I'm moving my account to my own instance. I'll try doing the proper account migration procedure, but I'm not sure I can trust this to work completely smoothly, so I'm leaving this post as a more manual redirect. The new account is @timorl.
Thanks @freemo for your hospitality!
My instance will most likely stay very small, but if anyone wanted to join me there just DM me or something.
@mathlover Very much so, in a very, uh, strong flavour. I think I can do jumping text even? @freemo @timorl
@timorl @timorl @freemo I am considering setting up an instance — probably something smaller and more scalable than Mastodon — for myself and friends.
If I do go ahead with that, and it will be quite a while before I do, I will still keep my handle here. I'll probably migrate that mstdn.io handle of mine to the new instance instead, because that other place is a bit ... off.