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#Zettlr is an open source “#Markdown editor for the 21th century” that comes with #pandoc included. It works on all major platforms, plays well with reference managers, supports the “#zettelkasten” system for note taking, and more.

Babbage Patch Finds--a daily dive into CBI's vast computing archives


The US Computer Industry began with Engineering Research Assoc. (ERA) former Naval cryptographers in MPLS/SP moving into digital computing & Eckert & Mauchly Computer Co. in Philly both in 1946 & both acq. by Remington Rand in early 50s.

Here ERA 2nd computer mid 50s, the 1103 Scientific & two women programmers/operators

#Histodons #history #gender #computing #histodon #compsci #programming #sociology

A quick introduction:

I am a historian of international organizations and I am interested in the impact of digital technologies on our research practices.

A specialist in network analysis applied to history, I also teach data visualization, both historical and non-historical.

Swiss, traveler, cat lover, digital humanist, I loved blogging and micro-blogging, so I'm looking forward to Mastodon.

Are there already any #universities or #HigherEducation institutions running their own Mastodon instances? Thinking about whether it makes sense for my employer to host a server for the various schools and institutes. I am a big fan of #SelfHosting stuff.

As promised -- I set up the subdomain and created a wireless bridge to the new dev server sitting in my bedroom closet. Here is a script showing how to do a basic ngram search.

I'm keeping elasticsearch wide open for people with ES experience to use and help test. All 550 million Twitter users are being loaded into the index.

You should be able to see the mapping file I put together by just going to in your browser.

Only GET requests should get through -- otherwise someone could just wipe the cluster. :) This is in a dev environment so even if someone did, it isn't the end of the world.

Good luck and have fun!

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import ujson as json
import requests
import logging

def ngram_search(q: str = None, size: int = 10) -> dict:
'''Function to return Twitter user accounts matching a partial screen_name string'''

# Initialize vars
headers, data = dict(), dict()
domain = "" # This will change once I get DNS set up -- something like
elastic_url = f"http://{domain}/twitter_user/_search"

# Set up required headers (Elasticsearch requires content-type)
headers['content-type'] = "application/json"

# Prepare search query string (as a data field for a GET request)
data['query'] = {}
data['query']['bool'] = {}
data['query']['bool']['must'] = m = []

# First match condition (can easily add more since we are using bool -> must query type)
match = {}
match['match'] = {}
match['match']['screen_name.ngram'] = q

# Set up misc search attributes (sort, size, etc.)
data['sort'] = {'followers_count':'desc'}
data['size'] = size

# Make request and return response if successful
r = requests.get(elastic_url, headers=headers, data = json.dumps(data))

if r.ok:
return r.json()

# Perform example search to show Twitter accounts containing "NASA" and sorted by follower count
data = ngram_search(q="nasa", size=25) # Case does not matter
hits = data['hits']['hits']

for hit in hits:
hit = hit['_source']
print(hit['screen_name'], hit['followers_count'])

I wanted a version of my Twitter archive that didn't display short urls, so ...

I'm using @Wikidata to find people to follow on Mastodon. Presently it knows of 3704 Mastodon accounts (query takes ~10 secs to run). Please add more if you know of notable people joining the network.

“This article processing charge is to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management.”

OK, it’s good that MDPI explicitly say what the are (supposedly) needed for. However:

is done for free, only the *management* of the peer review is done by the .
– Copyediting? What copyediting?
– Typesetting? There are LaTeX and Word templates, the is done by the authors, for free.
– Long-term archiving is done by the national library.

So, what remains is “journal management,” i.e., counting the money.

Our Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) (Leiden University, Netherlands) is hiring a fulltime assistant professor Law and Technology. For more information:

Boost = ❤️ 😄

Every time someone announces a new exciting networking product or service, I think, "Cool. I wish I understood what it is for."

Or to rephrase a proverb, just because you have imposter syndrome doesn't mean they aren't actually smarter than you.

Frage an die #schweizerbubble, wünscht ihr euch die Accounts der SRG auf Mastodon? Falls ja, auf welchem Mastodon-Server? MERCI für jede Stimme und jeden Kommentar. 🇨🇭

Damit es auch nur ein paar wenige Stimmen gibt, ist ein #reblog oder #boost sehr willkommen 🙏


@polymerwitch okay, truly? the fact that it's actually open source software and not proprietary with a guarded api meant for brands doing data gathering means that the tooling around mastodon is so much better

like I'm typing this from an emacs buffer and I *know* it's not going to get me banned for unauthorized use of an API key like a lot of services these days [glares at discord]

now that our server is (temporarily) not listed in the main mastodon website, it seems convenient to promote our server directly in the birdsite. Therefore please follow the link below and like or retweet the post, so that it will be ranked higher in the search field of the
@freemo @Gargron

I'm a #histed researcher from Zurich interested in technological and economic change. If I had a little more time, I would finally learn how to do appropriate time series analyses with #R.

The thing with these large language models is that you don't need insight or scientific discovery, what you need are interns and lots of computational resources.
Look at MT-NLG, the final training ate an estimated 7.8 GWh. That's an energy bill of USD 1,029,922 on a good day.
I guess that's one of the things you can do when you barely pay taxes 🤷‍♂️

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.