@angelobottone Crazy politics!
For-profit companies reportedly linked to sextortion activity are targeting victims using various deceptive tactics to pressure them into paying for "assistance" services provided by non-profit agencies and law enforcement for free, the FBI warns.
@samuraikid So funny! They might have been trans as well, how dare the archaeologist assume their gender!!!
>Ending human population growth is key to fighting climate change, biodiversity loss and natural resource depletion, and is a prerequisite to achieving sustainability. Let’s embrace low fertility rates as the hugely positive development they represent.
>Olivia Nater
Boulder, Colo.
*The writer is the communications manager at Population Connection.*
Is this the right way to fight climate change?
I complained in the past that manipulating PDF documents on #Linux sucked. The default tools are basic viewers, but lack any modification capability, so I decided to look into tools that help you actually work with PDF documents.
Here are the best PDF tools for #Linux, to views, edit, merge, split, create, annotate, do OCR and more! Most are #OpenSource, but there are some gaps that commercial, proprietary solutions can fill as well:
@thelinuxEXP Thanks for this video, this is very informative!
@polyna@toot.community @kde I greatly appreciate the discuss platform, it's simple, intuitive and easy to use. Many open source project have similar platform and I like having a consistence discussion platform between them.
I tried fedora kde just today and failed miserably, themes in KDE are limitless but also can mess up the distro, to install a theme I had to install Kvantum and Pling afterword I didn't like the theme result and I had a wired bug were when I logout of my session, the screen just go black and need to reboot to go back to login screen.
I was just tired to mess thing up and troubleshoot to revert back to default.
Can you please share how you theme your KDE distro?
@freemo @Pat
> My fear is the collapse of western societies might lead to a super power gaining control and makiing things much worse.
That's for sure!
After the soviet collapse, many USSR allied nations has experienced the worst civil turmoil for decades!
As much as I dislike the USA foreign military and monetary policy, I hope for this decade these things get resolve peacefully.
We have all the technological and communication means to achieve that goal.
The multi polar world order is a realty, will the USA fight it or embrase it? That's what will determine the fate of the western societies!
Docker is booting free open source projects from Dockerhub
Now open source projects are likely migrating to free container image host providers like ghcr.io (Github) en masse.
This mass migration opens up a whole new attack vector for squatting/typosquatting the images in the coming months
Be careful when migrating to a new base image!
#infosec #docker
@vwbusguy I wholeheartedly agree, unfortunately I see a lot of de-federation for petty reasons
@Wildebeest @nassiraelmoaddem
Excellent sommaire, ravi de lire la relance du nucléaire est en marche!
Climat : comment le nucléaire a gagné la bataille culturelle, écrit Mediapart. Dés aujourd'hui, les députés examinent le projet de loi de relance du nucléaire. Campagne contre les éoliennes, bataille sur les besoins en électricité, instrumentalisations de rapports, l’industrie atomique a réussi à se replacer au centre de la politique du gouvernement.
John Mappin - REPORT FROM SWITZERLAND “The game is up. The leaders of our world now know that the injections […] https://t.wtyl.live/videos/watch/aa30a49f-a776-485a-8607-f2684878bc2b
UK Propagandist Michael Clarke puts the spin on the fall of Bakhmut:
"Bakhmut is not important." If it's not important, why has Ukraine made huge sacrifices of men and equipment to try to hold it?
Then Clarke mentions that Ukraine has mines which can be launched from artillery. That would be the illegal petal mines, banned by international law, that Ukraine has been scattering not just on the battlefield, but on civilian areas of Donetsk.
The petal mines blend in with leaves on the ground and are hard to see. Children think it's a toy and pick them up, upon which they explode and blow off the child's hand.
Petal mines have killed and wounded hundreds of civilians in Donbas.
So Michael Clarke is essentially promoting war crimes in Ukraine.
He also talked about the terrorist attack by the "Russian Volunteer Corps," but he failed to mention that they are a Nazi organization.
It's up to date now, thank you very much!
It would be great to have a Linux desktop app and have the features that are limited to the Android App like custom RSS, download episodes, OPML, etc.
A desktop app would manage it's own episodes RSS syncs and solve these kind of issue.
Anyways, I am using the web app as PWA an it's awesome and I like the live feature.
I tired different podcast apps and #podverse is the most feature packed!
Thank you again making and developing this awesome app.
Hello, I really like your app. it's awesome, many #podcasting 2.0 features, transcript, chapters. V4V, etc.
I am using the web app, I have an issue with one podcast not updating the latest episodes!
The Asianometry Podcast
Could you please help me with that?
Thank you very much!