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Patrick boosted

In case anyone was wondering what is... Well aside from being the name of our instance it stands for "Question Others, Teach Others" and is pronounced like "goto", it is an intentional play on words "goto QOTO" sounds like "goto goto".

Patrick boosted

"bisexuals are just confused" statement partially true. but i'm not confused about my sexuality i just don't understand algebra

Patrick boosted

people over 30 like to make fun of me for not knowing what things like a "landline telephone" or a "functioning democracy" are

Patrick boosted
Patrick boosted

PSA: you should install uBlock Origin on all your browsers if you haven't, to accelerate the collapse of the adtech surveillance economy. The Power Is Yours ™

Patrick boosted
Patrick boosted

coming out of my shell 🎶
and I’ve been doing just fine 🎶
gotta gotta be down because I want it all 🎶

Patrick boosted

i use "we" in code comments a lot and i can't tell if it's a "royal we" or if i'm specifically referring to both myself and the software as two individuals

Patrick boosted

Friendly reminder: In a world where so many people are cruel for the sake of it, the most punk thing you can do is to be kind without expecting anything in return.

Patrick boosted
Patrick boosted
Anomalocaris ("abnormal shrimp") is an extinct genus of anomalocaridid, a family of animals thought to be closely related to ancestral arthropods For the time in which it lived (cambrian period), Anomalocaris was gigantic, up to 1 metre (3.3 feet) long.
Patrick boosted

@HN @freemo great piece @wilw takes a lot to be this honest and open (for me anyway).

Patrick boosted

MRW this no-nonsense lady doesn't get boosted for toots both far and wide! :toot:

Patrick boosted

youre feeling kind of sad. suddenly bob ross appears next to you. thats impossible, bob ross passed away years ago. but he's standing right there. how are you here bob? he winks.

“In nature, dead trees are just as normal as live trees.”

it's so hard to be alive sometimes bob. he nods.

"You need the dark in order to show the light.”

thanks bob. i love you. he smiles.

“Never forget to tell these special people in your life just how special they are to you.”

Patrick boosted

This approach worked well for IRC and seens to work now. These "mimimimi it will never work because peopke are mean mimimi"- argument the author used is weak.

Patrick boosted

Fediverse as of 2018-08-24.

7 788 instances with 1 303 382 connections.

Let's look at the different clusters. They aren't clearly separated, but still visible.

Patrick boosted

Hi @Gargron! Alana here sits with us every night to dinner. She’s such a good girl, and she could use a boost. #Mastocats #Cats

Patrick boosted

A Follow Friday from the QOTO instance.

People on qoto worth following:

@Surasanji - Postin' and , along with equally random thoughts, memes, and whatever!

@pkok - Native Amsterdam lecturer AND student in AI/Robotics, starting the new academic year. Also screwing up in the kitchen.

@commandelicious -
Posts Fun facts, history and catsI post Fun fact

@spinflip - A guy with interesting hobbies

@arteteco - Enviromentally minded, great DIY projects

@absolutus - A fellow moderator and good friend. Nice guy.

@Demo318 - Interesting ideas, and good conversation. Looking forward to potential polite debates!

PS if anyone on my server didnt make the list this Follow Friday then you probably didn't opt-in. Message me for details.

Patrick boosted

@pkok yeah, there's obviously a huge amount of national and commercial stuff that you can't access (or have to pay for: the best publicly available commercial imagery nowadays is almost certainly better than what the US had access to for most of the Cold War). That said, the free offerings are really cool. Landsat is low-res optical imagery that's been running forever (you could independently go measure the last 30 years of land clearing in the Amazon), and the Sentinel program covers a huge range of data: optical, radar, IR bands for temperature measurement, spectroscopy for atmospheric gas quantification… the data are all available online from the ESA for anyone interested to go wild with

FYI: I think thin pancakes, baked with slices of bacon and loads of apple butter.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.