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@GossiTheDog I had a similar experience with Microsoft.

A junior colleague found a 1-click exploit in Skype for Linux. We reported it. We didn't want any bounty money - just to be assigned a CVE that we could include in our paper. Microsoft's response was essentially "it's not an RCE, go away".

Then they silently fixed it, without crediting us.

Never every doing the "responsible disclosure" dance with Microsoft ever again.

🔴 **Microplastics and nanoplastics have been found throughout the human body – how worried should we be?**

"_In recent years, microplastics and nanoplastics have been found in the brains, hearts and lungs of humans. They have been discovered in the arteries of people with arterial disease, suggesting they may be a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease. And they have been detected in breast milk, the placenta and, most recently, penises._"


@science @biology

@benroyce @stavvers Watching the tennis recently. All the top male tennis players are huge - 6 foot would be short.

This is because their height is a massive advantage to playing tennis.

So yes, people with all sorts of physical variations will undertake sports that these are a benefit in. Like I work in IT, because my oddities make me better at this.

People - all people - find roles and sports that fit their abilities.

X, formerly known as Twitter, has automatically activated a setting that allows the company to train its Grok AI on users’ posts.

X enabled the new setting by default.

The good news is that you can switch it off and also delete your conversation history with the AI.

I've been following Eli Fieldsteel's #SuperCollider's video tutorials these last few days and I must say they are doing a very good job at dissipating the fog that surrounded this language in my brain. Highly recommend!

Running tabletop games is so delightful, it makes me so happy. My players are so good and they tell such fun cool stories.

Paris Olympics have:
•Russian athletes competing despite Russia invading Ukraine
•Israeli athletes competing despite Israel committing genocide of Palestinians
•A Dutch athlete competing despite being a literal child rapist

But the most hate by far is reserved for an Algerian Muslim woman because she committed the crime of being good at boxing 😐

Hey folks. I'm going to be extremely candid. I'm looking for a role and I need one extremely fast. I was trying to tease this news, but we're expecting twins. If you need any kind of iOS developer work, please please please consider me. #fedihired

Google is disabling the most effective web spyware blocker. That tells you everything about the motives of a company that once promised to not be evil.

Social media has a LOT to answer for

Mass violence in the UK, linked to mis information spread on mainstream social media
False stories about trans athletes spread and fuels abuse on mainstream social media
Hew Edwards (bbc reporter) sent child abuse images wiht a paedophile on WhatsApp

All they say is they deal with content that breaks their rules, this statement time and time again has been proven to be complete and utter lying BS,

It is time we hauled the UK bosses of these companies before a judge and make them answer questions, on top of that fine them at least £10 billion for each and every offence, repeat till they are bankrupt or get the message

Come work with me! My department is hiring an instructor in computing and quantitative methods.


UK fascist demos 

HOPE Not hate have a list of planned fascist activity around the UK this weekend

Take care, folks 😣😠❤️

(If you can, consider giving to HOPE Not hate's action fund)


It’s looking increasingly likely that Boeing Starliner astronauts will come home on a SpaceX Crew Dragon. If that happens, that’ll be the end of the Starliner program.

To be clear, nothing is certain — but the lack of updates from NASA (and the agency’s lack of transparency) is pretty loud here.

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