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@freemo both. Any thing involving chemical synthesis is fascinating. Of course if you were able to synthetize anything that would be asthonising, science fiction!
I thing the only few thing i can synthetize my own are urea, co2 and methane! Hehehe!
I remember time when we smoked lots of porros full charged with natural THC. then i stoped smoking at all.
After that, so sporadically, when i meet old friends who smoke marihuana nowadays i smoked from time to time. But i don't like that very much because i often had dizzines.
If only we could synthetize it in that time... The money we would spare! As far as i remember it was to expensive for us! We did't know how to deal with the dealer, he always swindle us...

@freemo can you synthetize complex organic compounds? Do you depart from base molecules, from the scratch? If so, it is awesome!

@freemo i have one of these microcomputer but not the keyboard. I bought it years ago but I didn't do anything with it. I bought it with a VGA hat and played a little configuring the system.

@freemo @steakwipe one of the things i like of the firearms world is the technology behind it. The refining of the fabrication techniques and engineering involved
Their evolution, technological competition that have developed not only civilian technology, even, ironically medical knowledge.
Some times i watch at this YouTube Channel:
I recommend you, if you like fire arms, specially historical and rare weapons.

@steakwipe @freemo guns are necesary, for example for hunting. You can use for disuading people going into your home. But once in you have to make a decision... And those are not trivial words... Here, in Spain, we have it easy... Fire arms are not permitted, only hunting and sports guns...

@freemo you seem good people! I must treat you with respect, now that I know they have weapons! 😂

@freemo @steakwipe i have shooted a NATO 7,62 CETME rifle in a fire range and I didn't like it! Too much noise, and fear of hit anithing else than the silhouette. It had a big recoil, and hurts when shooting, especially in automatic mode. I didn't hit no one at all. Two 20 cartouche cartadridge!
But the most fearing experience was when i comnanded a 81 mm mortar piece squad. There were pretty big granades and those make a very loud noise and vibration when firing them.

@freemo please! do not buy guns, they only serve for killing people!!!

My godness! Is it true? Hebreb state has occupied the entire territory!? What did legitimate them to do that? If this map is true, this is one of the worst examples of colonialism in the recent days. How can the UN permit that? Can the UN or anybody else make something about this issue? I know there are to different peoples but here one dominate the other, and this never was a good idea. They have to make an fair deal. For that to occur, the israelis have to yield a significant share of power to the palestinians. But it appears that there are a lot of fascist mode people ruling Israrelian state. Are they right fearing a Palestinian state? Why don't they form a fair mixed laic state? Is there a foreign opposition to reach to that deal? I think so, but they have to be brave and overcome that problem.

@design_RG yes, indeed! This monday i went to the valuable recicling deposit ( i do not know how do you call it) to throw away a very damaged microwave oven from the early 2000s when i realized that people throw a large number of valuable electronic items such as turnables, radios, tv screens and a lot of computer pheriperals... It made me think about how much we waste everything just for, sincerelly, i do not know why...
I am searchig for a turnable that it is not very damaged and i saw a technics brand one but had the deck a little bit deformated and the chasis was broken...

Today i found two Eizo Flexscan 19 inch monitors in the trash point close to my work place. They semmed in god condition execpt for being watered by one cleaning machine this morning just before i have seen them. I decided to give them a chance and i took the two inside my office. I whased and dry them off thoroughly before i connected them to the PC and that was my satidfaction because the two monitors were in working condition except for one of them that was wet inside the led panel because of the watering and had a kind of shadow over the screen image. Does anyone know how can i get rid of this shadow? Perhaps i should heat it up to evaporate the wetness inside the panel?

@freemo i had a Casio that represented the Halley comet transit by our solar systen and planets orbit by the sun, but i lost it. First it got damage and i let it in a box in my parents home but i lost this box...
Cosmophase was its model name. I wonder how it would represent right now the solar system and Halley's position...

@2ck juice of life! This is what we drank!😂

15 to 20 mins. It depends on the thicknes of the chuncks and your preferences regarding the hardness of the squid.

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