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At the moment, I'm encouraging players to make screenshots of "Useful Information such as builds, as well as document what went well, what didn't go so well. Inventory: What did we make storage for but didn't need that much in the long haul? How should it be organized?

Then there are the farms. Where is redstone useful/ needed? What should be built underground? Lots of info can be captured in a screenshot of our *current* server for decisions to be made following a map wipe.

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@Chamisa22 We have a pretty tight & tiny allow list anyway. @mikmaqpeek my wife is on it, her adult son, DJ (I don't think he's on Mast yet), and my young nephew on rare occasions. But Minecraft for me is so much more fun with friends and family involved. :)

@TheRaDR I didn't get it so much until reading personal stories on the birdsite such as why women are not inclined to smile in public as a safety issue, then I'm all GOOD GOD THIS IS EVIL! Or stories about being arrested for walking down the street while black. "That's my nephews and nieces. Hell no!" Yeah. Privilege. I don't have to think about that crap just walking down the street. I do now.

It looks like I will be doing a map wipe of the Peanutbutterdreams (PBD) server. I need to pass it by the server owner, but I expect she will agree.

I plan to document the details here for my own reference on what I'm thinking at the time, and hopefully it will benefit anyone interested. PBD is already running on for years, and I'm quite happy with the service. Several years back, I had to stop running the Copper Ferret Minecraft server as money became too tight. Robin, one of the players was willing to keep funding it, so I transferred it to her under a new name she chose. I keep it going as admin, but "policy" and decisions I defer to her.

ExtraVM allows me to run vanilla, Spigot I update myself, and other servers I don't focus on. I tend to use Spigot unless I have reason such as a snapshot to run instead. I have a SpigotDEV folder where I go to Command Line Git, I use cursor up up to get the compile line, enter, wait to finish, then move the Java over as needed. Easy. Setting that up has more detail, but once done it is simple for updates.

I'll discuss more tomorrow. Questions and comments are welcome.

Romaq boosted


Splashing in water, seeing my Uncle. Years later as a teen, I saw where it was my first outing. The memory is very brief, and I was never told a particular story about it.

I also recall asking my mom, "Mom? Why are you my mom?" I wasn't asking *why*, I was asking where she got her name "mom" from, and how I knew it. I don't recall her answer, just asking it. Also, no story or retelling of that event, it's just a memory. In both cases, my memory of those is "first person view." I was "me."

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"After asking the hard questions like 'did you do it' of everyone except the people most likely to do it, we regret to say that we were unable to identify the person who did it."

@fruitmonster Welcome! My wife and I have Stardew Valley, but we haven't played that one much. We do more cooperative sandbox play on . Stardew Valley is a wonderful game, so we may try playing it again just her and I.

Romaq boosted

Summary of 2023 Republican Agenda:
-Abortion: Ban it
-Marijuana: Ban it
-Democracy: Ban it
-Immigration: Ban it
-LGBTQ books: Ban it
-Contraceptives: Ban it
-Dialogue on racism: Ban it
-Books by Black Authors: Ban it

I thought I'd cuddle a bit with Tilly. I'm careful to ask permission, though. She's in the ottoman, a hollow footstool with a hole for small pets to enter. A crocheted blanket gives her privacy, keeps it warm, and she can peek through the holes.

I dropped a pillow near it for my head, lay on the floor, then gently put my hand inside but to one, empty side as an invitation.

It took half a minute, but then Tilly sniffed my hand, then lay on it. I went to sleep this way. Time spent on important things.


All you have to do is learn to lower your expectations a bit more.



You *HAVE* to vaccinate your dog against rabies. It is the *LAW* and your dog could be forcibly taken from you. So yeah... "dumber than a dog" covers a great deal of ground.

Example for the State of Indiana:


Playing Minecraft. There is a great deal to the game, but it's absolutely more fun with friends & family. I like running my own server, most of the time. It's really the only defense I have against Staff-Abuse. I really *REALLY* hate Staff-Abuse.

Note, on "Mucks", staff tend to have a 'Wizard" flag and are known as "Wizards."

"Wiz-abuse is intolerable. Wiz-abuse is defined as utilizing ANY facility granted by having wizard authorization to effect ANY player or object not belonging to the wizard without the player's approval for any other reason than to enforce compliance with the mission of the muck.

The penalty for wiz-abuse will be termination of the wizard or staffer from this system in any capacity, as player or staffer."

I don't know of any servers that even think that way. The whole point of being a "staffer", or "mod" on a server is being friends with the server owner and being able to lord your godly powers over lesser beings and mortals. I mean, what other point *is* there to being on a server's staff?

I do think is a good server. I never encountered Staff Abuse there. Unfortunately, my wife felt better with us staying on our own server with me running it.

Anyway, I'll post more later of what's going on. I'd be happy to answer questions about the server should anyone ask.

@aebrockwell The Flat-earther business is just part of the overall trend to disenfranchised knowledge. This push for anti-science isn't isolated, and it's scary as hell to me.

It's like the writing above a trashy bathroom urinal: "the joke is in your hand." The tools of knowledge these people seek to destroy back the very technology in their hands, their smart phone. Just... I can't even... How do you fight fog? How do you grapple with the nothingness?

Romaq boosted

@Romaq That's a great Feynman quote: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

The scope could probably be expanded. In the modern era, as far as I can tell, reality appears to have taken a back seat to much more than just public relations.

Flat Earther Bev (@try_thinking) on is a... well, he claims *not* to be a "Flat Earther" while pushing FE talking points and claiming *ONLY* Euclidian geometry is valid. He's really big on "using Greek philosophy" as the basis for his pronouncements. I noted that since he rejects actual Greek philosophy such as used by Eratosthenes to discover a good approximation of the circumference of Earth, Bev is a "Sparkling Flat Earther."

Bev likes to quote-tweet from @FeynmanBot to show how smart he is in rejecting "globalism" and going against scientific consensus. And yet in Bev's assertion "I’ve talked to surveyors, they all know that level is horizontal 👍🏻" implying "the earth is flat." Of course, he appears to be upset when you *tell* him "you just said the earth is flat." "No no! There are mountains and stuff. OBVIOUSLY the earth isn't flat!" He then does a song & dance about why the ocean has no curve to it while denying curvature has to be accounted for in long suspension bridges.

This guy is a piece of ... well, "piece of work," to put it politely. When Bev produces his spiel promoting "it isn't Flat Earth," it runs roughshod over everything Feynman spoke of concerning reality. And yet this moron tries to claim Feynman's mantle as "super smart guy" with his quote tweeting. It's almost as disgusting as Feynman's behavior towards women. Not quite, but pretty low down there.

The part of this I find interesting and valuable is the mental exercise of thinking through proofs the Earth is a globe. Hell, following the Challenger Disaster, Feynman ended up writing with the wonderful quote, "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."

I need to engage here more about things that stretch my mind. It's too easy to dunk on flerthers. But time... I need to organize better how I spend my time.

@freemo I didn't think I could pull off that joke without you catching it. 😉

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@freemo I'd like to contribute. I'll get back to you.

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In this two part toot on procrastination, as a fellow procratanator I want to help everyone by listing the 4 ways to help you stop procrastinating....

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