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Finally tried this pancake recipe:
I can confirm, they are very fluffy and pretty good with chocolate chips. ๐Ÿ˜‹ The apple cider vinegar and almond milk mix smells disgusting, but it doesn't carry into the final product.

That second shot of the vaccine hit me pretty hard. Aches and soreness all over since last night through today. Happily it's clearing up this evening -- MFer's got sh*t to do.

I've heard of long isekai titles, but this is ridiculous! 

"New Light Novel Consists Entirely of One Long Title"

> Dengeki Bunko announced earlier this week the publication of the first light novel in which the entire content is contained within the title. The novel, written by Yuta Tanaka, consists entirely of a 196-page-long title. The light novel will be published entirely on glossy cover paper, with each page featuring the same picture of the female lead alongside lime green text with a section of the novelโ€™s title.



My cousin came home to find a pigeon built a nest* & LAID AN EGG on her bed.

Luckily, as of last week, I'm a pigeon "expert".

*Pigeons are notoriously terrible nest builders so this one stick constitutes her attempt at a nest.

Mexican Jumping Beans' movement reminds me of the movements of those "evolved digital lifeforms", awkwardly tumbling along reward gradients.

what's 's deal? They seem to be making their UI progressively shittier for some reason.


This incredibly disturbing fake wikipedia page about the historic first guy to have his consciousness uploaded to a computer should win a Hugo award: from


google's "schedule" view in Calendar is the most user-unfriendly bullshit I've ever dealt with in a calendar app.

I think I finally get what a music producer is. It's to music what a director and editor are to film production. Just one of those things I never really looked into - was always caught up on the vagueness of the word "producer". Like, movie producers, as I understand it, are more about the marketing and budgeting aspects of a film: although they can interject in the artistic side of things, that's seen as more of an intrusion. At least that's what movies and TV shows about "the biz" tell me, but obviously, that's biased.

Just like all C programmers have their personal standard libraries, all Haskell programmers have their personal blog-post for explaining what a monad is....

RT @kryssalian
It was supposed to be a simple study from a photo taken last summer during a hike...finally I said to myself why not improve the composition a bit, why not animate a bit, add flowers...
Btw, characters are my mommy and me๐Ÿ˜Š

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I didn't know google outsources its streetview data collection. makes sense though: why wouldn't they?

If you don't mind the sales pitches, GTC has some pretty good vids

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