@MarkRubin @philosophyofscience @philosophy
#Science is a ***way*** of #Knowing of the scientific #system, much like #religion is the way of knowing of #belief systems. You may argue that philosophy is yet another *way of knowing* separate from science and religion.
Epistemology in particular deals with different ways (systems) of knowing, or the question of *how we know what we know*, while philosophy of science deals with just one (the scientific) way of knowing.
#Knowledge is ***not a stock*** that is accumulated, stored, and distributed by the system, but represents instead the #state of that system at any particular point in time.
Here is a simple depiction (model) of a generic ***dynamical system*** such as science with the ability to #learn and #grow, and #produce useful outputs:
Torno a casa, sono le 8 del mattino. Si comincia a lavorare alle 8 del mattino. Prendo lo zaino e vado al lavoro.
Per fortuna stacco alle 3, alla mensa universitaria e mi danno lasagne e piselli.
Vado al parco, affianco ad una bella ragazza, e mi addormento sullo zaino.
Un signore con la fisarmonica suona bella ciao, vado a dargli le poche monete che ho in tasca e ballo alcune canzoni.
Mentre mi riposo tra l'erba passano delle ragazze italiane che ho incrociato un paio di volte, più tardi le ho raggiunte in un bar e ci siamo conosciuti un po'.
Faccio un giro per il centro storico e tornando a casa incontro un tedesco in vacanza che ho conosciuto ieri notte. Ha fame e lo porto in un baretto a mangiarsi un panino; mi offre una birra e parlando di quanto guadagni in Germania e che bella vita faccia mi convince a restare nella mia condizione.
Tornando a casa incontro un'amica brasiliana, dice che vuole comprare un appartamento e mi porta a vedere la finestra; sta in centro e sembra ristrutturato, dice che me lo affitterebbe a 700€ al mese. Ha 4 camere da letto: il prezzo è ottimo.
La riaccompagno a casa e mi dirigo a casa, incontro una amica che suona la cornamusa, stiamo un poco assieme e la invito a cena giovedì prossimo.
Fortunatamente mancano 20 minuti prima che chiudano i supermercati, mi trovo la mia macellaia di fiducia e prendo dei pesci, jurel.
Al fine sono arrivato a casa, il pesce è in forno.
Tra poco andrò a letto. Almeno domattina potrò riposare al lavoro.
Ho di nuovo la febbre
Sotto le coperte
Leggo poesie
Da sotto la finestra
Sommesso sale un brusìo
Cristo che schifo la vita
Finally reading Hasok Chang's Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism. His historical accounts are a sobering antidote against simplistic, fairy tale accounts of how science works/should work, how scientific record needs to be corrected, and what it takes to make scientific progress. He says here "I argue that it would have been better for science if the phlogistonist system had been allowed to continue its work" because much knowledge was lost once the theory was discarded for good.
I believe this is a perfect depiction of lawful e il: https://www.blackrock.com/institutions/en-us/strategies/alternatives/real-assets/real-estate
@rastinza @chemistry there is so much interesting work going on in protein design and engineering. It's fascinating to watch!
Happy #PortfolioDay ✨ ❤️
I am Lana, freelance artist from Ukraine. Art nouveau and pinup illustration are my big passions. At the moment I mainly work with writers and tabletop game developers. Also I want to explore some personal projects (colouring pages and original pinup print series).
#todo Use LLMs as a review tool to see if you actually understood a topic.
Start writing about it and try to explain it to them, correct any error the incur into.
Wow: "The chemist admitted that since December, he has been using the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT to “polish” his texts. “These months have been quite productive, because there are articles that used to require two or three days and now I do them in one day,” he said. "
-- from Le Pais: https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-04-02/one-of-the-worlds-most-cited-scientists-rafael-luque-suspended-without-pay-for-13-years.html
Is it normal in chemistry to publish on average one paper every 37 hours?
Visto en tuiter: qué definición mas perfecta del capitalismo.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.