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rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted

This year was very hard for me in many aspects. I learned the importance of work-life balance and the value of rest. So if I don’t accept your speaker invitation or paper submissions or random foreign grant review (especially the latter!) well, such is life.

I want to focus on creative science in 2023, which is why I joined academia in the first place.

I will keep my quixotic crusade against bureacracy. Every zoom call avoided is a good outcome.

rastinza boosted

Using python quite a bit lately, this stuff is getting large and eventually I decided to bring some structure to it and design some classes to make it more manageable.
It's horrible, objects in python really suck; I feel this will eventually create more problems than it solves.

I'm seriously thinking about switching to Julia; do you know if that can be used to handle this kinds of things?
I doubt I wish to go the C++ way, I'm a single person and my main occupation is not software development.
Java could be I guess, but I'm afraid library support for the kind of stuff I'm doing could be quite poor...
I mean, frankly at this point even Fortran04 appears more appealing than python 😂

rastinza boosted
rastinza boosted

Cos'hanno in comune un agnostico Italiano ed un Cattolico Gambiano?
Molte cose, ma soprattutto che a Natale cucinano abbastanza da sfamare un paese ed ora dannazione abbiamo il frigo pieno di roba da far fuori...

Christmas linux tip:
Don't change your keyboard configuration and mouse configuration at the same time

The CERN made a very cool software and decided to call it root.
> You need root privileges to run root

Never thought about doing this, this makes git much simpler to use!

rastinza boosted

12 days left to apply to CACHE challenge #3. Applying should not take more than an hour.

Use your computational method to select/design 100 ligands for SARS-CoV-2 NSP3. We will buy them, test them experimentally and publicly release the data.

Many ligands are in the PDB for this challenge open to ligand-based and receptor-based methods.


Ragioniere, concordo con lei: bere acqua è altamente genotossico, molto meglio gustarsi un buon bicchiere di chianti!

Cara se carichi su youtube le tue trasmissioni, abbi la gentilezza di caricare l'intera trasmissione assieme dall'inizio alla fine; non divisa in 20 parti con un intervento per video.
È impossibile seguire una dannata discussione così dovendo aprire 20 video diversi prima di azzeccare l'ordine corretto!

Qualcuno ha esperienze di collaborazione con gli istituti italiani di Cultura?
Vorrei organizzare degli eventi a Santiago e non so se magari sarebbe possibile ricevere un supporto.

rastinza boosted

Academia is competitive especially when there is free food around 😂

@OpenAcademics @AcademicChatter

I wish to use a database to store my experimental results, since I plan to obtain A LOT of data points and the good old csv table doesn't appear as a good solution anymore.

How would I go about making the structure of the database? Do you have any advise for this kind of things?
I will often have to change procedures according to the results I get, thus I would need to be able to understand what was the procedure used for each results and easily see which ones are the most recent and up to date.

rastinza boosted

Stavolta crepo, mi salta il cuore in gola ad ogni singhiozzo. La prossima è:
Gustavino Bevilacqua che vi descrive con tanto di link a wikipedia come non trova le viti giuste in ferramenta per inchiodare il cristo ammodino.

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Maersk wishes to build a methanol production plant in Galicia, the production will be used to fuel some of their methanol powered vessels.
I didn't find the full plan, but it should already be active by 2025.
They wish to produce a huge amount of methanol: 2 milion tonnes.
The production method is however very strange: they wish to synthesize green hydrogen and then use that to produce methanol by the reduction of carbon dioxide, this is the standard production method, but it generally works out because hydrogen produced from carbon is quite cheap, on the other hand green hydrogen is quite more expensive.
Wouldn't it be better to produce methanol through biosynthesis?
Sure, you'd need a lot of feedstock but at least you wouldn't need to install several Eolic parks all over the place to generate the required electricity.
Moreover, in A Coruña a plant producing biomethanol through this technology already exists, and they produce a lot: almost 200 million liters per year, and that plant also PRODUCES electricity.
The main problem is that they use a first generation feedstock, which is quite despicable and that probably the methanol produced is not pure enough to be used in those ships.

Wouldn't it be better to expand the current production plant, maybe by innovating the process to use less important feedstocks and if required open a methanol refinery rather than: placing down a bunch of Eolic parks, build a plant to produce hydrogen and build another plant to produce methanol?
I don't know, surely they did their calculations, but without having a written plan one cannot do anything but wonder.

rastinza boosted

Alright, it was quite cool in the end.
I must congratulate with the presenters which are actually really good at managing the anxiety of people!

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