@compass_straight_edge I know this is possible just not sure how to
Inline math Latex support - Use \ ( and \ ) for inline LaTeX, and \ [ and \ ] for display mode.
I really don't understand how to do this can @freemo or @design_RG help please.
@zleap @freemo @design_RG didn't work on the discourse either
@compass_straight_edge @freemo @design_RG you may be better off simply using a normal latex editor or over leaf, generate the output then use the screen grab tool to select an area to grab around the LaTeX output and then paste in here.
A bit of a faff, that though.
@zleap @freemo @design_RG nahh that is too much work
@compass_straight_edge @freemo @design_RG
\ ( $12+24$ \ )
@compass_straight_edge @freemo @design_RG Even that doesn't work and I am trying to follow what is here