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@Eris you did not address anything particular from the my reply, but sure keep asserting your truth and pray for it to magically manifests itself

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
> you did not address anything particular from the my reply,
Yes because my problem is with the premise of your question, that there is a pandemic.

@Eris there is no such premise in my question. there is such premise in the OP, that is not my premise, and m argument does not rest on it

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius I'm really confused. Do you just personally dislike the OP then? In my understanding it seemed like they said "vaccinated people are crazy and bloodthirsty against unvaccinated" and you responded "unvaccinated people are malicious and deserve it." Yet now you're saying there is no pandemic. If there is no pandemic then why would vaccination status matter? If you can't die from COVID then why be vaccinated against it? Your argument as I perceive it makes no sense unless you are just a pedantic fucktard or a pharma CEO.

Please clarify your argument. Is my perception of it wrong, yes or no? If I'm wrong, then what is your argument?

@AR-15 ever tried looking past dichotomy? He said he barely overheard some people saying "dunno what" about unvaxinated, and that he is freaking terrified of that. I told him to not be a pussy and next time go talk to them and figure out what they were about, instead of running home and posting paranoid crap over that particular incident. I don't care about overarching narrative of pro or anti pandemic BS you have going on here, and can't look past.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius holy shit LOL, do you even understand how fucking insane it is to instruct someone to go up to people and ask them what they mean when you just spent 5 hours giving non answers to that same question? You're way worse than I thought. Legitimately evil.
@namark @Eris @bonifartius holy fucking shit "just go ask them if they were talking about genociding you! Don't just assume they were! You have to ask them and take their answer at face value!"

>hey man are you talking about the pandemic?

"We're not arguing! :) you're just dumb!"

>what the fuck? Are you talking about the pandemic?

>>>>5 hours later

"No lol! I'm talking about genocide."

@AR-15 It's not my fault that you don't know how to talk to people. No judgement for you disability, only for your cowardice.

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius Okay then, go ask official Chinese propaganda channels whether the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened. You know how to Talk To People, so I'm sure you can expect a totally honest answer. Ask a girlfriend who is cheating on you whether she is actually cheating on you. Your great Talking To People skills will surely get her to answer truthfully!

@AR-15 Again can't read what I write. Where did you write go ask them directly what you are freaking paranoid about. I simple said go talk to them, pretend to be e terrible fascist vaxer if that's what it takes, but I understand if that too much for your sensitivities, not bonafartius though, I will talk to him if he replies

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>pretend to be e terrible fascist vaxer if that's what it takes, but I understand if that too much for your sensitivities, not bonafartius though, I will talk to him if he replies
Why go through an elaborate plot to learn something obvious?

@Eris it's not an elaborate plot it's called a smalltalk. You can't do it I understand, you are too afraid, not to worry.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
Being deceptive in order to gain information is an elaborate plot. "Small talk" is a psychopathic learned behavior.
@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
I am literally a deacon and I am literally trying to convert you.
Repeating that back to me and adding a sarcastic tone is not insightful.

@Eris you may assign any tone you want to my writing, I don't mind

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
I try to assign the one you intend. I do not think I have made any errors.
@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

Are you going to seriously claim that you were *unironically* saying "Yes pastor, I convert?"
I don't know why you tell these extremely goofy lies.

@Eris You seemed to have a problem with the tone and not intent, so I wanted to help you. If it is intent that you are after than I'm afraid that there is nothing for you but faith in this matter.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @Eris @bonifartius I thought you were the one who knew how to talk to people? Surely you understand the relationship between tone and intent. They're not independent.
@namark @Eris @bonifartius You explicitly did when you said Eris and I don't know how to talk to people and we are mentally disabled as a result.

@AR-15 ah I see, you didn't notice I'm snarky, understandable

@Eris @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
That seems pretty psychopathic to me. You enjoy intentionally irritating others for no reason but your own pleasure?

@Eris It's a writing style, I don't care if anyone reads it, other than for them to meet me with the their own style, and have a little bit of an argument in between.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

1. Why would you write something if you don't care if anyone reads it? What is even the point?
2. I am reading what you write, there is no if about it. Act accordingly. Write for your audience of one. This is how conversations work. There are two people.

@Eris I said what precicely I care about when writing, learn to read, lean english yada yayda

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>I said what precicely I care about when writing, learn to read, lean english yada yayda
Only concerned with what you care about, not what we care about.

@Eris yes I care about what I care about, and that's what I tell when you ask me what I care about

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius Seems pretty psychopathic. Are you aware that other people are also people, like you are?

@Eris in fact you are so much like me you instantly fell in love

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>in fact you are so much like me you instantly fell in love
I don't know what this post is meant to communicate other than "I want to type something snarky to show I do not respect you or this conversation"
I can see no leftover meaning when I remove the snark.

@Eris the leftover meaning is that we wouldn't be talking so long if there was not something in common.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>we wouldn't be talking so long if there was not something in common.
That's a dumb thing to think, and I would rather you expressed it plainly so I could tell you you are dumb plainly.

@Eris I don't care how you want me to write, I write how I write here.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

Writing is communication. You are implicitly doing it for someone else, not for yourself.

@Eris with style, it doesn't have to be boring

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius I do not find you constantly implying passive aggressively that i am dumb to be amusing. That does not amuse me. It is not a style that is beneficial. It is objectively negative.

@Eris You don't have to read what I write, you are not the only one here, I will not die of loneliness my love, don't worry

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
> You don't have to read what I write,
I join threads because I want to. I don't know what weird motivation you have, but I was expecting you to have the same one. You can leave any time you want, but I want to engage with you. I don't know why you have to use sarcasm to imply that desire is bad.

@Eris the snark that hurts your loving hurt so much, that you can't understand anything else I'm saying

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@Eris alright, accepting the premise again, then it is the suffering of pointless conversation
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius I do not believe this conversation is pointless. Why do you project your own beliefs onto me, when I explicitly tell you I don't share them many many times in many different ways?

@Eris You said I never expressed anything meaningful, that would make the entire conversation up to this point meaningless.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

"Up to this point" being the key words.
It is entirely within your control. You choose to make the conversation pointless, continually, by being snarky and refusing to engage or clarify what you think in anything resembling a good faith discussion.
At any point in time you could choose to do otherwise. At all points in time, I expect you to.
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