@freemo oh.. my bad. I did a quick google search and found Python is quite different from JVM. On JVM, a thread is always a kernel thread. On Python, it might or might not be (StackOverflow told me this). So when I initially thought about GIL, I thought it would be act like a monitor lock on JVM, which cause a kernel thread to suspend and have a relatively huge penalty.
And after another goolge search, yes, I do mean statically typed and strongly typed, where you need to declare the type of a variable and cannot change it on the fly.
@freemo ok, thanks, that's some updates to my knowledge base
Based on my experience on JVM, when I switched from JVM's native thread to Kotlin coroutines (which is based on threads but is able to share threads, so less thread suspension overall), I got a free performance boost. I assume go can achieve the similar thing. If so, I would say there is a free optimization without largely redesigning the algorithm.
Also, I always prefer strong typed languages when co-op with other developers. Python makes me panic when I don't know what the type of variable x
@freemo @trinsec Based on my limited knowledge of python, the multithreading part is pretty heavy, if I recall correctly, you need a new python process to start a new thread (sounds familiar with JVM ). And go is pretty good at multithreading (I mean user-mode threads). If not limited by the IO, I would assume a go implementation will speed up some of the process. Maybe also ease the load on developers, considering go offers some great built-in multithreading structures.
I like this pic. It said: If life closes the door on you, then you open it again. That's "doors". And that's what they're for.
In case you're worrying (thank you!), I won't commit suicide. It's going to be hurt, and I'm VERY afraid of pain. But listening to an audio book while riding on a busy road, I got distracted several times and almost crashed into someone's car. You can't predict accidents, so I think it would be better to find someone to keep managing my data, which partially represented my life. Also sending an update of me, in case someone is wondering why this guy didn't post a toot for a long time (if there is anyone who cares).
I don't fear death, and I do want to enjoy my life. Unlike my parent, who will be triggered if I talk about death, I mean, people eventually die, why not tell your last wishes to others before you don't have the chance anymore? But it seems like this does scared my friend.😂
I fixed my bike today. I find out riding is helpful when fighting with anxiety.
The front tire keeps leaking, and I replace it, only found out the leaking point is on the inner side. The rim strip has no visible and touchable damage, it shouldn't poke a hole in the inner tire. But anyway, the new tire is fine and the old tire is fixable (assuming I have the right tool).
Today I rode exclusively in the hutongs (aka the alleyways in Beijing). A random thought sneaks through my brain, suggesting I feel like a dementor (yeah, I was listening to Harry Potter during the ride. Specifically, the Prisoner of Azkaban), scraping others' happiness only to make myself feel better. And then post my negative thoughts on the internet and ruining someone else's day (sorry).
Anyway, hutong gives me a unique feeling about life. It's unlike streets, filled with cars and noisy crowds, the people living in hutongs are quiet, peaceful and relax.No matter what happens, people live here for hundreds of years. The fall of the Qing dynasty, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded Beijing, the Japanese army, the Republican era, the establishment of the PRC, the Cultural Revolution, the three years of natural calamities (the Great Leap Forward), etc. A lot of things happened there. While I am constantly worrying about the current situation, I will be the history, and I was history. I am creating history (despite no one knows every detail about my life, but it does be the past, aka the history).
While I'm getting lost of the constant thinking of my life, this idea gives me some strength. I decided to try another job publishing platform and give it a try.
My friend suggested I should see a doctor, after I left my password to him and told him he will get my laptop and all servers if I died. Maybe he is right, but considering I'm still unemployed with no medical ensureance, maybe next time. LOL
Very interesting waterfall (spectrogram) of a dial up modem connecting. I can even picture where all the sounds come from I remember hearing as a child from the classic dialup connection.
Recently I was being super anxiety about a law approved by the government. This law requires all Android and iOS apps must be approved by the authority before app store, ISP and vendor can distribute, provide internet and include it.
The law is so vague that I assume the worst case is that the vendors have to set a whitelist of package id and/or signature for which app can be granted internet access. Considering the bootloader lock cannot be unlocked (thus no root privilege) and no side-load is allowed (in China, vendors use custom installers that can disabled side-load), I think that will be the worst cast for those who seeking a free internet. It will be much more efficient than the GFW, which works on the transportation layer.
Also, I heard that in some areas, GFW is testing SNI whitelist. If your TLS session's target is not in the whitelist, GFW will cut off your TLS handshake. Not sure about the IP whitelist though. But considering the fact that all domains must be approved by the authority before you can host a website in China, a nation-wide SNI whitelist is not impractical.
I feel hopeless in this country, yet I have families here, and I can't leave.
DOI: 10.6251/BEP.202212_54(2).0005 (http://epbulletin.epc.ntnu.edu.tw/upload/journal/prog/ea9de219_20230112.pdf)
鑑於現今輔導諮商人員對跨性別族群的瞭解有限,甚至在與其工作的歷程中深感困難。為了能提供跨性別族群所須協助,首先得對其有充足的理解,尤其是向父母現身之議題。對此,本研究以質性訪談深入理解 16 位跨性別女性(年齡範圍為 23 至 45 歲;平均 28.94 歲)向父母現身之經驗,如現身意義、可能困境、及相關因應等,以建構其向父母現身之歷程模式。透過紮根理論分析,結果顯示,此現身歷程分為五階段:猶豫期、自我展現與反覆試探期、現身期、關係震盪過渡期、接納期。現身意義與促進順利現身要素催化著跨性別女性現身歷程的推進,並支撐著其因應現身伴隨的相關挑戰。本研究結果有助深化對跨性別女性現身經驗之理解,並可供輔導諮商人員相關參酌。
UK crime master, LOL.
I (Legally) Committed Armed Robbery Against My Sister
by Max Fosh
@LouisIngenthron then I would recommend https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh ,it's a simple bash script and can do basically everything certbot can do. And it also supports other CAs.
工信部发布《工业和信息化部关于开展移动互联网应用程序备案工作的通知》,要求境内 App (包括小程序等)主办者对其应用进行备案。
根据文档所述工作安排,2023 年 9 月至 2024 年 3 月为存量 App 备案阶段:「在本通知发布前已开展业务的APP应……履行备案手续」;「在本通知发布后拟开展业务的APP,应……先履行备案手续后再开展业务」。
《互联网信息服务备案登记表》中需备案的信息包括域名列表*、包名/ID、公钥*、MD5*,及 IP 地址列表等。
* 标 [*] 的项目,表格中标注「小程序、快应用无需填写」。
#China #App
Telegram 原文
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond