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Portugal just ran on 100 percent renewables for six days in a row.

For nearly a week, the country of 10 million met customer needs with wind, hydro and solar — a test run for operating the grid without fossil fuels.

I know I posted the pic of Nine Maidens the other day but it’s such a wonderfully scenic location I’m posting again for #StandingStoneSunday 😊. Also another lovely stone circle I visited on the same walk, at White Moor Down.

I had intended to look at a triple stone row nearby but the weather was blowing up so I decided to leave it for another day.


Not sure if it’s relevant, but this is an exert from Palpatine’s speech before he becomes Emperor in #StarWars

“The attempt on my life has left me scarred, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into an Empire, for a safe and secure society …An Empire that will be continue to be ruled by a sovereign ruler chosen for life. An Empire ruled by a new constitution.”

#Trump #USpol

@futurebird @guncelawits I agree - AI is taking all the magic out of photography. When I see an amazing image posted I spend more time querying whether it is real or not. And either way I end up feeling stupid and angry. If I decide it's real I hate that I'm so cynical, if I decide it's AI (all or partially) then I feel stupid. And worst is when I can't decide and then I simultaneously feel naive and cynical.

In the January 6th it was REPUBLICANS who committed the violence. Today it was a REPUBLICAN who did the shooting.

We can stop with the “both sides” bullshit.

One side supports a peaceful democracy with sensible gun laws and the other side is all in for fascism and doing the NRA’s bidding.

Back to campaigning against Trump, MAGA, and Project 2025.

5,000-year-old ceremonial temple discovered beneath sand dune in Peru
5,000-year-old ceremonial temple discovered beneath sand dune in Peru #archaeology #peru #Zaña

Is anyone else fed up with the wall-to-wall European cup build up?

The only good news is that shooter was a Republican

The only way this could have been worse for Democrats is if he’d been killed. That would have made him a martyr, his cause untouchable, and in the hands of a younger more vigorous standard bearer.

imagine thinking the far right and the far left are the same lmao

the far right wants fucking extermination, the far left wants everyone to be fed and housed and properly medicated and living a fulfilling existence

Mods would like to remind you not to post anything that means we have to deal with Secret Service or other federal agencies, whether on main or any degree of locked.

US pol: what if shootings are boring 

You don't need to choose between an "outpouring of sympathy" (that will be spurned rudely) and weatherman cos play (that could put you on a watchlist)

There ARE other options on offer.

Really nothing would be more fitting than if people just lost interest in this quickly. There are lots of shootings in the US, aren't they just a fact of life we are all supposed to accept as the price of freedom?

In a country with widespread gun ownership, a history of political assassinations & a politics of often violent allusions... can anyone be surprised that someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump?

Trump has stoked the fires of violence in politics & has gone out of his way to seed hatred across his country, so perhaps its more surprising that it has taken this long for someone to so nearly succeed.

Its a sad day when the politics of the gun seeks to defeat the politics of the vote!


It’s been alleged that burglars used a potato to smash a window, but that evidence may have been planted.

La Marseillaise #OnThisDay

On 14th of July 1795 La Marseillaise was declared as the national anthem of France by the French National Convention. Written by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle  a French army officer of the French Revolutionary Wars. de Isle is known for writing the words and music of the Chant de guerre pour l'armée du Rhin in 1792, which would later be known as

Drake's Island in Plymouth, England

After several centuries as the home of coastal defenses, this island is full of history—and maybe ghosts.#ghoststories #abandoned #haunted #militaryhistory #islands #section-Atlas
Drake's Island

@Lazarou I remember when we stopped putting lead in gasoline and thought the madness would be over. But no, here we go with clowns vaporizing heavy metals for everyone to breathe again. I lost count how many people I worked with who lost their families and lives due to lead poisoning.

@harriettmb what chemicals will be released from burning those tires and pallets? Lead and antimony trioxide are used to make tires heat resistant, horrific neurotoxins. I used to maintain the machines that extruded plastics and found watching coworkers with bad industrial hygiene that it took only a few months from exposure to irreversible disability. Copper chromate was one of the chemicals I've seen to pressure treat pallets, also really bad for life. If they take a few breaths of the smoke, they may show symptoms months later

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