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Still fighting for justice for all sub-postmasters, and sub-postmistresses, Alan Bates would be able to use his first-hand experience to champion crucial reforms, advocate for ethical corporate practices, and help ensure such injustices never happen again.

Adulthood has its pros and cons.

On the one hand, there comes a time when you see people bearing grudges against you, even after months of not interacting with them, and you don't feel bad, your core emotional reaction is to feel sorry for them, for living in the dungeon in their minds they have sentenced themselves to.

On the other hand, no one asks you what your favorite dinosaur is anymore. People don't care about.

It's triceratops you heartless bastards.

It all evens out I guess. Latvia banned two Russian websites for spreading propaganda and disinformation .The National Council for Electronic Media of Latvia has decided to close access to two more Russian websites in Latvia – and #latvia

On April 9, 1865, the Confederate army surrendered to the Union.

During their retreat, the Confederates burned down their own capital, the city of Richmond, VA - my current home. They burned 90% of the business district, all the warehouses and goods. The citizens were left destitute and homeless.

I need you to remember this when you're fighting white supremacy: these people will turn on everyone else to save themselves. They're cowards who believe in nothing but their own self interests.

@LALegault Who produced the arms that damaged the embassy? Would be ironic if they were made in Canada.

@zleap gosh that’s a question. It’s way bigger than web dev. It’s what an energy blind culture does – e.g.

Fixing it starts with curiosity about how things have been is not the way they are going to be

…For example, imagine a distraught parent trying to get an appointment for their sick child on a GP website which is heavily and needelessly Javascript dependent.

They’ve had their electricity cut, and their phone is low on battery, and now every interaction on the website is draining their battery.

Until it’s gone, and now their child doesn’t see the GP.

Obviously, this is just illustrative, but it could happen right?

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We were planning a vacation to the Grand Canyon, but canceled our plans due to a family rule: we only spend money in states where every member of the family has equal access to healthcare


I feel like my PhD is all going wrong and I can’t stop crying

Archaeologists unearthed a Mycenaean building, filled with vessels dating to the Mycenaean late palatial and post-palatial eras, on the top of Mount Hellani, the tallest mountain on the Greek island of Aegina.

I'm currently working with a company who needs to develop some automation around MATLAB tooling.

I am assuming that it's possible to create a cloud based solution (and I can read documentation) but wondering if I know anyone that has created cloud based workflows for building models using MATLAB?

Would like to discuss options.

Phrases that I would ban if I were empress:

“If you’re not mad about [thing] then you’re not paying attention.”

It’s just so fucking smug, and it shames people who either 1) already know about [thing] but are devoting their energy elsewhere, or 2) may not know about [thing] and need help understanding its importance.

The “then you’re not paying attention” nonsense doesn’t do any real work and is just a snotty version of slacktivism.

@zleap @foone @linuxmint LMDE is 32 bit and uses what, judging by its version number, is an old version of nano, so probably not.

I’m in a #AmnestyInternationalAustralia webinar on #Gaza with UN Special Envoy Francesca Albanese.

Hearing the sum to date of deaths, injuries, destruction, amount of bombs dropped and the massive cost of this annihilation, just for starters, is quite overwhelming.

The complicity of most govts with the Israeli justification for this, including that all Gazans are Hamas and are human animals so its okay to do this to them, and with israeli slander against any voices raised against this.

Excellent piece in today's LSE Impact blog by my @copim colleague @simonxix on the recent British Library hack, and why this is just the tip of the iceberg of a completely devalued and underfunded landscape of HE IT (both in HE libraries and beyond) that has been zombified by years and years of outsourcing to cloud services that no-one actually bothers to test for any security-related flaws any more ...

"the institutional devaluing of library technical skills consolidates the power of corporate software suppliers. However, I would further argue that it’s a symptom of genericisation in university management, whereby senior managers value generic management skills more highly than specialised library knowledge. [...] Instead of investing in expanding the profits of third-party corporations, UK higher education libraries could be investing in people and in building their own technical expertise for resilient IT infrastructures and library systems." 👏👏👏

The Fairbuds noise-canceling earbuds have an easily swappable battery

Fairphone, the makers of the ultra-repairable Fairphone 5, have launched a new pair of easy-to-repair wireless earbuds. Instead of tossing away your earbuds when the batteries eventually die, Fairphone’s new Fairbuds let you replace the batteries in ...continues


#earbuds #environment #technology

@zleap @levzzz and if they succeed then that is the death of the usa, just as with russia

a society without tolerance tears itself apart and impoverishes itself, figuratively and literally

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