New Python Shiny app for my image analysis course deployed!
This will accompany the lecture on edge detection methods.
Source code is here, feel free to reuse!
Hello everyone! Here's my #introduction! I am a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, mostly teaching biomedical #ImageAnalysis and #DataScience ( #machinelearning #statistics and all that jazz) using #rstats and #python. My research interests revolve around #neuroendocrinology that is, understanding how your brain controls the production of hormones in your body. I am particularly interested in the role of #heterogeneity of cells in the #pituitary gland and how that contributes to generating the right pattern of hormones at the right time!
Senior lecturer at the Zhejiang-Edinburgh Joint Institute (ZJE) and Edinburgh University.
Undergraduate Programme Director, Biomedical Informatics at ZJE.
I teach #imageanalysis & #dataanalysis with #RStats & #python. I study #heterogeneity in #pituitary (and other) cells.
I'm also very interested in #reproducibility and #openscience.