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binsrc :popos: boosted

So... this is my first time here... Here's a picture of a cute little mantis shrimp to serve as my introduction to this social media site.

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

Yes, I do believe our old friends violence, revolt and disorder are necessary in finding a solution to corrupt governance.

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

@freemo All the parts needed to build this keyboard, in one page. Some options regarding case desired.

binsrc :popos: boosted

➽ ➜⇢➤Allan McDigger‎ to Free Julian Assange
30 November at 23:34
New interview with Prof. Nils Melzer (United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) hits the nail on the head. And I have to agree that 12 months ago we wouldn't not have thought it possible for a British government to act in this manner.
Julian Assange has never been charged with any crime, yet he is held in a maximum security prison, he is held in solitary confinement for 23 hours / day, there is no personal association allowed in his 1 hour recreation period, he is not allowed to have a TV / newspaper / books / computer / incoming letters.
Obstructions are placed in the way of his access to his legal team and personal visitors who book appointments and when they turn up are told there is no record of the booking and they are turned away.
Although his health is now known to be suffering he has no access to an outside independent doctor or health care visitor.
The head judge is now know to have links to the British MOD and government via her husbands business interests.
As I said before - the Stasi would be proud of these actions.
Shame on this rotten Tory government.

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

New, from the makers of Fuzzy Logic!

Distorted Logic! It won't help you! :D

binsrc :popos: boosted

My very first original woodblock print. So many magnificent others will follow ☺️

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

Me: All life is precious and beautiful and deserves our love and protection.

Them: What about humans?

Me: They can suck my dick!

So i've been here a week.

What went well?
I think I engaged as much as I could tbh. participation.

What do I want to improve?
Taking more micro photography.
being a nice person.

My unanswered questions:
If nucleic membranes formed in prokaryotic cells as a form of compartmentalisation that enabled predation then why aren't there any prokaryotes doing this now? prokaryotes evolve rapidly, yet internal membranes seem to be off limits for the past 1.5 billion years. Why?

binsrc :popos: boosted
binsrc :popos: boosted

➜⇢➤Why Aren't People in the US Rising Up Like Those Elsewhere in the World?
Without a mass movement continually pushing and prodding for real change and holding politicians accountable—for their policies as well as their words—our neoliberal rulers assume that they can safely ignore the concerns and interests of ordinary people.
REPLIES: Daryl D K We're comfortable as long as we can buy shiny new stuff all the time. We believe we deserve our privileged lifestyles. We haven't suffered enough. Yet.
Ali-R G There is an odd sense of permanence and immortality when it comes to the lives of Western governments. It's as if at most only policies can be changed, but the frame of these governments will always remain. Protests have an entirely different meaning in the West than they do in Eastern countries.
 Mary B It's true that U.S. police received surplus equipment from the military and it's scary. I confess I haven't read the article yet but my answer to the question in the headline why people haven't risen up? People are working all the time just to make ends meet and survive. Student loans and medical costs keep many people in economic survival mode. Media is under more and more corporate control and they don't have time to try to investigate what's really going on. And the national security state contributes to self censorship - many people won't admit it but they are afraid to express political opinions. And we do not have fair elections - the system of campaign finance corrupts politicians.
Mussa G R   but mostly, the overwhelming majority of the people is heavy sedated by chemicals in their food and water, sports and entertainment.

binsrc :popos: boosted

NASA APOD of 2019-11-29 - Galileo's Europa Remastered #RPi3 #TweetBoxBot #PaixetAmour

binsrc :popos: boosted

A new bacteria, which eats carbon dioxide, could inspire future technologies in their fight against global warming.

binsrc :popos: boosted

Sometimes people think i dont take hints or an unempathic, truth is i just dont play fucking games. Be clear and direct with your emotions or gtfo.

binsrc :popos: boosted

Your room can be as bright as the outdoors

The effect was huge: I became dramatically more productive between 3:30pm and whenever I turned off the light. I estimate the lamp bought me between half an hour and two hours a day, depending on how overcast it was.

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