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TwoTwenty boosted

Ok, it's been 3-weeks since I've joined Mastodon and here's my take away so far:

1. White folx prioritizing their fuckin feeling OVER their IMPACT of their racist behavior

2. I'm thankful that I was strategic in joining the instance I'm on because, due to their efforts, they've DEMONSTRATED their INTENT to prioritize voices like mine

3. As a Black women, there's no truly safe space for us

TwoTwenty boosted

For comparison just @FSF thanks to #RMS 's conference in Brno, Czechia in MUNI with the help of free software advocates were able to basically replace proprietary software in education institutions state-wide and all that for next to free.

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Make twitter another mastodon server... fixed.


TwoTwenty boosted


These are instructions how you can block content you might not want to see. Welcome to the fedirvese where people can make up their own minds. I personally as a traditional liberal (not the new corporate oxymoron form) like to see everything except spam and make up my own mind.

TwoTwenty boosted

I took all the domains from block list and put it in a csv file that can be imported so you can block all hateful instances.
Download it here

How to import

  • go to settings
  • click on import & export
  • click on import
  • under import select domain blocking list
  • then select the csv file you downloaded
  • click upload
    Boom a friendly mastodon & fediverse experience :ablobsmilehappy:
TwoTwenty boosted

A reminder for anyone new to mastodon who might not be happy with some of the racist and bad actors out there on other servers... Just import the fediblock list to your personal blocks and you will be safe from the vast majority of bad actors.

I took all the domains from block list and put it in a csv file that can be imported so you can block all hateful ...

Its pretty funny seeing lots of people running from twitter to join mastadon to get away from what they perceive as misinfofmation.

I hope freespeach reigns.. you can hit the ignore buttons. but leave the content that I might want to consider alone.. even if I do not agree I might want to consider how to debate it.

TwoTwenty boosted

RT from PACE (@PACE_News)

“It is a very serious matter for democratic countries to spy on their politicians, or their journalists – and to do so for years. It’s a grave abuse of human rights” - rapporteur @PieterOmtzigt, opening today's PACE #spyware hearing.

Watch it again:

TwoTwenty boosted

"We live in an age where all of our digital life, all of our communications are now in the cloud, and most of it is hosted overseas. I have no desire to live in a world where five giants own all the files in the world."

~ Frank Karlitschek

TwoTwenty boosted

"It is time for the US government to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets. Publishing is not a crime" | Editors and publishers of @guardian @nytimes @el_pais @derspiegel @lemondefr #FreeAssangeNOW

TwoTwenty boosted

@twotwenty Hi I enjoyed so much reading you, Im from Argentina and I been curious about another social networks because I was bored of the usuals but I didnt considerate everythinh you re saying. Thank you, I think that too and want my friends to join this platform too 🌎

TwoTwenty boosted

Obligatory reminder, to everyone working on #FOSS #FLOSS #opensource projects

You're making alternatives because the status quo is BAD!!!! Don't use corporate platforms to promote your "Free" projects.

You are inadvertently forcing others to also use those platforms, which we all want to escape from!

If you insist that you go where the people are, at the very least maintain a presence on the open alternatives, so we can migrate away from them.

Please and thank you!

Please Boost!!!

TwoTwenty boosted

When I moved to Mastodon from Twitter 7 months ago, there were things that blew my mind.

You can have interesting conversations with just a few dozen followers, who actually read what you write and click links.

If you ask questions, you get answers and feedback. No need for 100K followers.

The algorithms don't bury your posts that contain links, because there are no algorithms.

#TwitterMigration #Mastodon

Seven Social Sins is a list that Gandhi published in his weekly newspaper Young India on October 22, 1925. Later he gave this same list to his grandson, Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper on their final day together shortly before his assassination. The Seven Sins are:

Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Religion without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.

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I don't think Musk strived to become rich, his ambitions made him so.

TwoTwenty boosted
TwoTwenty boosted

Teracube and Murena team up again to launch a new privacy-conscious and sustainable phone.

The Murena T2e is available in the USA, Canada and Europe.

#privacy #smartphone #murena #eOS


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.