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🆕 blog! “The complexity is the attraction - reflections on trying to use crypto”

A few weeks ago, someone wanted to send me some crypto. After spending months studying for a Blockchain exam, I usually avoid such things. But, hey, $20 is $20. So I signed up for a wallet, installed an extension, verified my credentials, saved a seed phrase…

👀 Read more:

#bitcoin #blockchain #crypto

I fell down a rabbit hole this evening reading old blog posts about The Forge, Ron Edwards, and GNS/Big Model #TTRPG theory.

Reasons why Matrix can be better for diversity than closed platforms:

* Wide variety of implementations
* Public accountability
* Low cost

Our openness makes us stronger!

#matrix #diversity #opensource

@phrichards @fastmail is my recommendation for privacy/security (they support PGP). Apart from that, not too expensive, and you can bring your own domain.

Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison this morning, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK for Australia.
After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.
~ Wikileaks

@tchambers hey, just like I'm grateful that my email provider doesn't arbitrarily block Gmail, outlook, etc. Or my telephone provider doesn't arbitrarily block Germany or something. Federation should be encouraged as the norm.

Just a note saying how my #Fediverse experience has been made immeasurably richer for being able to take in and engage with carefully curated #Threads users, #BlueSky bridged users, #WordPress ActivityPub enabled blogs, Federated #Podcast episodes, #PixelFed photos, and Peertube videos. All from one Mastodon account. This works.

And I'm grateful for the moderation tools to mute, block and curate all of this, and the Mastodon lists to make them all digestable and not just info overload.

@FediThing I absolutely agree that each server admin needs to take actions too to moderate not just leave it to individuals. And I think it fine that some communities choose to block threads.

Thus far at Indieweb social 871 of our users follow over 3,600+ threads users, have seen over 153K posts and we have had ZERO tickets issued for any threads user. Could this change as Threads fully federates? Sure. But so far so good.

They say everyone's a critic.

If you are everyone, here's a rough draft of an RPG oneshot, in need of a critic.

It's all fantasy, and slightly horror.


To all TRPG developers, Fabula Ultima released their third party license today in a surprise drop. It was shockingly nice to developers: you can copy rules text, unrevokable, you own your work, no fees, commercial.

#trpg #ttrpg #thirdparty #developer #tabletop #tabletoprpg #roleplayinggame #fabulaultima

@AmericanScream that makes no sense. If you have a public street address people could also send you "dark money" by dropping a wad of cash in your (physical) letterbox.

Authenticated Media, progress on native sliding sync, and Neko on Flathub. That, and more happened this week in Matrix!

I just went on a follow-fest for women with a PhD, but realized I'm already mutuals with almost everyone who shows up in the limited search results 😋

If you're a Dr. Gal or other female science communicator type, pop into the thread, say hi!

I'd love to learn about what you do 💜
(and I'm sure lots of others would too)

#WomenInStem #FollowFriday (on Tuesday) #WomenInMedicine #Dr #PhD

@foolishowl have a look at GNS theory, developed on the Forge for a way to classify games, although it may lack some of the more recent (like Microscope).

The (Australia) and picnic is on in New Farm Park this weekend. This year looks like it will be massive, with around 1000 people registered.

Also, shout-out to @letsencrypt for dramatically changing the security landscape of the Web for the better over the years.

Rarely is there an example of a project so effective and so directly improving everyone's lives, while at the same time keeping the original engineering mindset and just Doing Stuff Right™ humbly in the background.

Next November it will have been exactly a decade since LE started. We all owe them a huge 10th birthday party.

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@filby depends on what you classify as horror. Savage World's has a fair amount of horror elements in Deadlands and some other settings like Rippers. The other top one that comes to mind is Dread. There are also system variants like Trail of Cthulhu.

hashtag #QOTO + mini-list of current on-going QOTO problems or politics... 

The main thing I would like to see for is to bring the version up to date (even if it means losing some of the custom features; I don't know how much they are actually used).

> more accepting than I of Threads bridges

I've actually had trouble trying to add accounts (that work from another Mastodon server). I don't know if it is a general issue or just me.

IMHO I don't see why people would want to block Threads, as many servers do -- to me that is kind of like if my email provided suddenly decided to block Gmail accounts. I think that would be very silly and I'd probably want to leave that email provider. Sure there might be a lot of junk, spam, scammers, etc from Gmail; plus their platform is funded by advertising; but I will just block/ignore that myself (and their platform advertising is completely irrelevant) -- but I do want to be able to send/receive emails from the people I choose.

RPG tip from the archive: If players stall in a scene, lay out the decisions and give each one a chance to choose.

#dnd #ttrpg

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.