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🔴 **The 1800s poem written to prove rhyming is easy**

_“An archive has revealed a handwritten copy of a 200-year-old poem originally written to prove rhyming is easy after an argument at a breakfast table.”_


Open access improves the dissemination of science: insights from Wikipedia

"open access articles are extensively and increasingly more cited in Wikipedia, as they show an approximately 64.7% higher likelihood of being cited in Wikipedia when compared to paywalled articles, after controlling for confounding factors."

On the evening of March 20, 1787, German philosopher, poet and writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe climbs Vesuvius and makes a sketch of the volcano illuminated by the eruption 🌋🌙

🔴 🌍 **Global gridded population datasets systematically underrepresent rural population**

_“We find large discrepancies between the examined datasets, and, without exception, significant negative biases of −53%, −65%, −67%, −68%, and −84% for WorldPop, GWP, GRUMP, LandScan, and GHS-POP, respectively. This implies that rural population is, even in the most accurate dataset, underestimated by half compared to reported figures.”_

Láng-Ritter, J., Keskinen, M. & Tenkanen, H. Global gridded population datasets systematically underrepresent rural population. Nat Commun 16, 2170 (2025).

@geography @science

A Century Ago, Pioneering Astrophysicist Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Showed Us What Stars Are Made Of

The trailblazing Harvard scientist, who documented the dominance of hydrogen and helium in stars, is still inspiring researchers today

By Elizabeth Landau

Stellar Atmospheres is available at PG:

#books #astrophysics #womeninStem

🔴 📖 **The 4 Levels of Reading You Were Never Taught in School**

Robin Waldun

length: seven minutes and fifty-nine seconds.



🔴 🇪🇺 **Electricity from renewable sources reaches 47% in 2024**

_“Among EU countries, Denmark had the highest share of renewables in its net electricity generation with 88.8%, coming mostly from wind, followed by Portugal (87.4%, mostly wind and hydro) and Croatia (73.8%, mostly hydro). The lowest shares of renewables were recorded in Malta (15.1%), Czechia (17.5%) and Cyprus (24.1%).”_


🔴 **Paper self-citation: An unexplored phenomenon**

_“In total, we obtained 44,857 papers that have self-citation relations in the WoS raw dataset. In part, they are database artefacts but in part they are due to papers citing themselves in the conclusion or appendix. We also found cases where paper self-citations occur due to publisher-made highlights promoting and citing the paper.”_

Haunschild, R. and Bornmann, L. (2025) Paper self-citation: An unexplored phenomenon.

Paper self-citation: An unexplored phenomenon

In this study, we investigated a phenomenon that one intuitively would assume does not exist: self-citations on the paper basis. Actually, papers citing themselves do exist in the Web of Science (WoS) database. In total, we obtained 44,857 papers that have self-citation relations in the WoS raw dataset. In part, they are database artefacts but in part they are due to papers citing themselves in the conclusion or appendix. We also found cases where paper self-citations occur due to publisher-made highlights promoting and citing the paper. We analyzed the self-citing papers according to selected metadata. We observed accumulations of the number of self-citing papers across publication years. We found a skewed distribution across countries, journals, authors, fields, and document types. Finally, we discuss the implications of paper self-citations for bibliometric indicators.

🔴 **Is Google Maps brainwashing us? It might be if the theory of ‘extended cognition’ is correct**

Susan Dieleman

_“In an era when technology companies compete for increasing shares of our attention, and therefore of our cognitive processes, it becomes increasingly difficult, but also urgently important, to be aware of whether we are being persuaded or brainwashed, and what we are being persuaded or brainwashed to believe.”_


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