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Thanks @edutooters

#introduction I'm a long time #software product builder & manager in #edTech - currently #openToWork that's remote-friendly and US Eastern time zone-proximate. I'm passionate about #accessibility and #dataViz

Feel free to share with me the software tools you use to teach that seem like they need better #ProductManagement

Xmas recommendation for someone who has issues*. A diary where you can log your worry, list some actions and then come back to it another time. Plus some nice little tips

*My teen is not ready to engage with this sort of mental health habit, sadly.

Report finds faculty diversity isn’t meeting student needs

Faculty diversity is positively associated with student success across a variety of metrics. Black and Latino students are more likely to graduate when they see themselves represented in their instructors, for instance.

Scientists identify sleep habits that significantly increase dementia risk

Researchers from China, Sweden, and the United Kingdom found that sleep for more than eight hours increased dementia risk by 69%, while sleeping before 9 p.m. rather than 10 p.m. or later, increased dementia risk by two times.

Student ‘slave auctions’ illustrate the existence of a hidden culture of domination and subjugation in US schools

โ€œReenacting a slave sale as a prank tells us that we have a great deal of work to do with our students so they can distinguish between intent and impact,โ€ Osumi wrote. โ€œThey may have thought this skit was funny, but it is not; it is unacceptable and requires us to look honestly and deeply at issues of systemic racism.โ€

๐Ÿ˜ฑ Generate memes by typing a sentence. automatically chooses the template and writes a caption.

@edutooters #EduTooter #edtech #meme #teaching

@wfryer nudged me to blog about how I use Screenpal to create customized video responses in the Comments on Google Classroom.
#edtech #k12 #edutooter #googleET

It's a small world when #OnlineLearning expert Curt Bonk of Indiana University presents a Webinar based in Canada and recommends #podcasting by my Indian colleague in Tashkent and my Japancasting channel.
Curt's tour de force "How to Use Shared Online Videos, Podcasts and Webcasts to Engage Online Learners" is reported at
Japancasting topics so far: #Japanese #legends & #religions, society & #education, and #Asian #cultures
See details about #Japancasting #podcasts, related articles, and videos at

This content is redone, because server trouble lost the toot and most of my followers. Therefore, please confirm that you are following me if desired. Thank you!

#EdTech #openedtech #openeducation #OpenAccess #OER #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #LanguageEducation #EducationalTechnology @martinbetts @dougholton @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett
@jalt @edutooters @japodon
@religidons @religion

Badger walking over crusty snow through Lodgepole Pine at Fountain Flats; Yellowstone National Park #Yellowstone #Wildlife #Nature

Teacher asks me how to increase the font size in the formula bar in Google Sheets as their eyesight needs the help. That feature is not available ๐Ÿ˜ž
However, I suggest viewing formulas right in their cells as this is a spot where font size can be manipulated.
View - Show - Formulas
The keyboard shortcut to toggle this on/off is Ctrl ` (that's the tiny apostrophe-like mark that is on the same key as the tilde - it's on the top left side of your keyboard, just to the left of the number 1).

I s'pose I should do an #introduction for #edutooter. I'm a (Secondary)Learning Support teacher. Qualified (and ex)SENCo. Former Art teacher and in the final stages of a PhD in Education (currently awaiting my Viva). I dabble in #academia with a bit of casual work in HE around the Sociology of Education, the Philosophy of Education, SEN and Qualitative research methods. Plan on writing/researching more prolifically once the PhD is done.

That's where I'm coming from at least!

An #introduction from me -- greetings, all, especially #kidlit friends! I'm an author with #Scholastic originally from #Massachusetts now living in #Scotland with dog & family. I'm keen to help #bookish folk find each other. I'm a former #technology #journalist keen on tech #ethics (especially as affects children).

Want to see an extract from my lists showing some #teachers #librarians #authors #booksellers and #publishing people I follow? You may find familiar faces

More #introduction info: I'm a former #technology #journalist from #massachusetts now in #Scotland after years in #Ireland. Keen on #tech #ethics (especially as it affects #children). Also #kidlit #scbwi #scifi #socialjustice #gardening #AI

My debut novel #friendme (#scholastic 2020) is a techno #thriller for #middlegrade about a bullied girl whose bully has a bad accident: she starts to worry that her new best friend, who she only knows online, might be responsible.

It may well take years to fully understand what is happening right now with social media in general and with the #Twitter->#Mastodon migration in particular. Keep in mind, it is just a single month since Musk took over Twitter. One month. And we are already seeing major effects with a speed that has no equivalent historical precedents on the Internet or even more broadly in technology or society. We are riding the whirlwind and where it will take us in the fullness of time we can only begin to guess for now.

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Miguel Guhlin ๐Ÿฆ‰ ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.