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I need to hear those white journalists, white pundits, white elites, and white pols issue full-throated, enthusiastic, eager endorsements of Kamala Harris before I will believe they have thought through what they are saying about Biden. I haven't heard that yet. Have you?

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JFC. I've been following the news closely, and I wasn't even aware that Clarence Thomas took a yacht trip to Russia, complete with a helicopter trip to Putin's palace, paid for by Republican donor Harlan Crow.

That's how utterly defective our worthless political press is.

EVE: my pronouns are she/her

ADAM: oh here we go again with the made up pronouns in MY day we only had one gender

Every frying pan that comes with a fitted lid should also have a fitted bacon press.

It's been clear since at least the Afghanistan withdrawal that #Biden would seek re-election facing a uniquely hostile media environment and aside from ego and ambition, I don't know why he chose to do it. He's putting his whole legacy at risk along with our pluralistic democracy.

I don't think his age is a real problem. The legacy media's obsession dovetailing with and reinforcing the right's central line of attack is a huge one. #election2024

"I started with a rather non-consensus hypothesis: companies want to pay for their critical open source dependencies, but most projects are not selling them a legible way to do so."

Bob's Burger's voice actor who played the antagonizing "Jimmy Pesto" now serving prison sentence for his role in January 6th coup.

"You must unite with us, or else we are all doomed!" they say, as they staunchly refuse to adjust any of their own beliefs or systems to accommodate our own.

I see billionaires as similar to the patients on the show Hoarders who live surrounded by piles of trash and filth and in need of professional therapy.

Billionaires' filth is the dirty financial spoils of cheating and theft.

Most people would be satisfied with a few million dollars and retire to do something fun, fulfilling, and relaxing.

Billionaires can't quit. They need more and bigger piles.

I want to see the Hoarders show pivot to covering billionaires.

The licensed clinical specialist would show up to ask questions and evaluate the billionaire:
Why do you need to accumulate so much wealth?
What sort of trauma are you attempting to repress?
Will you ever be able to use all the wealth you have in your lifetime?
Do you realize how your illness affects your family?
Will you commit to further treatment after we leave?

The professional "extreme cleaners" would be philanthropy facilitators and tax collectors.

Once you see Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Rupert Murdock and their ilk as mentally ill wealth hoarders, you can't unsee it.

#USPol #USPolitics #TaxTheRich #Oligarchs #Hoarders #Billionaires #BillionairesShouldNotExist

Have we hit the absolute dumbest news cycle of the election already?

My money is on "emphatic no".

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Oh for fucks sake! Turns out the reason for the visits to the White House by Parkinson's experts was that Biden was signing a watershed Parkinson's...

We like to give white people a hard time for being bad a cultural slang. But they have always been super creative at coming up with new ways of saying the n-word.

Despite everything (*waves arms around*) going on, I think this article might actually be the true harbinger of our dystopia.

Nike is killing its app for $350 self-tying sneakers.

Companies over-promise us the future we've dreamed of, if only we download their app. Then they underdeliver. Then they take away what they underdelivered and laugh all the way home with the profits.

It was cooking, yes. But now? Now, it's more of a science experiment. I want to see what it *becomes*.

The fact that so many command-line programs respond properly to either "quit" or "exit", but not both, is a metaphor for modern design.

I don't know if this is a pre-existing theorum or not, but I'm gonna go ahead and state it now:

"The more management levels a company has between the executive decision makers and the line-level employees who carry out those decisions, the more likely it is for evil to proliferate within the company."

Some human beings use other human beings as buffers to prevent them from having to see the effects of their decisions on a lot more human beings. We call this a "corporate structure".

Bit torrents do seem like an especially curious method to deliver operating system installation files.

When most users will be using the files to move to a new OS with a new torrent client, how do they ever get seeded?

"Libertarian" szaszians being transphobic are so weird. They basically think that gender identity is a choice and that of course one should always rationally choose to be cis. Why? I thought you believed in freedom? Choosing to be able to have female orgasms while having a penis is way more rational than choosing to drink raw milk, something libertarians will apparently fight to death to defend.

Friends, it is important to know that millions of rank and file Democrats are concerned about Biden’s health and/or his ability to beat Trump. Accusing them of wanting a Trump victory is neither accurate nor honest. We have to be the party where people can freely express concerns about Biden — otherwise, we risk degenerating into the current Republican situation, where all dissent has been quashed. 1/

For your consideration: the "Master of Puppets" swing cover you've been looking for

Well, I guess I'm gonna be dead to this planet starting on October 21st.

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