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@freemo The app on my phone doesn't bookmark. I'll have to remember to catch this when I get home. This is such an ongoing thing. 😔

Romaq boosted

I mentioned this in a private message to someone recently about why a small handful of servers block qoto. I wanted to reiterate it here for the new comers on QOTO who dont know the history:

So there are some servers out there that demand every server int he network block every instance they do, and if a server doesnt block an instance they block then they block you in rettatliation.

Their reason for this is quite flawed but it goes like this.. If we federate with a bad actor instance and we boost one of their posts then their users will see it and defeat the purpose of the block. The problem is, this isnt how it actually works. If they block a server and we boost it, they wont see the boost, thats how blocks work.

The issue becomes even more complicated when you consider the fact that these servers, by virtue of their policy, have huge block lists where they block tons of major servers. So in order to satisfy them we too would have to block a huge number of servers.

This means you have a choice, you either join a server that isnt blocked, but has a huge block list themselves, or, you join a server that doesnt block and be blocked by a small handful of servers. Obviously that means on QOTO you will have bigger view of the world than you would on any of these others servers. In fact QOTO has onne of the largest federation footprints of any server in the network.

I want to also explain why we choose the decision we did. Years ago when this controversy started and servers across the fediverse started blocking there was a divide of people taking sides. WOTO was one of the few servers that didnt take sides and allowed people read content from any server (but with strict hate speech rules). This caused a huge influx of people,s pecifically from the LGBTQ community, onto our server. It turns out many people relied on us not-blocking for their physical safety. There were big name biggots (like milo yanappolus) who were on the network. They used their accounts here to watch his account for doxing so they could warn themselves and their community and protect themselves accordingly. In fact we added a feature just for them called subscriptions which allowed them to monitor accounts without following them so they could do so anonymously.

In tthe end for the safety of the LGBTQ community here we refused to engage in mass server blocking and instead encouraged our users to block servers on an individual basis and provided access to block lists for them to do so. But some really misguided servers blocked us anyway.

Thankfully the servers blocking us are few and far between and are limited to only the most excessive and aggressive block lists. As I said, QOTO has one of the largest federation footprints on the fediverse,


Yay! My wife has a bit more presence here as @mikmaqpeek. Good to see you here!

@brynntannehill @anothercohen Parody, for those who missed it. Still thanked by emusk.

Romaq boosted

I hope Twitter survives. But the stories today are not encouraging. In case it disappears, let me shout out to all the many people I've made internet-friendships with (and in some cases IRL friendships). I've learnt so much from you, and I appreciate your interest in my work.




@freemo "Right toxic", "Left toxic", "toxic" is freakin' toxic. Sweet baby Jesus! Sometimes it's good to just let the trash freakin' take itself out.

I'm glad for your kind response when I reached out to you in email asking if QOTO.ORG would be a good fit, and I'm very glad to report it is. I never really encouraged her to be involved in the Bird place. It's just too... whatever Aurynn Shaw is. I'm happy we have a home here.

Romaq boosted

So I reached out to admins of the few instances that block us with a polite email explaining some of the misinformation spread about us in the pastt and describing the situation in some detail in the hopes it will be resolved.

Luckily nearly all the instances are very small and its not a big deal since our federation footprint remains one of the largest int he fediverse, but I felt it was an effort worth making.

Anyway, seems the drama is already begining and even more flat out lies are getting thrown around be a few:

Luckily despite a few bad actors most of the people I contacted reached out to me in good faith and several seem to be willing to reverse the ban. Lets hope the people who actually bother to fact-check win out on this one.

@freemo Bookmarked. I came across someone on the Bird place saying she didn't know how to love herself, only other people. I wish I had this at that time. I'm not sure I ever read "Wonderland," and I don't recall seeing the Disney movie. I'll have to fix that.

I told the person asking, "Before you can say, 'I love you' you must first say 'I'."


I'm <i>glad</i> to see you have it worked out!

@ewdocparris @georgetakei I'm opposed to *me* personally proselytizing, but I'd be happy to see this come to pass!

Romaq boosted


I'm kinda "meh" either way. i18n has more priority in my mind than "grade-school humor", and to me that is what a "toot" is. Now, grade-school humor has a place, and I'm quite happy to be in that place, but it *is* that particular place. If I were going to pick a hill to die on, I'd have a chat with the i28n community at large along with professionals who both do and refuse to use this platform on what factor "tooting" has to do with it.

But I'm not in any such position to have such conversations, and I have no meaningful say in code commits. I don't know if @Gargron has more to add or developments past the post I reference, but if I'm to be on Mastodon for the haul, I want the platform to be in there for the haul for *me*.

is Seditionist #1. How is it he's *not* disqualified?

Robert Reich  
Demand election officials disqualify Trump now:
Romaq boosted

I’m boldly going where I haven’t gone before, which is right here at this site. Apparently this is a “toot.” I would appreciate a follow!

Romaq boosted

The fat orange monster in Florida continues to fume.

Launch stil scheduled for 0604 UTC but there could be a delay due to the leak. No word yet if the leak has stopped.

Romaq boosted

Boost this toot if you're planning on sticking around Mastodon whether or not it becomes more popular than the birdsite.

@Pat Truth be told, I saw a calculation of time dilation from the constant speed of the ISS relative to the surface of earth's equator vs. the time dilation from gravity at sea level. I can't do the math, however the calculations would show the effects nearly (but of course not completely) cancel one another out.

The upshot is that I would not want to pin too much of importance on the difference unless I had someone like @/ account for all relevance effects and handle the math.

Romaq boosted

"Try reading the following out loud:

Hashtag screenreaders for the hashtag blind and hashtag VisuallyImpaired read every hashtag HashTags out loud and so it's hard for people with hashtag VisualImpairment to get the sense of the post because it's being constantly interrupted by well-meaning hashtag accessibility hashtag allies.

Easier to read with a block of hashtags at the bottom:
#screenreaders #VisuallyImpaired #blind #allies #Hashtags #accessibility"
--original author unknown

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.