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tripu boosted
tripu boosted

Number of days since someone wrote "3WC" instead of "W3C": 0


Protestation (Deutsche)  
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tripu boosted

Thunderbird's roadmap:

TL;DR: kill XUL and a bunch of other 20th-century cruft that's slowing down development and making the whole thing look outdated.

#mozilla #thunderbird

From the archive entitled
“Ada Lovelace was the First Programmer in History”
(note: she was not), now comes

“The Construction of Brooklyn Bridge is Mostly a Tale of Female Empowerment Against all Odds”

Read also subsequent comments by OP.

tripu boosted

It just dawned on me that we can recycle all of the good emacs jokes on VScode!

Like, VSCode might be a nice operating system, shame it lacks an editor one could use :awesome:

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