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@gabriel Yeah I guess though a minor thought from dealing with PDF previously

1/ PDF always seems to have line breaks when saving (almost like text wrap is off) so copy and pasting paragraphs means a whole lot of broken sentences needing manual re-editing - is that avoidable (or you know how to sort out for preparation for that?)

Voluntary childFREEness (choosing if to encompass the children of others)... 

Voluntary childFREEness

(choosing if you want to encompass the children of others)


Voluntary childLESSness

(Many suffered abuse by the hands of their own parents and as such have little interest in parenthood, or the duplication of their family's genes.)

More from page....
Voluntary childlessness or childfreeness[1][2] describes the active choice not to have children.

The word childfree first appeared sometime before 1901[3] and entered common usage among feminists during the 1970s.[4][5]

The suffix -free refers to the freedom and personal choice of those to pick this lifestyle. The meaning of the term childfree extends to encompass the children of others (in addition to one's own children), and this distinguishes it further from the more usual term childless, which is traditionally used to express the idea of having no children, whether by choice or by circumstance

@szescstopni My instinct is to do something like help it by wrapping it with some plastic material or setup up wind defences... but probably worse / useless / ineffective idea ?

: Saving pages

What is the best format for saving a long online browser page with text and picture (like near-infinite scroll page) which I can load again *offline* and copy and paste text or pic from)

(for example, not saving as image image file as I wouldn't be able to copy the text again)

@ent He can be fun and interesting a lot of the time, he just goes off the handle sometimes. He probably just needs to psychiatric meds to take the edge off TBH.

⚠️🇮🇱⚔️🇮🇷The official Israeli Broadcasting Authority, citing reports:

Israel attacked targets in Iran.


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I'm about to migrate my custom domain away from using Google mail to Protonmail.

I've already added one domain, and it accepts mail from gmail correctly, so I'll assume that I managed to configure it correctly.

However, I'm now ready to move over the primary domain, which is on Google right now. Is there anything I should consider? Will everything just work, or are there issues caused by Google being asked to deliver emails to a domain that it believes it controls? (my plan was to change the DNS first, and once I confirm everything works, I'd disable the domain on the Google side).

This study guide to Schumacher's
Small is Beautiful, by David Boyle, is really good.
It's #degrowth by another name.

- Schumacher Centre for a New Economics

@sarahdalgulls Forest of Dean - wasn't this once a place of protest (or still is?)

The acquisition of a PICADE has me playing OUTRUN. This is a game that I remember from my youth with spectacular graphics. The graphics are, in fact, shit. It also has HGVs doing in excess of 180kph. I am questioning SEGA’s commitment to realism.

UK, mention of depression 

I think I’ve put my finger on what coming back to the UK feels like. If an actual nation state could be suffering from clinical depression, this is what it would look like: Everything is slowly going to shit; the country seems to see no future for itself; it’s making decision after decision that is self neglect bordering on self harm; quite possibly the most unpopular government to be removed by democratic vote rather than bloodshed is about to lose an election by a cataclysmic margin, and when the opposition, who are set to clean up, are asked what they’re going to do differently, the answer is a shrug followed by, “nothing”.

And people here more or less accept it, because boiling frogs and suchlike, but then you go elsewhere (no, America, not you, sit back down), and it’s like the colour returns to the world and you didn’t even realise it was missing.

The greedy data centers are coming

"That tension has been on full display in Frederick County over the fate of 20,000 acres of picturesque farmland, rolling hills and a beloved mountain park. The ensuing debate, which pitted grassroots community organizations against powerful economic interests, offered a preview for how the data center dilemma might unfold across suburban Maryland in the coming years."

Destroying communities for pure greed and AI grifting.

This Italian #train route reads like a restaurant menu! Parma (ham), Regio Emilia (cheese), Modena (balsamico vinegar), Bologna (salami).. #travel #SEE #AMRO #InterRail 😋 plus they show weather forecast at every stop!! ☁️☀️⛅️

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Developers don't care so much about spreading google or commercial links and supplying advert money from OUR clicks, sourced FROM Fediverse / Mastodon posts to THEM... (without education our users are weakest links)... 

@witchescauldron @invidious

Is that space you linked to not activitypub compatible because it didn't seem to have post link or url not compatible to input my side? (otherwise can you let me know the compatible post link)

If you **do not** want to process your Mastodon posts, please add either the custom tag #CveCrowdDeny or the more general #NoBot to your profile.

Alternatively, you can completely exclude your public posts from search results in your profile settings. This is the default setting on Mastodon.

🔔 Follow me for more web security content!

🔁 Also, boost the first toot to spread the word!

@FinchHaven The thing is that the actually focus was on gmail users - that was the specifics.

So while a mixture of short-hand may have seemed to exclude the rest - it was directly only at gmail...

and then by your offended reply you overlook this or it needs saying as I played in to your reply after about all email not being gmail (I never claimed it but let's not get too stuck)

Other emails are probably less than X% or on the fringes BUT no less important. Sorry to have offended you.

I had a feeling you were a bit of a die-hard which I like, and say endearingly, so anyway no harm intended - not all email = gmail 🆗 fine.

I am actively looking for an answers too for Gmail as it's the core of a lot of traffic and snooping, so feel free to redirect energy into actual answers to that so the giant monopoly provider is reduced.

I'm guessing you don't do signups to others for your self-hosted and other email providers I've asked / typed reasons for simply don't get back to people asking or create it in the end.

all email is gmail.... or almost all ?

(not sure out of all email how many are GMail?)

Anyone have some numbers or even know people that self-host :blobrofl: ...?

@FinchHaven I have not measured how many people use gmail but feel free to contest it :) (so yes, most email is gmail, lol, but not all).

And so this question was specifically for gmail users because people like you don't have gmail (cough cough, do you?)

@foone Almost keyboard twins and for almost the same reason. I bought a cheap mechanical gamer keyboard as a stopgap till I got the one I actually wanted, and kept it around as the "just in case" keyboard. Then I was like...why not make it pretty!!! And then it became my office keyboard.

This keycap style makes me happy in a way that feels like an old memory being prodded. I'm not sure of exactly *what* memories are being prodded here. Maybe the dumb terminals at the library when I was a kid.

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