Currently you and me are selling out to Capitalism.
Not just hippie style utopia either, just normal love / respect for people! And less selling them / selling plant out for 'even more' profit... when those people have plenty already.
Capitalism could be said as the opposite of love / peace as it (and it's people) just take from body more than improve the people's mind / love for each other, and yes such big #profit without giving back to people is bad...
Job Desperation talk - audio about personally moving jobs / country *right now*... can you help?
🎤 Audio talk about moving jobs and even country *right now*...
⬆️ Desperation put into a constructive audio talk / introduction. for more info,
#Job please #Programming #Jobs #Fedihire #Fedijobs
#Clojure #Lisp #GNU #Emacs #Packages #Python #Computing #Cyprus + #Remote #Work
Something for everyone to consider in the future.
#Quotes below I personally thought interesting for future:
"I decided I needed to quit that career path altogether."
"I quit and came to Cyprus to the mountains and cured my depression."
" Now I am in a great state... in a physical peak and my mind as sharp as ever"
"There is no other way out"
Working seasonal jobs
"Since my 20's I have nothing I can show for it formally... no stamps of approval"
"What I did was part-time jobs like foraging grapes and doing related farming jobs... stuff you don't consider and just get food on the table and don't really think about"
"My CV is underwhelming...I have been learning programming... EMACS LISP... I maintain several packages, you can check the authors file for my name there..."
"Is EMACS something that can go into my CV and marketable, I don't think so..."
"I need to skip any automated process for CV evaluation, because I will be rejected... and I cannot afford to be rejected... I have exhausted my options here... I am desperate for another way out... There is no other way out... but I prepared for the consequences... so I must do this video and hope for the best"
@protesilaosstavrou and his original post here:
#Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites towards a more caring world...
More than hating 'leaders' and not really getting anywhere... a better example of *ourselves* is what we can do by loving things together daily and increasing friendship.
Not just hating Trump Musk Bezos Alex Jones or This and the next president - but positively progressing our own stuff and ourselves... but it takes two to tango and I think even if neither can dance, we should else Putin almost deserves to win by default and what 'good' people don't do (people who communicate only with family / don't regularly make friends of strangers or even mutual people or fans!).
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Finding relativity between people I think is "the way" and that measurabley can be done daily / 'slowly but surely'.
Most people may not have got this far in reading (well done - do write me also as a signal you saw this).
A bit more contact = much more opportunity. Currently the shortness in depth and short-sentences in people is proportionate less caring or not expanding brain cells. Many are improving code but not helping improve people or expecting them to do it on their own (we already see where that gets us!).
To be clear about caring - it's NOT just developing computers BUT DEVELOPING PEOPLE !!!
This means to some degree making "Friends with the world" more than not (not just coding computers but anything without humans or 'users' improving with others).
Spending time hating Trump and enjoying throwing rocks / virtue signalling doesn't build much.
CONTINUAL FRIENDSHIP BUILDS & GROWS US ALL EVEN AS ONE BIG COMMUNITY. So give that a chance with the positives rather than spreading the negative, ok? Find your positives and build that with others...
Free School is a 60's 70's educational life / practical movement:
☼ Free work & #Friendship for the way (also for humanity to grow because friendship saves and solves a lot for everyone - make time for making friendship. Thank you.
Free work = Editing text, audio, video (free) if idea grows #Freedom.
My #Politics below:
$tates in the middle don't care (we hopefully know now) so it's down to us to do things (ourselves). There is deep down no Justice, Just Us. Let's do it together with $tates less often.
#Banks and it's money is false human-created #negative math / #debt material - all designed to eat our time and money from faster devaluing things using the debt economy (loans %'s, increasing housing prices, rents sky-high, mortgages, etc - all eats out our energy, body and soul. That has to stop / is not sustainable / is cruel.
No data scraping / using / processing. Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
All inalienable rights reserved.
#NoConsent #NoPermission for #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other profile descriptions could be:
Help People Grow! Not just Tech! ... Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) ... Learning Better Habits ❤++🔔 ... Freedom=Respect Love Learn ... Growing Each Other #FreeSchool ... BETTER USERS... Not just Tech! ... IMPROVE PEOPLE! Enough Tech!