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The Fediverse won’t be the same without @pla ‘s unique combination of positivity, cycling content, and tech savvy. He was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met here and would always have something nice to say.

For those in the thread who haven’t seen yet, @hollma thinks this might be the news report, with this as the intersection where it happened (post).

. @mastobikes @bicycling @t54r4n1 @xosem @kambing @clacke @lnxw37b3 @andyc @normandy @schattenspringer @fitheach @thor @elmussol @zudn @radis_noir @encarsia @bikejourno @GoatsLive @Luke @herag @randynose @Moon @icedquinn @FediFollows @stux @pony @Ahuka

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@lupyuen Favorite quote: "Chromium was becoming the de facto web standard meaning that if we wanted web pages to not break, we’d have to fork Chromium."
If all those who admit defeat to de-facto monopolization of the web-as-is contributed to independent development or even just to a more modular usability of Gecko & friends, they could get out of that mess.

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So how did we get from the gleaming promise of the digital age as imagined in the 70s to the harsh cyberpunk reality of the 20s?

Centralization, rent seeking, planned obsolescence, surveillance, advertising, and copyright.

How do we move forward?

Re-decentralization, a rejection of the profit motive, building for the future/to be repaired, building for privacy, rejecting advertising, and embracing Free software.

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Anyone know of good alternatives to I haven't been able to use that site for a while.

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#Georgia voters-

Today is the last day you can vote in your runoff elections for the U.S. Senate and flip control of the Senate to Democrats.

A Democratic-controlled Senate would pass help for you on health care, COVID relief, climate, and more. Winning Senate control would also allow Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader — rather than Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader — to decide which bills come up for a vote.

Vote for both Rev. Raphael Warnock and and Jon Ossoff to bring 'yes' back to the Senate and end deadlock. :voteblue:

Mask up and drop off your mail-in ballot or VOTE TODAY, Jan. 5! :vote:

#VoteWarnockAndOssoff :warnock4ga: :ossoff4ga:
Voter hotline: 888-730-5816, seven languages spoken. ☎️
Where to vote:

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Stop. Buying. Apple. Products.

Apple’s longtime supplier accused of using forced labor in China

Apple knew a supplier was using child labor but took 3 years to fully cut ties, despite the company's promises to hold itself to the 'highest standards,' report says

Nike and Coca-Cola Lobby Against Xinjiang Forced Labor Bill
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The most serious problems with the Internet won't be solved by attacking Section 230. Many of the issues stem from a handful of tech companies wielding too much power. There are solutions, but the EARN It Act is not one of them.

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If you seriously think like the OP in this meme you can kindly go fuck yourself, thanks.

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Power returned around 3:30-ish. Woo! Heat! Light! Computers! Internet that is not on a damn small phone screen! No more smelling paraffine!

Ok, a brighter 2021 everyone!

I'll start the day off healthy with a new year's walk with my mother soon!

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Dear web developers and admins,
please stop embedding Google's hideous #ReCaptcha into your websites. Its algorithm is faulty, forcing regular users to click dozens or even hundreds of fire hydrants, bicycles, or traffic lights each day. It puts a 'suspicious activity' flag on users who won't obey to Google's business model - such as people who don't sign into Chrome, use anonymity VPNs, or use browser extensions to suppress common tracking mechanisms. Enough is enough. Stop it.

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Yup, your not exactly known for being intelligent around the fediverse. Plus I know what I said and why.

@p @histoire @colonelj @jojo

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@freemo @QOTO How is the "Q" in "QOTO" pronounced?
As in "queen" ("quoto")?
Or as in the English pronunciation of "Qatar" ("koto")?
I personally prefer the former but I'm wondering what the official stance is.
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.