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Ian Kenway boosted

Richard Burgon MP
@RichardBurgon Twitter

£96,000,000,000+ of public money has gone to non-NHS providers of healthcare over the last decade.

This is what the privatisation of our NHS looks like.

Time to kick out the privatisers and invest in our NHS.

Ian Kenway boosted
Welsh Government has published the new Programme for Government to take us from 2021 to 2026.

Plenty to dig into here. Some headlines for well-being and #sustainability are:

👉 Develop a tidal lagoon challenge
👉 A new 120-year Wales infrastructure investment plan
👉 Lift the ban on local authorities setting up new bus companies
👉 Abolish single use plastics (! but Internal market bill?!)
👉 National Forest from north to south
👉 Clean Air Act for Wales
👉 New National Park
👉 Oppose extraction of fossil fuels on land and in water
👉 Consult on a tourism levy
👉 Decarbonise more homes
👉 Establish a Peace Academy

#Cymru #Wales #FutureGenerations
Ian Kenway boosted

We went from the Turing Test, where a computer tries to convince a human that it is not a computer but a real person, to Captchas, where humans try to convince a computer they're a real person, not a computer.

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
We're delighted to welcome Nikira Rose Bowen to Afallen as our first Graduate Intern 🤝🙌🙋

One of the aims of Afallen has always been to help support and train the next generation of sustainability experts in #Wales - we're really happy that we're now in a position to start giving that opportunity to young people. Next step - apprenticeships!
Ian Kenway boosted
This report for RSPB Cymru, WWF Cymru and Wales Environment Link by Stuart Housden OBE sets out the case for a target-led strategy to deliver a reinvigorated ecosystem in #Wales.

Top take-outs:

🦋 We need to measure and improve species abundance, distribution and extinction risk
🦋 We need to measure and improve habitat quality and extent
🦋 We need to prioritise nature-based solutions to climate change
🦋 Nature needs to be integrated as a strategic theme in all Welsh Government portfolios

#Cymru #Sustainability #FutureGenerations
Ian Kenway boosted

@pixelfed Hi there! As a #blind screen reader user, I would really appreciate it if you'd take the time to #captionyourimages as it would really help with #accessibility
And it's not just people like me who appreciate them either, it's users on low bandwidth or metered connections who don't want to load the full res picture, those with #autism who sometimes find the context helpful, the huge percentage of those with preexisting visual impairments [#VI] which includes many people over 55 ETC.
It doesn't have to be anything incredibly detailed or artfully written, but something is nearly always better than nothing. I believe that their is even an option to automatically #OCR images now which should give you a head start.

Ian Kenway boosted

This #rose in the #garden is blooming. The colours look a bit too saturated, I was using an #ShutterPriority program with a speed of 1/500 s and an aperture of F13 (ISO 250) but I still think it looks good.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Nature #Plants #Horticulture #Flowers

Ian Kenway boosted

Love, true love, seperate from lust, attraction, and romance, just pure distilled love is an extremely painful and difficult thing to learn. But once you understand it more than repays for itself.

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted

Oh boy, I hit my head so hard, I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that I'm still conscious or that the wall is still standing 🤕

Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted

@iankenway Thats not really very fair, Trump played a huge roll in getting vaccines out in record time. His handling of the virus was actually one aea he did fairly well.

Ian Kenway boosted

"Whose Wales? The battle for Welsh devolution and nationhood, 1880-2020, looks at these often-bitter claims and counterclaims. Intriguingly, the authors approach the subject matter from different perspectives."


Ian Kenway boosted
Ian Kenway boosted
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