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@delroth How deep is the ice layer and how does it get replenished? (I wonder if it slides down and if it has holes.)

@whitequark As a survival strategy, or as a nice-to-have ~optimization?

@rogatywieszcz używam nixosa, więc mam małe repozytorium git z definicją ~wszystkich customizacji

@rygorous But also, this is a good approach when one needs to look at combinations of mostly-independent improvements.


I once got annoyed by people inventing units and used Bq instead of qps at work. :)


Do you know of I feel that the wiki article fails to describe a variant where the choice depends mostly on cost/level of incovenience caused by not relying on animals. That is an approach that I mostly have, my threshold of inconvenience above which I ignore is pretty low, and yet I eat mostly vegan due to the power of defaults.

The reason I mention this is that I imagine a person with a similar approach to mine, but slightly better organized and with a slightly higher threshold would eat basically only vegan food[1], but their approach to abortion would be basically unaffected.

[1] I specifically mention only food, because the levels of inconvenience caused by e.g. having to find an alternative to leather hiking boots or woolen shirts are very person-dependent.

@lcamtuf @sophieschmieg

Yeah, and Am-241 which is often used there decays into Np-237, which (a) has orders of magnitude larger halflife (b) also alpha-decays.

@sophieschmieg @lcamtuf

Was that related in any way to ionization smoke detectors?

@recursive @sophieschmieg

The smallest tick on the scale seems to correspond to 100uSv/h (also the units are weird, this should be scaled in something like kerma in air and not does, but I assume this is scaled in dose that water/tissue would absorb), so clearly unhealthy environment to stay in, but you might be able to see some intermittent not-too-unhealthy sources with that (e.g. xray machines have exposure times below a second and give total does of a fraction of uSv, so that gives dose rate of fractions of mSv/h).


Kanalizacja zbiorcza jest gorsza, ale nie uniemożliwia rozsądnego jej oczyszczania. Od ~lat 70tych w Szwajcarii większość(?) rzek i jezior jest wystarczająco czysta, żeby w nich pływać. Nadal w niektórych miejscach (nie udało mi się w 10 minut znaleźć oszacowania w jak wielu) jest kanalizacja zbiorcza. W celu radzenia sobie z ulewami chyba częściej są budowane zbiorniki buforowe przed oczyszczalniami niż osobna kanalizacja burzowa (nie mam dobrych źródeł statystycznych, tylko anekdotycznie widziałem dużo artykułów o budowie takich zbiorników i chyba żadnych o budowie osobnej kanalizacji burzowej).


I'm afraid that causing a _subset_ of software engineers to take that to heart is a recipe for getting those people to leave software engineering :/. I don't see a way of getting into a sustainable state of that kind that doesn't change things in some localized places (single companies, some cities, ...) first, so that one can rely on others having the same attitude there.


Do you mean experience with community or experience with community in an adversarial environment? If former, I would appreciate if you elaborated: my model is that most(?) people have experience with community, albeit often in a kind of "easy mode" (where e.g. tradeoffs between doing things that are beneficial now vs. ones that are beneficial if they became the norm forever are nonexistent or can be ignored).

@freakazoid @sidereal

You might wish to know that Switzerland limits the total area of living-spaces-that-are-not-primary-residences to 20% of living space in every ~county, sadly with some exceptions that might allow more short-term rentals, but only if rent-controlled in some way. (Ref.:

amatorskie pytanie dotyczące miejsca na dysku twardym 


W sensie wolnego miejsca jest mniej niż rozmiar partycji, czy rozmiar partycji jest mniejszy niż rozmiar dysku?

Jeśli pierwsze, to `dumpe2fs -h /dev/partycja` powinien powiedzieć ci, ile jest tam bloków/wolnych bloków/...

Jeśli drugie, to `fdisk -l /dev/dysk` powinien ci powiedzieć, ile która partycja zajmuje i ile jest miejsca niezaalokowanego.

BTW. Czy przypadkiem nie padłeś ofiarą różnicy między GiB a GB?


> The implementation of USB-PD (fast charging) has solved the issue of differing rail power standards across Europe.

At the cost of allowing only one train per catenary segment. :)

@grzgrz Narciarskie bywają wygodniejsze do tego celu.

robryk boosted

Serious question to people born on 1970-01-01: Did you ever encounter weird IT related issues due to your dob?

Sharing encouraged, because I'm genuinely curious

@abuseofnotation @johncarlosbaez

I think you'll want to learn about channels, channel capacity, and noisy coding theorem (, I learned it from In short data storage is the same as data transmission (except you transmit it over time). So, the storage process is something that accepts an input and for each possible input value produces some distribution over output values. That's a noisy channel, and one can talk about mutual information[1] between its input and output.

But, you can also think of "storage bits" that have a probability distribution: you can think of ones that _have to_ have something from that distribution assigned to them (so if you want to store something from another distribution in them, you need to map it to this distribution). In that setup:
a) my counterexample from previous reply shows that you aren't necessarily able to store less entropyful variable in more entropyful storage,
b) _if you take the limit of having many independent copies of some storage setup_, the equipartition principle[2] implies that you actually can.

[1] "How much the entropy of the input is reduced on average when we learn what the output is"

[2] Roughly: in the limit of long sequences of i.i.d. variables, then in their joint distribution nearly all of the probability weight comes from outcomes of nearly the same size. It's a basis of many information theory results (including some very counterintuitive ones), but sadly it's hard to weaken the independence requirement.

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