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rastinza boosted

Il premio IGnobel 2022 per l'economia è andato a un gruppo di Italiani per aver provato che il successo premia i fortunati e non i talentuosi, dopo aver già vinto un IGnobel provando che le organizzazioni sarebbero più efficienti promuovendo gente a caso.

rastinza boosted

@rastinza Have you seen Iris AI? They claim to do exactly that.

I have no affiliation with them, but they appear to do what you are asking.

rastinza boosted

developers, please stop this inconclusive image generation thing and give me a software that takes a paper and provides a short summary of its contents according to what I'm interested in.

rastinza boosted

Qui mi doxo da solo, però se aprite il corriere di oggi c'è su una mia lettera.
Che non perveniva l'iscrizione all'AIRE e quindi non potevo votare.
Scritto al comune, al consolato e così via e niente.
Stamattina alle 8 mi chiamano dal consolato "abbiamo letto il corriere, eh ma poteva anche dircelo dei problemi, non fa nulla compili questo modulo che le inviamo tutto subito"

La gente mi insulta perché mi sono rotto le palle di essere schiavo dei sondaggi e non voglio votare PD.
Se deve vincere la destra che vinca pure, ma io voterò il partito che preferisco.

rastinza boosted

Please think of #accessibility
Use a centred dot to indicate screenreaders where to split a long word, f.i. Sesqui•pedalo•phobie 😉
Follow the bot @PleaseCaption
It will follow you and remind you in each case automatically (a few seconds later) with this PM:
"Please remember to caption your media. It makes Mastodon more accessible!
Not too late to delete and re-draft."
That seems to be the only way to add captions to your media afterwards.
#captionthat #captionYourVideosPlease #captions

rastinza boosted

Il Magdeburgo non segna da cinque partite, i tifosi indicano la porta con frecce di carta. Geni.

rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted

Dimissioni! Dimissioni! Dimissioni!
Dopo anni di slogan effimeri ho deciso di passare all'azione diretta: ho dato le dimissioni.

rastinza boosted

From computational chemistry to building the designed molecules in the lab - very impressive work @Lundbeck to treat #ParkinsonsDisease


rastinza boosted


Articolo 1
Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti.

Articolo 2

Nessuna distinzione sarà stabilita sulla base dello statuto politico, giuridico o internazionale del paese o del territorio cui una persona appartiene.

Correction: where I wrote I meant

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I've been thinking a bit more about this issue with .

I think that the advantages of mastodon over other commercial social networks is overstated by its users.
There is a shared consensus that mastodon solves most of the problems of other social networks, mainly because it does not rely on a personalized algorithm that shows you different posts based on your preferences.

Since there is no central advertising system this prevents the rise of targeted advertisements and discourages profiling and tracking of users by removing the economical incentives that come with that.
Not having a suggestion algorithm that has the objective of keeping you connected as much as possible also reduces the circulation of divisive and overstated contents.

This doesn't prevent other issues that come with social networks however; mainly the spread of fake news.
The prevention of the spread of fake news on mastodon is delegated to the instance administrators and to the single users.
The users are expected to check what they read and not to share fake news; this clearly fails as demonstrated by other social networks.
Users are also expected to check what other users post and call them out when they realize that's fake news, this works to an extent at this moment, but I don't see it working on a larger scale.

Instance administrators are responsible of checking all things that happens on their server and all the stuff that comes in from the federation.
This might be possible on very small instances, but I see a trend of large instances forming and increasing in size.
In this instances you'll have the administrator and a few moderators volunteering to check what's going on.
Such few people definitely cannot keep track of everything going on and this will get worse if this gets larger.
If all facebook users were to move to mastodon, I imagine the majority of them would be split among the main 20 instances or so.

Moreover, at that scale you would get people interested in manipulating what information is available and what information is not.
This is very easy on mastodon; if someone wanted to do something like this he simply would have to open an instance and manipulate the content circulating around.
Since most servers are opened by volunteers with little funding, a company or a government could easily open a large instance and outcompete the others by having more servers that can handle more people and employees checking what content is circulating.
These instances could easily manipulate people and instill ideas through radicalization, which as I explained above is easily accomplished.

I think this is the main problem with mastodon and I prefer commercial social networks over it at a large scale.
This is because commercial social networks do have the economical power of checking what's going on and can be enforced to do so by governments.
Regarding the tracking of users, this is not a problem that can be solved in commercial social networks, however it is something that should be regulated by governments and its negative sides are opinable.

I think mastodon is currently a decent social network with nice people using it.
It would be nice if it stayed like that.
Mastodon users are increasing however and the objective appears to be to increase the userbase.

I prefer commercial social networks over mastodon.
I do not use commercial social networks, but I don't expect people to stop using social networks.

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rastinza boosted

(Hidden for doodle of an eye, it's abstract and filled with patterns)

Should have this finished during the next loadshedding XD (If our power never goes out again, I'll never finish it ;p) #MastoArt

I think the splitting of mastodon into federated communities is a bad idea.
I think this because the communities are isolated and this naturally generates division and clashes among different groups of people.
While I don't currently see huge problems, I can see this getting worse as more people join the social network.

I'll take the Italian community as an example, since that's what I know best.
Italian mastodon is split into several different communities, the largest are generalist.
If I'm not mistaken, the largest three are:
The first one proclaims to be the official mastodon instance for Italy and many people from the other instances disagree with this.
I'll analyse this particular conflict, which appears to currently be the largest one in the Italian community.

I'll refer to as the main instance and others/outsiders for all the other Italian instances.
Not all Italian instances are involved in this debate, but most of them are; there is maybe that stands a bit more neutral.

Other instances look down on the administrator of and often criticise some of his actions.
The admin of the main instance condems the other instances for being anarchists/rebellious, it is true that some of these instances host some anarchists but that definitely is not the scope of those instances.
The admin of the main instance sometimes responds by blocking/silencing people at an instance level.
Going forward, this hate towards the admin migrates towards the users of the main instance.
Thus you will get people from the other instances discussing with each other about how bad the users of the main instance are and often insulting them.
More often than not these are just generic insults directed towards nobody in particular.
However, since most of the people engaging in these behaviours are being blocked by the main instance, most of the people that are being insulted are ignare about it.

You thus get a system in which according to the instance you choose you'll be induced into hating certain people or you'll receive insults solely for your instance choice.
It becomes normal to make jokes about users, for no particular reason and new people joining get used to it.
Now, this is just a petty fight about the ideology behind instance administration and the discussion is mainly about some bold claims and practices done by the administrator of
However, this system could get much worse when instances with different ideologies get to clash with each other.
At that point you'll get real radicalisation of people.

I don't think there's a solution to this.
Defederating an instance might work only when it is getting started; defederating gab has no real effect since it already has enough people to self sustain.
Deciding to defederate a small instance is however hard and won't probably work, since people will be skeptical about closing their doors to someone who is just starting out.

All in all, I think the system is flawed and that no solution is available to avoid these problems from arising once many users join.
I offer no solution.

Confesso di essere uno scroccatore di sigarette abbastanza capace.
Non compro mai tabacco ma fumo parecchio.
In una giornata normale fumo tra le 5 e le 10 sigarette, se esco in serata arrivo anche a 20.

Prediligo fumare sigarette rollate, tanto che spesso evito di fumare piuttosto che chiedere una sigaretta industriale.
Stavo pensando di scrivere una guida

rastinza boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.