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aluaces boosted

Dear Free Software Community, let’s raise awareness about Quicksy. We don’t have to recommend our geeky solutions to everyone. If some people switch to free software, decentralized and federated app like Quicksy, that is better compared to them finding xmpp/matrix/IRC difficult to use and not using it. We need to work to advertise this option and raise awareness about it.

#FreeSoftware #XMPP #quicksy

aluaces boosted

December #Prosody trunk update:
No 0.12 release yet!

A new setting to easily configure TLS security and compatibly level: `tls_preset = "modern" | "intermediate" | "old"` based on #mozilla recommendations

New module and API for recurring tasks (e.g. cleanup jobs): mod_cron

New module to prevent registration of deleted accounts, as they might retain group memberships on remote instances: mod_tombstones

Many other minor tweaks and polish.
69 files changed, 2707 insertions(+), 579 deletions(-)

@trinsec just to be sure: it is not only to have several video tracks, but to be able to select which one is in the foreground without cutting, deleting or moving them.

Imagine you have recorded an interview and that you want to focus the person that is speaking at every instant. Of course, you need to record each in their own track.

I learned that switching between video tracks in a video editor, like they do on a TV set is called "multicam editing" and have that.

aluaces boosted

🎉 Happy new 2022 🎉

Have a great new year celebration everyone. We wish you all a very awesome 2022!
Special thanks to all the Disrooters that have been helping us by reporting issues, donating, hanging out on our community chat, all those who submitted patches, translations and tutorials! You are all awesome!
Disroot would not exist without the tireless work of all FLOSS developers either. We would like to thank you all for your hard work!You are the heroes!
More at:

@juanvalan it has been broken for some time, including muting someone. You will have to use the web for that.

As I upgraded to "testing" again, my Bluetooth headset stopped connecting because some protocol issue. Turns out it was as easy to fix as deleting it from the list of paired devices and then pairing it again.

aluaces boosted

We made exciting progress in our work towards OpenPGP card support in Sequoia. Two weeks ago, we extended our CI system to run a test suite against a set of physical OpenPGP cards: "Towards OpenPGP Card Support in Sequoia".

(With this, our CI system now makes use of the three devices that @nitrokey donated for this purpose - thanks again!)

aluaces boosted

@climagic [Ctrl+s] to get back to a more recent entry if you accidentally skipped it. However unfortunately some terminals catch it as a pause command.

@rodolpho everything! You never know what kind of cool scripts you can run over them in the future.

Today I learned the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable for , so you can capture traffic from .

Nevertheless, it is disabled on , but still supports it via the --ssl-key-log-file argument.

@crodges not sure what guix brings to the table here: installs quite easily just with — just be aware of using wheels, it simplifies the process, although it is not required.

Do you have any specific error?

aluaces boosted

If you're a server administrator running #Synapse, please be prepared to upgrade as soon as the patched version is released.

Great rpm game packaging tutorial from @dulsi (I guess you didn't publish the URL 🙂)

Amazing how easy was to write an android app for sending files to and then retrieving the link.

The answer is: you don't do it. You just use the excellent (from fdroid) with the URL (, the method (POST) and the expected form data (parameter "file", the contents of the upload).

This creates a shortcut that you can select in the share menu of any app, and then you can share back the result URL to any other app.

Furthermore, you can use for customize further some parts of the process.

@khird most likely a desktop bug? I don't remember something like that with i3wm.

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