Dear Friends of and , :ablobcouple:

As we know, we can learn from , and interactions. This through our experience and to . Some examples:

Dear Friends of Superbum,

Yesterday came across several of these Excelsum .

They are in at the , and will have white . I identified them as but never seeing them as young trees.

Lovely jubbly!

Dear Friends of , :ablobhearteyes:
you may squeak:

  1. :ablobraisehand:
  2. Cornish (revived Celtic) :byebrows:
  3. (includes ) :fireflower:
  4. (includes human) :blobnomglobal3:
    There are others eg. Cloud, , eg. Hot head …
    It’s good to , even to yourself. , followers, trolls and other lost phish. :ablobnogood:
    are your favourite of gibbering? Mine are:
    • As an junky, most get around to C and assembler. Some right their own -level assemblers, which are surprisingly and . Some disassemble … :ablobangel:
    • Each plant and animal have their own
    • If you speak child, each age/language is different, right up to child senility … :bloboro:

I would suggest the , understood are , , body language and . :ablobcouple:

… and maybe CAT

Dear Friends of London,
As we know, nothing is , even static crackles on …
and weather, and people in .

Dear friends of ,
Our local council has just planted a field maple ( campestre) outside our home. Apparently Batman does not like it, also the tree removes from kids. Are you meant to beat the devil out of them with twigs or call on Bat-gal?

… in fact I think the devil has been well and truly .

Shame really. She has such a busy and painful life …

In other news just got some sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) for lunch. I am practically a latino with all my latin. El Papa aka The God Father, aka The Poop will be impressed and too …

I can feel a few verses of “Away in a mangé” coming on …

COD bless us every one - Tiny Tim

Dear Friends,

It is a new day, a new drawn and I am feeding Gogogly. :ablobdancer:

to the , the squirrels, the and the of the for the for rest.

Now go ripple, and the good and purveyors of . is in the hair. Christ Mass movement is !


Dear Friends of , :ablobblastoff:
I like her , her type . Her angry .

As we may know, comes in , not always to those who deserve; The , the , the by stander. The scythe cuts ,
, and .

is a day to , as the might say (not in this )

Just a to . We won’t be bringing what we stand up in. Your coin for the is currency. You can try a sole, shoo sole, soul solo. No use. The row is over. The furthest shore empty.


Dear Followers of ,

Yes we can follow hashtags, OF OUR CHOOSING. Is it rude to shout, scream or scram? We decide …

Can we block, boost and follow? If we do, will our and what we find there, change? Count on it.

Can we find what interests us? Go find out! Bon Voyage of Discovery … We are Free, as in free to choose :ablobdancer:

We control the vertical, we control the horizontal. We are the Zone. Now we know?