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robbie boosted

Never thought Elon Musk would do so much for the adoption of a decentralised infrastructure…

Please Elon, can you buy Elsevier ?

robbie boosted

Analyzing graphite on #raman to estimate metamorphic temperatures in subducted sediments. Here's an example of graphite (black) in muscovite (clear) from one of the standards. #ThinSectionThursday

robbie boosted

I think I'm getting the feeling that people are beginning to get it. This place was built on the premise that it listens to people that were not listened to on the other site, so they went and built what they needed. Now that everyone has had to come here you're seeing what we needed but was ignored. This is just a site. Think of what the outside world could be like if you listened to us there too. There's a lesson in all of this #Trans #MastoDaoine

robbie boosted

Hi folks! In case you weren't already following me on The Bird App, I'm Jessica Ball, a physical #volcanologist who specializes in volcanic stability, volcanic #hazard modeling, assessment, and communication. I work for a US #volcano observatory and #scicomm is actually part of my job! I also dabble in #usability, #Python & #datavis.

In my free time, I mushroom hunt, knit, and occasionally do cosplay that involves knitting.

robbie boosted

Hi! You may know me as @Geolizzy from Twitter. I’m an ore deposit geologist and I like to talk about geology, mining, random science stuff, and occasionally my nerdy hobbies.

Biomanufacturing and Science Research 

I spent a very valuable hour tonight talking on the phone with a good friend in . Her research is in process development for fancy stuff. Her work is all very much "If we figure this out it will massively change the lives of millions of people someday! Unless it doesn't work and my research ends up as a footnote..."

BUT WAIT...most good is built on footnotes! Footnotes are actually the bones of the researchers who found out their ideas didn't work. They did it right, but they were wrong. Most science is TOTALLY the future. Right up until the moment it's NOT...

It's important to remember that none of the people in footnotes were failures.

Long ago I did frontier research and I know the rewards of that life. I also know the feeling of seeing data from the international community CRUSH YOU because your paradigm was proven false. That's life in science. No one figures anything out alone.

In contrast to my friend, my work is as a analyst in . My job is to make sure we make the known science work. We make it work EVERY TIME.

I'm results-focused because the comparatively mundane I help produce go in patients every day. Therapeutic like the ones that combat are a massive benefit to society. I didn't develop any of these therapies but I make sure no one dies because of a mistake at the factory.

So I don't push any boundaries as a scientist. I very much make sure to NEVER push boundaries. NEVER EVER. Pushing boundaries is a problem. I'm here to execute.

So all I can leave you with is this: Is science a series of questions, or a series of answers?

What do we really need more? I've always struggled with this. I still don't know.

If you're honest and remember reading Kuhn, you know science has never proven anything. But wow we've had some results.

Go out.
Never settle.
Demand results.

robbie boosted

For all it's advantages and faults, #Mastodon was not built to be a *new* Twitter. It was built to be *not* Twitter.

That distinction is important.

robbie boosted

I am going to try to find time this weekend to add in several new features to QOTO, fix a few small bugs, and if we aare REALLY lucky and things go well I might release a new version of QOTO this weekend (no promises though my life is CRAZY right now, hard to predict).

robbie boosted

I love the graphic on the cover of this 1977 Bulletin from the Oregon Dept. of #Geology on North American #Ophiolites.

robbie boosted

Free advice for people who aren't paid to watch cable news: Turn it off, log out, read a book or something, see where things are when you wake up in the morning. You aren't learning anything useful right now.

robbie boosted

This looks like it might turn into the first big drama of this #TwitterMigration (academic server) is defederating from (journalist server) because of the history of some of the journalists on the latter.

If others follow suit, there might be a lot of confused journalists out there soon.

robbie boosted

I came to mastodon a few days ago with the and just migrated my account over today to from my first server so here's a quick

High school teacher, ex-geologist,


robbie boosted

Time for an #introduction!

I’m Hugo, a structural geologist / metamorphic petrologist from the Netherlands. My interests lie in how rocks respond to a change in conditions and stresses: chemical reactions, deformation, dissolution, fluid processes and more.

Currently I’m a postdoc at the Njord Centre, University of Oslo, measuring residual stresses in lower crustal fault zones.

Follow me for the occasional #rock picture, #microscopy, or research update!

#Geology #ScienceMastodon #STEM

robbie boosted

Congrats to @MattGertz who will hopefully never be mis-tagged for a certain congressman on this platform

robbie boosted

Hello . Is there a community on Mastodon yet?
I'd love to connect! I'm a newly minted with an interest in cyanobacterial .
Currently looking for a in Europe

robbie boosted

Mastodon habits I'm trying to lock in, rather than revert to my Twitter habits:

1) use CWs liberally
2) when threading, set first post to "public" and the rest to "not listed"
3) don't forget the description text when posting images (had to work on that in Twitter too)
4) throw in hashtags like it was Tumblr or Instagram when you want to reach beyond your followers
5) pin and visit hashtags to find more people
6) boost a lot

I had calculated that mastodon was a party but then i saw @keepitrheol was here SO NOW I KNOW IT'S A [rheological] PARTY

I see people doing an so I should also do a hashtag barrage...

First Life: , , , , .

Second life: Trophy Husband.

Third Life: , control, cGMP, stability,


I hope I did those hashtags right or I'm gonna look like an

analytical scientist here to detweet and grow. social xchng should make us all smarter, right?

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.