#physics #weather **Magnificent storm comes to Toronto** There are two views: first is mimic which shows the ocean plumes and the main energy. The second is the standard weather view of winds, low pressure, etc. The energy view is the best for physics. The weather people hang on to their entertaining stories, since they have to eat.
#physics #weather **World heat flow** Due to attacks on geophysics (not me) I am in a funk, and will only do these when the ocean currents come out. Summary - Europe cold, Australia wet.
#physics #weather The gulf stream is still erratic, but the Pacific is stone-cold solid. We're not hearing any more on how El Nino will come any day now. I think they'll just slink away, as usual.
#physics **Of soot** This is neat stuff, but very basic physics. The nanoparticles of soot are nastiest stuff in the world, but humans evolved with it, since they invented fire. That's why I always laughed at the nanoparticle doomer stories.
#physics **Harmonic resonance** Or you could just call it resonance. This is the cause of most failures, because it isn't easy to analyse. I find most people treat it without the laws of physics.
*Engineers with the company and other organizations developed a solution to mitigate “a rare system phenomenon involving harmonic resonance” in the engines, which is expected to clear the way for newly-built F-35s and other affected fighters to fly again, the JPO said in a statement Friday.*
#physics #weather **Back to the future**
*San Bernardino County lies east of Los Angeles County, where the first mountain blizzard warning since 1989 was scheduled to take effect at the same time.*
My hypothesis has us travelling back in time to 1970-1997 when the first monster El Nino took place. Then we zoomed up in temperature to 2016, and crashed after that. In 1983, the pipes froze in my old house.
#physics #earthquake **S. turk develops its own mechanism** It has its own right-angle fracture mechanism, like the big one, but on a smaller fractal scale. This area should have another m6 or 7 soon.
#physics #earthquake **Ontario Earthquakes** The CBC turned it into a climate change thing. No physics whatsoever.
#physics #earthquake **Latest Turk M6+ shows its fault zone** You can see how much smaller an M6 is to near M8's. However, the aftershocks are a straight line. If the rift walls are rigid, then we'll get another one off to the right. Probably in a week or two, and then it should tail off.
Descended from Unix freaks, I evolved to Linux. Some people might consider me old at 60+, but I'm suing the world to get my age down to 30.
I have a blog https://ontario-geofish.blogspot.com/
and it is read by 8 people. My formal education is in an extinct branch of science called geophysics. Since there was no money in it, I went to engineering. I've done tunnels, radwaste thingies, etc.