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must have emerged from the physical world. This emergence must be understood if our knowledge is not to degenerate (more than it has already) into a collection of disjoint specialized disciplines.

and require different levels of … physical theory is described by rate-dependent dynamical that have no , while depends, at least to some degree, on of dynamics by rate-independent memory .”

A is something, A, which brings something, B, its sign determined or created by it, into the same sort of correspondence with something, C, its , as that in which itself stands to C.


In a sign is the describing (documenting) a (“mental model”) abstracted from a real (object) by an (the interpretant).

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is not a describing the or the of an .
It is rather a (an algorithm) that describes () the of , i.e. specifies what the has to perform at any moment depending on the constructor’s own and that of its .

The of the is defined by its as constructed by following the algorithm. Besides the functions involved in this process of self-construction and maintenance, a mature organism is also involved in the of (messages, seeds) for dissemination () in the environment.

A rare short and clearheaded analysis of the real risks associated with the use of tools in contrast and response to the general overwhelming “doomsday” hype such as that presented in the recent 6 months moratorium letter.

If by some chance gets in a position with the power to “wipe out” humanity, it will be not because of its superior intelligence but because of humanity itself.

The truth is that intelligence neither craves power nor it is a precondition to raise into a position of power. Quite the opposite.

Some wise words from John Dewey about the difference between and written back in 1934.

Humberto Romesin on structural determinism
Our Genome Does Not Determine Us
Presentation made at the Remaining Human Forum
Vancouver, B.C., May 22, 2001

1943 - The year when it all started:
, ,
From: Brains, Machines, and Mathematics
by: Michael A. Arbib

Control theories such as (Perceptual Control Theory), which are based on , are primarily focused on the control loop closed through the system’s and have little or no concern for the more important, internal motor loop controlling the system’s and cycles.

is usually described with as in the article below comparing the works from and :

Basically, what vector space semantics says is that the meaning of a message depends on the provided by the sender’s and the receiver’s .

As they are two different physical entities they will obviously be in different states, so the two meaning can never be exactly the same.

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People often interpret Ashby’s Law (after W. Ross Ashby) as if the system’s internal states must have the same level of variety as its environment in order to survive, which implies that the system should be able to respond (react) to every little disturbance from the environment.

This is not completely true because, on the lowest, , level, the system blocks from an (environmental) reaching the (internal, system protected) in two ways:

1️⃣ isolation (sheltering) from most environmental disturbances, and

2️⃣ reaction to (parring with) the remaining disturbance that managed to break through this passive protection.

from “Intro to

Stages of according to :

4️⃣ Incompetence: I think that I know what I’m doing, but I don’t;
3️⃣ Conscious : I know that I don’t know;
2️⃣ Competence: I know that I know;
1️⃣ Unconscious : I am doing it without thinking.

A truly remarkable thinker
Anthony Wilden - and
Essays in Communication and Exchange - Second edition (1980)

A classic on and from written back in 1995 when polymer folding was still a computationally intractable problem😀.
Still, his thoughts are as powerful as ever.

“Artificial Life Needs a Real Epistemology”

Hunter-gatherer, societies, in which there is no reason to hoard more than one currently needs, are highly as well as .

Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots by James Suzman

In we distinguish between three control functions (levels):
1️⃣ the purpose of which is maintaining the system’s ,
2️⃣ for finding an optimal path (and way of utilizing the regulators) to fulfill a given , and
3️⃣ (governance) providing direction.

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According to , is blocking the flow of from the (environmental) to the (internal, protected) . There are two primary forms of blocking the effect of the disturbance on the system:
1️⃣ Passive (by sheltering from), and
2️⃣ Active (on par with)
W. Ross Ashby (1956) - An Introduction to Cybernetics, (Chapman & Hall, London) - available electronically from:

Systems thinkers use a number of different terms for the three basic concepts in the “system’s triad” so that we have a “real system” as opposed to the “conceptual system” which is sometimes also called the “mental model” which is again different from the (real) descriptive or simulation model. In we make the distinction between , and unambiguous following the rules specified in the works of and

Ashby warns us against our first impulse to point at the pendulum and say ‘the system is that thing there’ because this has a fundamental disadvantage in that “every material object contains no less than an infinity of variables” from which “different observers (with different aims) may reasonably make an infinity of different selections.”

Therefore, there must first be given an , and a is then defined as “any set of variables selected by that observer from those available on the real ‘machine‘”.

defines a , as “a of that an abstracts in the flow of and of a of distinguished in the observers daily living” that is “spontaneously or artificially ” in its within some “ of concern” of the observer.

So, in Kihbernetics, the triad looks like this:

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