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Berit Glanz macht in ihrem tollen Newsletter eine persönliche Rückschau auf Twitters Größe & Elend. Mit Memes. Ich habe Twitter sehr geliebt, aber ich merke, wie schnell ich mich davon weg entwickle & Multi-Plattform-Userin werde. Aber auch generell sind wir wohl gerade an einem Digitalplattformen-Kipppunkt angekommen, es kracht ja aller Orten.

@jayrosen_nyu I *used* twitter as a chronological news feed; subscribing to journalists and news agencies that I trust. Not sure where to move next...wait for Mastodon to reach a similar adoption, go back to [mostly dead] RSS, or just start subscribing to substacks.

A reminder for anyone new to mastodon who might not be happy with some of the racist and bad actors out there on other servers... Just import the fediblock list to your personal blocks and you will be safe from the vast majority of bad actors.

I took all the domains from block list and put it in a csv file that can be imported so you can block all hateful ...

So it seems joinmastodon removed QOTO from their directory without cause, without contacting us, and without any discussion or due diligence.

Since this is the only way to actually find QOTO for new users if it isnt reversed soon it could mean the end for our wonderful community.

If you care about this place remaining fair, respectful, and inclusive environment I highly suggest everyone reach out to them annd voice your objecttion and your disapointment and having no procedure to keep this fair and inclusive.

If you want to see QOTO stick around you can email your objecttion here:

Feel free to CC me here:

Please be respectful, we want to show them we are the good guys and not give them any reason to object.

@Gargron @trinsec @khird

Weekend mood.

(comic by Liz Climo, not sure if she is here to tag her?)


so obviously i'm sad twitter died, mainly because i got a lot of my indexing jobs that way, so if you need to have a book indexed, hire me! (please reblog this academics)

„Vox populi, vox dei“, schreibt #ElonMusk zu einer Abstimmung, ob er #Trump wieder auf #Twitter lassen solle.

Zu schade, dass Musk offenbar nicht das ganze Zitat kennt: „Nec audiendi qui solent dicere: 'Vox populi, vox Dei', cum tumultuositas vulgi semper insanię proxima sit, zu Deutsch: „Auf diejenigen muss man nicht hören, die zu sagen pflegen, ‚Volkes Stimme, Gottes Stimme‘, da die Lärmsucht des Pöbels immer dem Wahnsinn sehr nahe kommt“.

#VoxPopuliVoxDei #VoxPopuli

#Mastodon seems to have survived another wave of #TwitterMigration. It's now over 2 million active users which is like 10x (?) more than 2-3 weeks ago. Things sometimes slow down, but the network is up and running. This community-run federated thing is quite resilient, isn't it? Kudos to instance admins! 👏

Heute mit Putzplan, morgen wieder mit Elon & Jeff. Schönes Wochenende! #kaengurucomics

This year, the speed limit in #Bordeaux dropped from 50 km/h to 30 (30 to 20 mph). Joins #Montpellier #Grenoble, #Nice, #Lille, #Nantes, 200 other cities in #France with 30 km/h limits.

This has already led to an astonishing 70% decrease in crash fatalities.

Please boost: I'm looking for literature on legal requirements for instances (moderation, data protection, liability etc.).

Especially for larger organizations/companies that want to run their own instance.

Focus on EU/Germany. Please help.

#mastodon #legal #GDPR

Leute!!! Livestream! Heute von 11:15-12:00 Uhr lese ich live aus „Das Humboldttier“. Hier gehts zum kostenfreien Stream: #Marsupilami

Ich versuche es einfach mal hier in der lokalen #Muenchen Community. Mastodon, Beweis mal was du kannst!

Wir hätten für heute 13:00 Tickets (2 Erwachsene + 2 Kids) für eine Führung im #Schloss #Neuschwanstein gehabt. Leider ist unsere Tochter seit vorgestern Covid positiv und nicht gut auf den Beinen. Wir würden die #Tickets gern #VERSCHENKEN, da sie nicht umtauschbar sind und ansonsten also eine reine #Spende für die bayrischen Museen bleiben.

Bei Interesse melden. Sind digitale Tickets.

French authorities declare the use of Microsoft Office and Google Docs illegal in schools and education markets, as they don’t follow GDPR and might disturb later competition by making students used to these proprietary solutions.


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.