Are you interested in cell #heterogeneity ? Would you like to work on understanding how single, heterogeneous cells work together to generate coordinated population responses using a mix of bioinformatics, wet-lab experiments and mathematical modelling?
Then come and do a PhD with us in sunny* Edinburgh!
This PhD programme will also enable you to develop your #teaching skills by participating in teaching activities at our joint institute in Haining, China to eventually work towards a fellowship from the Higher Education Academy!
Any questions just drop me a message and I'll be happy to clarify any doubts!
*well, today at least
Hello everyone! Here's my #introduction! I am a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, mostly teaching biomedical #ImageAnalysis and #DataScience ( #machinelearning #statistics and all that jazz) using #rstats and #python. My research interests revolve around #neuroendocrinology that is, understanding how your brain controls the production of hormones in your body. I am particularly interested in the role of #heterogeneity of cells in the #pituitary gland and how that contributes to generating the right pattern of hormones at the right time!
Senior lecturer at the Zhejiang-Edinburgh Joint Institute (ZJE) and Edinburgh University.
Undergraduate Programme Coordinator, Biomedical Informatics at ZJE.
I teach #imageanalysis & #dataanalysis with #RStats & #python. I study #heterogeneity in #pituitary (and other) cells.
I'm also very interested in #reproducibility and #openscience.