Dear Friends of Health and , :ablobdancer:

How do you increase yours?


Must be time for my breakfast, done my .

and One and All :ablobcouple:

Dear Friends , :ablobcouple:

There are who spread the . Most of us have to , work on ourself … :_stars:

The , 3 of Buddhism, are our and the most useful things to learn and . Supporting the jewels and learning through and means. ☸️

There is not one way in. may prefer . Those with may prefer talks, , etc. We each find a . :ablobdancer:

We may be a Buddhist. I met a couple at a Buddhist . They brought their own . emblazoned with :abloblurk:

Dear Friends of early , :ablobcouple:
It is 03:29 and all is . So far:

  • and
  • looked at my olde pics
  • planned for saving
  • Read all from my , I don’t have followers, they have all turned into flowers …
  • Will be time to wake up soon 🥳
  • Better dream reality for a while … 🙃

Dear Friends of ,

As we may know eventually … :lobster:
After , perhaps a to a center and or :_stars:

We practice ! :blobangel:

If you have ever tried and given up, you might need a different or approach:
At the a lot of my practice time after the period is /#chanting. :ablobderpyhappy:

During the settling time I do a sort of seated ‘ Nidra’ ( Sleep). I may then use techniques from or other schools. We future are an of , , and :ablobdancer:

Dear Friends of (my Friend), :_stars:
There I was after and a quick coffee, going for a in the . However I live in the former ‘ Borough’ of . Our side street is 30% than the rest of London. So it shines. :ablobsunglasses:

I managed to into the darker of , where the lights are non existent. We have a bit of for the to quack at. I to the darkness by into the darkest parts I could [ top tip for cats ] :lobster:

It was wet and . Glad to report no happened. always foxes, homeless and on a :ablobdancer:

Dear Friends of ,

As we may know, is all the rage … or . That is why it is all the rage, and for new .
I have been a since I was young enough to , old enough to know and enough to no .

or based practice is nearly as advanced as and or just counting the breath …

Let me for the ’s, ’s and wabbits …

The and to and make is to call up a wrathful or /#principle/#quality …

This is most familiarly done in /#Mantrayana

Dear Friends of Stillness,

I am off to find some to my Places … which is
Just in case you need a time of stillness, mince pie delciousing etc. Or/and just a break from the frenzied X-mass fervour … created a Podcast

… about the importance of and in . They mention that like the to the can prepare the body for still. They also discuss different approaches to sitting, such as using soft or using the posture. The speaker emphasizes the need to find a posture and not force oneself into a position that causes pain. They mention that with , stillness of and can be achieved.

Dear Friends of Stillness, ☸️

I am off to find some to my Places … which is
Just in case you need a time of stillness, mince pie delciousing etc. Or/and just a break from the frenzied X-mass fervour … created a Podcast

… about the importance of and in . They mention that like the to the can prepare the body for still. They also discuss different approaches to sitting, such as using soft or using the posture. The speaker emphasizes the need to find a posture and not force oneself into a position that causes pain. They mention that with , stillness of and can be achieved.

Dear friends of absorption, ☸️
How many things absorb our attention? How many are a distraction? An obsession? A necessity?

My latest 5 minute

as a state is used in and can make chore time more . It involves fully and in a , even if it’s or not particularly fun. or finding ways to make the task more can help. If you what you’re doing, absorption comes . Absorption is similar to or in . The speaker gives an example of using a to and how it becomes a form of absorption.

Dear Friends of slight pain,

Latest of using slight to the back into

The speaker discusses , which involves deprivation or slight pain. They describe two methods: one involves sharpening fingernails and pressing them into the hand as a , and the other involves squeezing a bead or coin to bring attention back to the present moment. These methods aim to bring and relaxation. The speaker also mentions using a as a reminder. These practices are simple but in attention.

Dear Friends of the Unhappy,

I have just uploaded a five minute podcast, on dealing with . If someone is about , that is . Hopefully they will overcome and pass into a happier situation …

The speaker discusses the topic of , depression, and and whether meditation can help. They mention that while meditation can be , it may not be enough on its own. and like and are suggested as to address sadness and unhappiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of what best for each and starting with before diving into .

Dear Friends of ,

Just uploaded my first in many years .

Here is what the AI says about it …

“In this meditation, the speaker guides us through a of and . They suggest finding a and on the to different parts of the body, using the word “relaxing” to encourage relaxation. They also suggest circling the and , and using the to touch and specific areas of . The speaker emphasizes the importance of being gentle and doing what feels comfortable. The meditation ends with a period of and a reminder to have a nice day.”

Hope it is useful. Nothing too complex. Not too difficult at all …

Just under 9 minutes

Dear Friends from eternity ago,

My olde lost are to my of peeps :ablobdancer:

Now that is just in because I was just about to leave the for new , , and including;

Exactly so! :lobster:

Sometimes … Mxspell and . Done it myself. One of my more . In effect? we mediate with our shelf . The one that nose/knows and no. As well as yes of course. The more we know self, the wiser to its whiles and wiles. I will be a US … well OK no of that. the whims.

Marjorie H Morgan  
This is such an important listen. Take 4 minutes for this short meditation to reset yourself with Yrsa Daley-Ward: