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tripu boosted

Unless you have a DRM-free file in an open format on your own hard drive, these assholes can do whatever the heck they want.

What're you going to do, sue them? Their terms probably require arbitration and forbid class actions suits. And even if you sued and won, you'd probably end up with a check for four dollars and thirteen cents. You're definitely not getting those movies back.

It drives me up the wall how hard it is to
actually buy digital creations so that you actually own them. A few places make this possible — for audiobooks, AK Press & No Starch for text. There's not a lot for movies and television, in part because of intense consolidation.

The truth is that the only way to really own a movie is to buy it on a disk and rip it. And much streaming TV doesn't even offer that option. You've seen how many incredible streaming shows have been memory-holed in the last year. Right now, the
only way for people to watch those shows involves a tricorn hat and a cutlass.

Truly, the only way to preserve access to culture is archiving lots of copies. Centralization has done so much work to push reasonable archival activities into the margins, by making archival both technically challenging and legally uncertain. And we live in an era of the most impressive information preservation & duplication technology ever made! You can carry all of Wikipedia, thousands of books, hundreds of audiobooks, and movies and TV shows on a tiny SD card.

There's no reason that all the most important works of our culture shouldn't be massively replicated and available everywhere. You shouldn't need Internet access to read a book or watch a show. All of that should be available offline on all your devices. Just like the books on your shelf, but better and lighter-weight and easier to use.

tripu boosted

Amazing news out of the UK!

@owa has the details, but TL;DR: Apple's attempts to block iOS browser competition on hilariously thin grounds (essentially "you didn't regulate us soon enough!") just took a huge hit:

Expect Apple to appeal the appeal because delay is their strategy any time regulators find that their rent-extracting, anti-competitive nonsense, nonsense (browsers, right-to-repair, charging cables, etc.)

tripu boosted

Dragonfly liftoff captured at 5000 frames per second.

Video credit: Joris Schaap / CC BY 3.0
@bugs #photography #nature

This evening I was taking my home from school, after ’s swimming lesson, holding them by their little hands, the three of us chatting as dusk fell — and I thought that was the most important thing I’d done all day. That might be the most important thing I do in my life, too.

tripu boosted

If God wanted us to have unlimited free energy He’d have put a giant fusion reactor in the sky.

“That’s the solution. You have a child or two, and then send them off to be raised in until they’re eighteen or so, and have learned proper . When they return and you tell them how absolutely awesome and special they are, they’ll look at you and blink, not understanding, and thus not believing, a word of it.”

tripu boosted
tripu boosted

“Our assesment [of Vox party leader Santiago Abascal] was pretty simple”

That is part of the problem with this video. Nothing like this is simple.


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“Spain is a relatively small country…”

It’s not. That’s a very US-centric thing to say. Spain is a relatively large country: out of the 195 UN states, Spain ranks 51st by area and 30th by population. ie, Spain is among the 27% largest countries by land mass, and among the 16% most populous ones.

“…in Western Europe”

Within Western Europe Spain is definitely not a relatively small country: out of approximately ten countries considered to be “Western Europe”, Spain is the second largest (only France has more area), and the third most populous.


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“You [Vox party leader Santiago Abascal] are the leader of the opposition”

False. The unofficial title “leader of the opposition” has always been “the leader of the largest party in the Congress of Deputies not within the government“. That is PP’s president Alberto Núñez Feijóo since April last year.


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