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A woman was arrested for "chemical endangerment" for using drugs while pregnant. The problem: She wasn't pregnant. So officers released her, but told her if she gets pregnant in the next few month she will be re-arrested.

The people who told us we were overreacting when Roe was overturned were never arguing in good faith and also they were very wrong.

Something quite serious now.

For the past 2 years on the birdsite, I've enjoyed being part of Sarah Millican's #JoinIn - there for anyone on their own over the festive season who would like to join in a group chat to help pass the day.

We've had some great times, and I'm planning to support it here too this year.

If you're lonely, just post #JoinIn so we can spot you, or search for the #JoinIn hashtag, and just join in!

Good idea? Give it a BOOST!


The next meeting of the Paignton Library STEM Group is this Saturday (10th December 2022).

The meeting should be a mixed bag of activities. In addition to the usual coding that carries on from our Code Club, we have the following planned activities:

Some activities may take place in Room 12, at the end of the corridor, however our main base is still the IT learning centre.

• Chemistry Reaction Rates (practical)
◦ Molymod Activity
▪ Building Nucleobase models
▪ Building Organic Chemistry Functional Groups

We also hope to look at projects that people are bringing along with them.

If anyone would like to have a go, or carry on with Scratch, Hour of Code etc then there are computers available for this. It is advisable to to bring along login details for online platforms if you already have accounts.

If you have a Raspberry Pi we DO have a few spare monitors that these can be plugged in to, in addition to a few keyboards and mice. So all you need to bring is the actual Pi and PSU.

The purpose of the Paignton Library STEM Group is to encourage and support participation in STEM subjects. Our event aims to create a friendly hub for STEM enthusiasts to share, collaborate and learn. Please do bring your personal STEM projects to the event, we would love to see what you are working on.

Some of our regular activities have included:
- Coding, Robotics and Electronics.
- Science Demos.
- Raspberry Pi, BBC Micro:bit, Lego WeDo.

The event is led by volunteers, who run a blog about the STEM Group and projects being worked on:

Event Details:
Held on the 2nd Saturday of every month at Paignton Library, in the IT Learning Centre and if required Room 12.

Session runs from 11am to 3pm and there is no requirement to book a place.

For more details, please phone the library on 01803 714 460 or email

Under 8’s must be accompanied by a parent.

BOOM: Germany has just announced UNLIMITED public transport anywhere in the country will cost just $1.40 PER DAY.

Officials say the policy is aimed at cutting CO2 emissions and helping with the cost of living.

Anyone else think our government should do the same?


Israel uncovers section of 1,800-year-old Roman road

"Israeli archaeologists have uncovered a section of an ancient Roman road dating back to about 1,800 years ago, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) said Thursday.

The section, 25 meters long and eight meters wide, with large fieldstones marking its sides, was uncovered about 25 kilometers west of the Mediterranean coastal city of Tiberias."


A record player left behind in an abandoned flophouse in the ghost town of Vulture City, AZ

The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.

Genocides do not start with mass murder. That's where they end up.

Genocides & other mass atrocity crimes begin with words - specifically, with powerful people dehumanizing a minority.

Once they are seen as less than human, anything is possible, even mass murder.

👉 You can speak out loudly today for the rights of others, or you can stay silent & wait for tomorrow, when your rights will be taken away too.

Job: PhD evolution cooperation birds - Portugal / South Africa 

#job 4-year #PhD position

Study using a long-term study on sociable #weavers at Benfontein reserve, #SouthAfrica. The PhD work is part of an ERC-funded project that is investigating the role of partner choice in the #evolution of #cooperation

#Birds #behaviour

Based in #Porto #Portugal, fieldwork in #SouthAfrica, collaboration with #Montpellier #France


I'm not the biggest fan of Democrats, but it's good to see Biden calling out antisemitism and Nazism

Server suggestions; boost request 

Hey all, some colleagues in our local UX professionals group are seeking UX or design-specific Masto servers to join as a first server; any pointers?

Boosts appreciated!

Trial Shows Fast-Absorbing Opioid Overdose Nasal Swab 

Results of a clinical trial show a nasal swab dispensing an #opioid antidote transfers more of the antidote into the blood stream than syringe injections or nasal sprays. #Science #Business #Overdose #ClinicalTrial #StartUp #Nalaxone #NasalSwab #FDA

Mysteriously bright flash is a black hole jet pointing straight toward Earth, astronomers say

The observations could illuminate how supermassive black holes feed and grow.

More on this, a Death Star construction update.


Communications system achieves fastest laser link from space yet

Lincoln Laboratory’s TeraByte InfraRed Delivery system sent data from a satellite to Earth at 100 Gbps — a rate that will transform future science missions.

#science #tech

My team at work just launched new research on the #TwitterMigration: We analyze which platforms are growing - especially #Mastodon, #Tumblr & #Post.

We look at which sites users are adding to their Twitter bios, posting to their friends about & downloading apps for.

Please do boost this, and love to hear any comments or feedback on it!

Download it here:

Please vote for us for the indie of the year award hosted by Indie DB and sponsored by ! Head over to and cast your vote!

#0ad #indiedev #gamedev #strategygame #opensource #free

I was diagnosed with #HIV in 1998, when I was 30.
At the time, I did not expect to live to 50.
I’m 55 now.
HIV treatment works and it means I can’t pass it on - we call this #UequalsU.
HIV changed. Tell everyone.
#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2022 #AIDShistory #CantPassItOn #FightStigma

It's not enough to squat a Mastodon handle that you never use.

It's not enough to automatically repost your Twitter timeline.

You have a chance to be part of something new. Something important. To shape it in the right way.

With all of us.

Breathe life into *this* community and *this* network by posting here, creating here, connecting here.

Be here now.

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