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#UMPlus - NGC 6326
NGC 6326 is a beautiful planetary nebula captured in this image by the Hubble Space Telescope, it is located in the direction of the Constellation of Ara and is located at a distance of about 11,000 light years from Earth. The gas wisps are illuminated by a central star nearing the end of its life. As a star ages and the red giant phase comes to an end, it begins to eject layers of gas from its.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography

@markcooper You might like “The Path to Nibbana” if you haven’t already read it. I found it helpful in my practice.

I don’t know that Yates / Culadasa went off the rails. Sounds like he was just human, but I don’t have a strong opinion about him either way. The author of the original TWIM book seems a bit odd as well, but I think that he really understands his practice, and is good at sharing his understanding.

Mastodon has lists. You might just need to use the web page as a mobile client, or buy Fedilab, to see them on mobile.

Everyone's posting pics of their #cats so I'm posting a #photo of my cormorant. Well it's not mine but I took the pic. By the way did I tell you I like #birdphotography. 🙂

When it comes to Mastodon, I’ve had higher than usual unpleasant experiences of men trying to explain things to me or men asking me leading questions so they can explain things to me (usually that thing involves why Mastodon is better than all the others). Has anyone else has that experience?

I am an engineer. We do that to each other, too.

Joking aside, unconscious bias is very real. It was good for you to shine some light on it.
@abbie @LouisIngenthron

The light effects of sunrise and sunset in this mountain-rimmed valley definitely deserve a more skilled photographer than I will ever be. Even when I can manage to get something representative of one section, the pics do nothing to capture the ethereal effect of the light all the way around the horizon. To see the western mountains--and everything in between--glow in the red-gold of's something I never even knew existed before this year.

#Sunrise #Arizona #Homestead #Landscape

In July QOTO will officially be 5 years old! Oh how time flys.

This is Ted. He does not think that we play with him nearly enough.

I think the idea is to avoid sleepiness. It is easier to tell if you’re drifting off and correct.

I use a chair. I think it’s important to be comfortable and avoid distractions. I usually don’t have a problem with sleepiness.

I have only participated in a couple of ad-hoc group sits, and they were work-related. (Think, “let’s bring in a meditation coach to talk to the team to improve productivity!”)

I have been considering finding a meditation teacher if my progress slows again, but perhaps an online group would make sense. I’m looking at the site you shared now. Thank you!

Hello fellow Erik-with-a-K!

I know that it is really common to start a practice & then drop it early on. I did exactly that several times!

I think there are a few reasons that it stuck after the first couple of years:

  • I noticed the benefits early on, so I felt that it was a valuable use of time.
  • I came across advice that told me it usually doesn’t feel like anything is happening during a sit (particularly until it is a habit), and I found it convincing enough to believe.
  • I read a lot on the subject, and tried a lot of guided meditations (YouTube and Insight Timer). That really helped accellerate my practice, since I need to have a logical reason for spending time on it every day.
  • I made a rule that I would sit for just 5m per day. That was easy enough that I was able to build up the habit.

I would love to get some conversations going about . I’m not sure how well this platform supports such things, but the best way to find out…

I started a practice some time in the mid 2000’s. I kept it to short (10-15m) sits, but managed to make it a consistent habit within a year or two. I like Headspace and similar meditation apps as a starting point, and recommend them to people if the topics comes up.

Around 2018, I started with The Mind Illuminated, which is a more structured approach based on the book of the same name. This involved longer sits (20-60m), with some clear guidelines. I feel that my sense of equanimity improved dramatically around this time, and many facets of my day-to-day life along with it.

While I did reap significant benefits, I did not progress through the stages outlined in the book. This led me to a more metta-based practice called Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation or TWIM, which is my core practice now. This has raised my baseline level of happiness quite noticably, and has also driven more “moral development” in terms of how I see the world and my place in it.

Does anyone else here follow one of these practices? Anything you’d care to share about your practice?

I dropped $2.99 for Fedilab this morning. It seems to work quite well, and shows my lists as a bar at the top, which I really like.

Seeing people with coding ability commenting on features they want in Mastodon, many of them framing their insights as if there is a bug.

Almost all ideas I have seen so far could be implemented in a client or a relay. For ones that can't, there are pull requests. For ones that are declined, downstream forking is feasible.

It's #OpenSource & based on a truly open standard, #ActivityPub. How about we frame ideas positively & look for places to contribute? This is not a walled garden run by VCs.

@JulieNye we love visiting the towns around Les Cheneaux including Detour village. It’s great for rainy day trips from our place.

@JulieNye I found that I could “install” the web page as an app on my Android phone, and it works well for browsing and posting, and includes most of the features. The only thing that didn’t work was attachments, so I had to skip over to the official app to create a post with the photos I just posted.
I just opened the site in my phone’s browser, and install is one of the options under the three dot menu.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.