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Aberdeen's University Librarian @simonjbains announced our new rights retention policy today!

Seems niche, but is super important for fighting the supervillains in for-profit publishing.

Uni staff can no longer be made to sign over copyright to publish. All work will be made freely available to all in the university repository.

We have an amazing Open Research Team at the library 📚 🦸‍♀️ 🏆. Thank you!

Full details:

#OpenAccess #OpenResearch #RightsRetention #LibraryDon

The LMB PhD Programme
@LMB_PhD is open to applications for starting next year.

PhD students interested in developing novel cryomicroscopy technology are welcome to apply:

To apply see:

#PhD #CryoEM

"It was late in 1972 — a year in which the science of genetic engineering really began to sizzle — that two California researchers announced the unusually tidy transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another with help from a specialized enzyme. It was a scientifically heralded result, but behind the hoopla was just one small catch. The information transferred enabled a common human disease bacterium, E. coli, to resist not just one antibiotic, but two.

“Alarm bells should have rung,” writes @matthewcobb, in his deeply researched and often deeply troubling history of gene science."

For all electron microscopists out there:

"Crosshair, semi-automated targeting for electron microscopy with a motorised ultramicrotome"

Kimberly Meechan et al. 2022 @eLife from Yannick Schwab's lab at EMBL in collaboration with The Crick institute.

Presents a new method for reliably and "selectively targeting small regions of interest in a resin block by trimming with an ultramicrotome", powered by "user-friendly software to convert X-ray images of resin-embedded samples into angles and cutting depths for the ultramicrotome."

Reviewed by three outstanding electron microscopists: Christel Genaud, Song Pang, and Michaela Wilsch-Bräuninger.

Interested in transcription? Skills in bioinformatics?
@LabBrickman is looking for a bioinformatician!…

Also advertising PhD/post docs - like Bioinformatics, please apply…lots of cool data!

Please Boost…

Excited to come across the beta of a version of Internet Archive focused on academic journal articles. The version for books is fantastic, so am hopeful about this:

(but surprised that it apparently starts with 'eighteenth-century journals', rather than 17thC journals... #JournalDesScavans is available on #Gallica; #PhilosophicalTransactions is available from #RoyalSociety)

(Copying from PDF never works well ... and this instance doesn't yet offer an edit button. Sorry.)

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Want to study bumblebees in the Arctic? The impact of global warming on pollinators? There's an open PhD position in Richard Gill's lab at in London

The PhD ad is a PDF:

"Our knowledge of how interaction networks, such as plant-pollinator relationships, are being
affected by climate change remains in its infancy. This is primarily due to us having a limited
understanding of the underlying mechanisms determining how plant and pollinator
populations respond to climatic variation."

"This project will study an Arctic plant-pollinator community located in Lapland (Sweden) by
taking advantage of a unique phenology transect spanning an elevational gradient."

Those interested in scientific visualization (, , , ) may enjoy the videos in the Scientific Visualization Interest Group playlist:

These videos include talks from the creators of systems like Agave, ANARI, Datoviz, , Neuroglancer, PyGfx, VizPy, and VMD. Thanks to @billkatz for organizing the series.

Data Quality 

With large quantities of heterogeneous data, users performing analyses should be aware of common #DataQuality issues and what to do about them.

Join the Data Use Club for this week's practical session on Data Quality!

📆 16 Nov 2022 @ 15:00 CET (UTC+1)

friend taught me about something recently, known as Gell-Mann Amnesia

quoting this page:


Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.


i've been thinking about this very strongly with every news article that comes out about "The Mastodon Network" or whatever, and with the whole thing.

i don't normally consume a lot of news, tech or otherwise, and i hadn't identified this pattern in my own thinking. but i sure as hell do now, especially with all these clueless writers churning out paragraph after paragraph, full of nonsense, about a subject that hits pretty close to home for me

I've been using #AnnotatedEquations in my recent papers. I think it really adds to the readability and understanding of the math.

Here are some examples. It uses #tikz in #latex.

Let me know if you like it. Happy for any feedback.

No idea how this thing works...but here's my first post! Will see how the dumpster fire pans out on twitter.

#neuroscience #scicomm #academia

Have you ever encountered a wasp about 4 to 5 cm long? At the risk of anthropomorphising, as it raises into the air, hovering near you, observing you, one feels the presence of a being so confident in its position at the top of the food chain, that it judges you, it evaluates you as a non-risk (perhaps unwisely), and, after a brief few moments, moves on with its day–to find a large spider to sting and stash away in its offspring's pantry. It's entirely harmless to us, and the adults drink nectar from flowers. It's enemies are, I'm sure, other parasitoid wasps.

Cryptocheilus annulatus is one such wasp. From Hvar island, Croatia.

RT @cshperspectives
"[eLife Editors] are only gatekeepers if people keep thinking of this model as a gate...we're trying to move away from a world where 'getting into' the journal has any value whatsoever" via @damianpattinson

#introduction: I am obsessed with the biology of #hallucinations and #delusions.

I am a #newPI at the Francis Crick Institute, London. In our lab, the #Psychosis Collective, we study the neural circuits and immune processes underlying unfounded perceptions and thoughts 🐭 👤 . I look forward to great #neuroscience #immunology #neuroimmunology #psychiatry here!

This is me moving to London without ever having been to London before.

Ok, time for an #introduction.

👋🏻 My name is Angela (pronouns: she/they 🌈) — I recently started as an assistant prof. at Mt. Sinai. I’m generally interested in how we learn, and why learning can lead to changes in mental health. For updates from my group, see Topics: naturalistic reinforcement learning as a model of mental health dynamics, modeling iEEG data from humans learning and deciding in complex environments.

Brooklyn-based, fan of coffee & science hangouts 🧠 ☕️

“HHMI enthusiastically supports eLife’s new model.”

Huge endorsement from a major funder in the biosciences of the new scientific publishing model deployed by @eLife

All be said, HHMI is one of the three founding agencies behind , together with the Wellcome Trust and the Max Planck Society.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.