Wow, how trashy
Your message eludes me. Error 400
Take care
Congrats @freemo
-wrote 3 more pages in my journal
-cleaned up my office a bit
-fixed a bunch of things around the pad
-wrote 3 pages in my journal
-unlocked a bunch of game achievements
-made a big batch of biscotti
Only accepting Monero via a tor-based exchange while owner of said crypto is on a plane with locked down internet @_@
how would you rate Assembly and Cobol?
So what you're telling me, is that the Pentagon is at war with the CIA?
“Despite the trials and tribulations of life, always consider life the most precious gift the Cosmic ever granted human beings, because it is the medium of our spiritual evolution and the source of the happiness we seek. Furthermore, regard your body as the temple of your soul, and take great care of it.” Rose + Croix Code of Life
@wolf480pl @lynne
The screen makes my eyes hurt
Grats on making it to the front of HN
Platinum On-Demand Customer Service Support
Employee Work Environment That Reflects All Customer Backgrounds
Commit Recognition Wednesdays
"It's good to see LinkedIn acknowledging that language models are prone to generating falsehoods and repeating misinformation,” EFF’s Kit Walsh told The Register – users must understand they’re not reliable sources of truth, and shouldn’t rely on them.
even more than before with the current state of the economy
People are making a fuss that the Cybertruck's accelerator pedal gets stuck, trapping everyone inside in a death machine hurtling down your neighborhood high street at maximum speed. But it's all hyperbolic. First of all, that doesn't happen unless the pedal is exposed to the chemical compound sodium stearate.
Ok *fine* sodium stearate is also known as soap. So what? Remember the Cybertruck's battery life is half what was advertised. It's designed to not go far enough to kill anyone. Calm down.
and yet you avoid me
Ask me about my keyboard