@JamesGleick I immediately thought of this because I'm old and watched too much tv as a kid.
@avengoyle @w7voa Yes pretty partisan understates it by a mile, and the quote's not found in the article, if you can even call it that. A case of inadvertently pasting the wrong link?
@w7voa That's a mighty trumpy-lookin' news site you're a-linkin' to there, hombre.
I'm sure a Ukrainian black ops team would be happy to whack him if asked nicely.
Let's find out, shall we?
How much good journalism could the New York Times and other media outlets do if they stopped spending vast amounts of money and journalistic resources on polls?
@BashStKid Nope, but judging by the typeface I suspect it's a techno-antiquarian with a fully functional 1984 Macintosh
@tinkel @bruces
Exodus 21 is pretty breathtaking. It's all about the keeping of slaves, including Hebrew slaves. Including selling your daughter into sexual servitude, legitimizing beating slaves (almost) to death. Just an absolutely contemptible document.
It's one of the more useful and succinct answers to the "if you don't believe in God, where do you get your morals?" question: "God never called for an end to slavery. We did. God was just fine with it"
@qurlyjoe Nice idea but most restaurants don't have much of a margin to play with.
@w7voa He can't tell an air conditioner from a ballot box ... but he's going to terraform Mars. Okay.
I've noticed recently that the crows on our street not only recognize individual people, but also cats. They always raise a loud ruckus when a certain grey cat is on the prowl, but they're completely relaxed about Stanley, a friendly older neighborhood cat who has no hunting instinct.
@ct_bergstrom More broadly, environmental deregulation. It'd be an understatement to suggest it'd only be shit in the water supply.
Thought experiment: let's say they get their way. What will they go after next? My guess: sanitation. Shit-free drinking water will be next on the chopping block.
Think I'm exaggerating? It just happened in the UK. Literally the first visible effect of Brexit was human excrement in their rivers and foreshores.
@gregeganSF Well shoot, *that's* what I've been doing wrong.
Software Engineer, mostly in the Pacific Northwest of late
Medical Informatics - Carrier-Grade Network Video Distribution - Real Time Clinical Telemetry
Formerly: Motorola, Tektronix, Intel, HP, Qualcomm, Nintendo; others you're less likely to have heard of.
Will code for pie. 🥧