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Dear Family of Heffalumps,


We the Federation of Plan IT’s are pleased to badly go where no Main or hoarse has gone beyonder 😷🤐😌🦞

Obviously we must support our hardened admins, instances of Peace and Quite!

We dakini and daka must spell out our magick. :netkitty:

Wee the sheeple must follow our wooly hatters, artistes and artizens of all levels and screaming lunacy. :geodesic:

We are here for breakfat, brakefast, brekkie all day … even the munchies disordered.

In the words of my Lama/Guru
Give a lobster a fish and you feed the C. Give a rod and she wavers 🪬:superOK: 🦞

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In the last few months I’ve received 4 speaking invites:
•One to speak on the Black American experience—I said no & referred a Black scholar
•One to speak on Iranian women—I said no & referred several Iranian women
•One to speak on Arab American students—I said no & referred an Arab woman & activist
•One to speak on my experience in Turkey providing earthquake relief, on a panel with a Turkish scholar—I said yes

Lesson: You don’t need to be a voice for the voiceless—just learn to pass the mic.

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You know what's great about Mastodon? Putting effort into writing a long thread and waking up to the Self-Appointed-Mastodon-Police telling you that long threads are an "inappropriate" way to use Mastodon.

No. There are plenty of ways to uses Mastodon. Not everyone needs to use it the same way, and no one is required to follow your imagined rules.

Don't like what I post? Unfollow and block are free.

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You may have heard that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - the #IPCC - released a new #climate report.

Here’s the most important take home:

There are *still* so many feasible & effective opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions & adapt to #climatechange available right now.

Climate solutions will improve #food, energy & water security, benefit global health, promote equity, conserve biodiversity & boost the economy.
Read more:

what’s on your mind?

As someone in great need of draining or better still training the mind, I’ll try anything for better usage:

  • Breathing calmly
  • Sitting stoically
  • Ignoring noise/music/enterdrainment
  • Chanting or praying to deranged gods :win3_help: :superman: :dalek2:
  • Improving diet
  • Hexercise

You name it, I’ll try it and probably already have … :ablobsunglasses:

Of course the rest of us are in no need, happy to stumble through life, following celebrity elites such as … well what are you following/failing at/succeeding at so well? :black_block_blob: :its_a_joke: :superOK:

Any tips for the deranged or rearranged?

eh ma ho!
How wonderful to have a circle or even a pi r squared. As a jackass of all trads and a professional amateur beginner, I have been taking and mostly ignoring hexpert advice. :hs_spin:

I duz, as do we all, my best … So far so good [allegedly] 🪬🌈💎🌊

I have joined a witches instance, been inundated with USA politics and capital schism. No change there, same old imperial dog ma and pa. :ablobblastoff:

Luckily time on Mastodon will age and mature us quicker than tictac, tweety pi, instagram ma, fakebook, wikidpedia and dinosaur journalism etc. 😶

Welcome to the … well wherever we are … Hard, tough, diverse views, incredible admins and some of the best troll burgers for roasting ever. Move along, nothing to seeth hear or 🫧✨🦞🫶🏿

Dear Friends of the unpossessed,

:blobcatblackwhite: What a great day to be or knot to B as some shake spear sayered in ye olde times …

Remember to be civil, kinder, maternal to Gaia, father to HH the sky daddy. :blobcatsign: :blobfoxsignthx: :lobster:

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I think this is amazing and I would hope to see more things like this from the #indigenous #people of this #stolen #land.

I am in awe by the brave actions of the #mvskoke peoples.

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Here in Perth, Western Australia our summer is hot and dry with almost no rain for 5 months. The skies are blue and the sunsets are golden. One of my favourite subjects is the houses on the banks of the lovely Swan River.
#art #painting #MastoArt #australia #Perth

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Today is a good day to read Black anarchist Lorenzo Komboa Ervin's reflections on how those who maintain and benefit from white supremacy have done their best to co-opt the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Patriot Front has recently been active in the Atlanta metro area: here's a sticker removal photo from Stone Mountain village. Thanks to the local community for all the tips we get on their activity. Keep vigilant and try to get them on camera.

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I know we live in a world that needs love but lives in hate, fear, sadness & pain. I know there's people who need more empathy, sympathy, peace & respect. But freedom isn't the root cause of the problem. We need BOTH freedom & peace for all, not bullies that violate our right !

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The problem in general with social media community guidelines is that most are disorganized, complicated, patronizing & vague. It doesn't have an educated, understanding of problematic / toxic anti-social behavior. It violates human rights by having no balence. #savetheinternet #netneutrality

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