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Introduction time for me, an funded science project called .

TL;DR: we build a ( to facilitate based image data processing on data obtained in a context. Why? Because it is important to make the most out of all the amazing data out there!!!

Our 10-partner consortium will build an open, accessible, community-driven repository of pretrained models and develop services to deliver these models to life scientists, including those without substantial computational expertise. will provide direct support and ample training activities to prepare life scientists for responsible use of methods. Additionally, will drive community contributions of new models and interoperability between analysis tools. will also facilitate and public aimed at providing state-of-the-art solutions to unsolved image analysis problems in life science research.

brings together /#ML researchers, developers of image analysis tools, providers of European-scale storage and compute services, and European life science -- all united behind the common goal to enable life scientists to benefit from the untapped, tremendous power of AI-based analysis methods.

Check out our model zoo at…

Spam also coming to . Or this is someone spoofing brand accounts in their own instance, to mock them. Just read the screenshots of the toots.

Know anything about this, @freemo @trinsec ?

📢 Please RT
Join our #fly neuroscience lab.

4 year fully funded #phD fellowship to study how animals make decisions during conflicting situations. #neuroscience #drosophila

Deadline 20th Jan
Get in touch with questions.

Proud: We at Utrecht University (Library) are making a structural financial contribution to essential open infrastructures supportive to #openaccess.

1st batch:
Directory of Open Access Books; Directory of Open Access Journals; ORCID; OAPEN Library; Public Knowledge Project;; DSpace, Arxiv, PsyArxiv and MediArXiv.

Have a look at the workshops program, journals and grants of the awesome 'The Company of Biologists', the not-for-profit UK charity run by practicing scientists

@Sheril These 4 individuals, presenting their case of denial of global warming. It's all too easy to think of them as malicious, or evil, yet most likely, almost certainly, they weren't [0]. A combination of the drawer effect [1], unwitty p-hacking [2], and then the ego-stroking effect of being picked up by some of the media to underscore their narrative, receiving lavish praise and funding from "important" think tanks, and, eventually, even when deep inside the cleverer among them realised their mistakes, it's too late [3], a bit like the big bird site accounts crying out loud "but my followers", never mind the icky fellow travellers they picked up on the way, and the friends they left behind. The path of devastation that should forever haunt them is a reminder of how, at their time of calling, they failed, and seemingly brought us all down with them.

[0] Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
[1] The drawer effect or publication bias:
[2] p-hacking or data dredging:
[3] Sinclair's "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

It's fantastic to connect with a lot of new people on #Mastodon, and so I think it's a great opportunity to highlight the #dataViz #protocols that I've been working on. The purpose of this resource is to lower the barrier for people in life sciences to start using R/ggplot2 for #dataViz.

"As the car furiously hastens ahead of me, half a ton of metal and plastic and glass carrying but the driver, burning fuel, drawing odds for an accident head on with incoming traffic, carving a path of momentaneously devastating smoke and noise. Yet arriving at the red light I pedal past the halted, idling monstrosity, and when the green comes up, they are far behind enough to get trapped at the next cycle of the red light. Just but why?"

From: "Car driving: the unexamined life."
(Excerpt from a future book I'd like to write.)

🚨 BIG DATA RELEASE 🚨 We are beyond excited to announce the release of our Brain Wide Map of neural activity during decision making! It consists of 547 Neuropixel recordings of 32784 neurons across 194 regions of the mouse brain 🐭🧠

All these recordings were performed in a distributed fashion in 12 different labs, spanning Europe and the US 🌎 Rigorous standardization of methods and materials allowed us to pool the data from these labs together into a single gigantic dataset 🐙

Mice are performing our standardized perceptual decision-making task in which they have to position a stimulus in the center of a screen to receive reward. The dataset contains the stimuli and decisions, but also videos from three angles and DeepLabCut pose information. We're even releasing all the raw ephys data!

We know, it's a lot. At your own pace you can read all the details about the experimental setup, the task, processing of the data, and much more in the technical paper which accompanies this data release:

To explore the data at your leisure, visit our visualization website where you can scroll through different recording sessions, look at neural activity during example trials, and see trial-based activity of single neurons:

Do you have itchy fingers to run your models on this humongous dataset? We totally get it! Here you can find how to download the data using our API so you can fire up those computing clusters:

This was a collective effort of our stellar team, who all put in so much work to make this monumental achievement possible. Our collaboration consists of 22 PIs, 37 researchers, and 11 staff members who all worked tirelessly to bring these data to you, the community 👏🍾

Two PhD projects advertised in our group: 

📢We are advertising two #PhD projects on #genomics and #evolution in the magnificent #SoaySheep of St Kilda. Interested in wild #immunology or #recombination?

Project 1: Investigating action and evolution of #immune loci. DL 5th Jan 2023.

Project 2: How and why recombination varies, with a focus on sex differences. DL 5th Dec 2022.

Please DM or email

#Soay #StKilda #Edinburgh

"Try reading the following out loud:

Hashtag screenreaders for the hashtag blind and hashtag VisuallyImpaired read every hashtag HashTags out loud and so it's hard for people with hashtag VisualImpairment to get the sense of the post because it's being constantly interrupted by well-meaning hashtag accessibility hashtag allies.

Easier to read with a block of hashtags at the bottom:
#screenreaders #VisuallyImpaired #blind #allies #Hashtags #accessibility"
--original author unknown

I want to write and use more of this so this is an #introduction.

I'm a #computerScience and #computerEngineering bs. Later I studied #bigdata and #computerGraphics. Worked in #medical #ImageAnalysis and I am still deciding if I am going to stay in #academia or leave for industry.

I love open technology, and art, and music and science and learning languages. So I love #Blender and my friends think I am crazy because I go around convincing people to let me teach them how to use it hahah.

Since it proves challenging to find everybody at #mastodon, I thought it would be useful to add a little #introduction to my profile!
I am a neuroscientist, heading the research group Olfactory Coding at the MPI in Jena and interested in olfactory circuits, sensory processing and plasticity in #Drosophila. Key techniques are 2P functional imaging, SSR, anatomical tracing, neuronal reconstructions, neuro-/ optogenetics and diverse behavioral assays to study innate/ learned olfactory behavior.

@manlius @PessoaBrain @dbarack @DrYohanJohn @NicoleCRust By the way the video that slowly zooms out from the low-level to the higher-level one that the low-level implements is here:

We have an open PhD position to work on neurite pruning in the fly PNS! Perks - international lab, state-of-the-art microscopes, beautiful city.

Hello Mastodon!

Here our #introduction:

We are a community-driven, platinum open access (i.e. free) journal, overlay on arxiv.

We aim at maximal inclusivity of research fields, topic, and community representatives.

Get in touch, send us your papers, talk to us!

Find more info and papers at our website

#ScienceMastodon ASAPbio are running a survey ahead of their Recognizing #Preprint #PeerReview meeting. Help to inform the discussion by telling them your experience with posting, receiving, and reusing public feedback on preprints. 5 minute survey.

Job ad: Group Leader position in computational neurobiology

Place: VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research, Belgium.

Notice there are many other advertised job positions at that same research center, including lab tech, postdocs, experts (), specialists, administrative, and more:

Some people think Mastodon is too weird to become popular:

I joined Twitter in 2008. We had to put a "d" in front of a tweet to convert it to a direct message and every other day you had some embarrassing private moments exposed because someone forgot about the “d”. Hashtags were just a community hack, introduced by Chris Messina to somehow tag content. Search? Hah, you wish! Tweets via SMS were supposed to be a thing. Oh, and the daily meet and greet with the failwhale. Totally not weird.

@simon Even more impressively for web developer folks, is a open source Rails app with worldwide localized websites that feed observation data to the iNaturalist network:

It has iOS & Android native apps & a separate privacy/kid-focused iOS/Android React Native app called Seek:

They're all well-maintained projects that AFAIK accept contributions. It's a truly fantastic community project reputable funding:

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.