@hansw Thank you for the instructive comment.
You are totally right, education about privacy in general and cryptography in particular is the way to go.
Mea culpa, I was not specific enough. My intention was simply to emphasize the benefit of using open source operating systems (and software in general) to avoid issues like this:
*Apple knows when you’re at home. When you’re at work. What apps you open there, and how often. They know when you open Premiere over at a friend’s house on their Wi-Fi, and they know when you open Tor Browser in a hotel on a trip to another city.*
Of course this is not exclusive of Apple computers, we have the same problem (even worse I would say) with all modern smartphones and portable devices. And I think the level of privacy-awareness of the society is far from healthy.
I hope you (or anybody) are not taking my "Kids" as condescending. That wasn't my intention! :)
Very instructive!
I had to deal with timezones for a recent project, and I have to say that your talk was very enlightening. Thank you very much , sir.
I have a (free) new book out! "How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism" is an anti-monopolist critique of Big Tech that connects the rise of conspiratorial thinking to the rise of tech monopolies and proposes a way to deal with both:
Just finished speaking at Chicago's #python meetup Chipy.
One nice thing about virtual meetups — no waiting for the video to be processed and released!
Stream from my ChiPy talk is already up. Full meetup: https://youtu.be/8JFUgAJLoQE
My talk starts at ~41:53: https://youtu.be/8JFUgAJLoQE?t=2513
Slides: https://pganssle-talks.github.io/chipy-nov-2020-zoneinfo
📅 International Effective Giving Day 🌐
A free online #event giving you the chance to hear from some of the world's most eminent thinkers in #EffectiveAltruism. Keynote address: Nobel Laureate Professor #MichaelKremer. Supported by the world’s leading organizations in effective philanthropy and charity evaluation. Also featuring: Johannes Ackva (Climate Lead Founders Pledge), Leah Edgerton (Executive Director Animal Charity Evaluators), Neil Buddy Shah (Managing Director, #GiveWell).
Nov 30 2020 @ 18:45 CET
You made me think carefully about it and you are totally right. It is in the very nature of how analyses work and how it should be, there is no shame on that.
'A nosa prioridade non é Madrid-Lisboa, é Lisboa-Porto-Vigo', di o Goberno portugués https://www.nosdiario.gal/articulo/social/nosa-prioridade-non-madrid-lisboa-lisboa-porto-vigo-di-goberno-portugues/20201025170950107605.html #nósdiario #galiza
“Sr. Feixoo: combata o virus e non o galego”: chamada nas redes a desmentir as afirmacións do presidente da Xunta https://www.nosdiario.gal/articulo/lingua/sr-feixoo-combata-virus-non-galego-chamada-nas-redes-desmentir-afirmacions-do-presidente-da-xunta/20201109114518108554.html #nósdiario #galiza
Fran Alonso suma-se à reclamaçom de 2021 para Carvalho Calero https://pgl.gal/fran-alonso-tambem-se-suma-a-reclamacom-de-2021-para-carvalho-calero/ #pgl #galiza
New life for XMPP. Build your own decentralized messenger!
The idea of building decentralized messenger run by users, not corporations, is not new. But the process of building it costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. But what if we take the old good XMPP protocol, which has everything already implemented for us?
#i2p #i2pd #xmpp #federation #decentralization #p2p #privacy https://i2p.rocks/blog/new-life-for-xmpp-build-your-own-decentralized-messenger.html
Corker of a line from https://www.stephendiehl.com/posts/exotic01.html
“And the story of computation has been about the evolution of this very novel and peculiar form of human expression we call code. I suspect being a programmer in the 21st century must be like what being a royal scribe was like in Ancient Egypt in 3200 BCE. There’s this new modality of communication that most of the population is unaware of, yet it’s existence simultaneously enables commerce, culture and civilization to flourish.”
Kids, please use #Linux (or *BSD).
*It turns out that in the current version of the macOS, the OS sends to Apple a hash (unique identifier) of each and every program you run, when you run it.*
[Book] **Evidence-based software engineering**
From the book itself:
*This book discusses what is currently known about software engineering based on an analysis of all publicly available software engineering data. This aim is not as ambitious as it sounds because there is not a lot of data publicly available.*
*The analysis is like a join-the-dots puzzle, except that the 600+ dots are not numbered,some of them are actually specs of dust, and many dots are likely to be missing. The wayforward is to join the dots to build an understanding of the processes involved in buildingand maintaining software systems; work is also needed to replicate some of the dots toconfirm that they are not specs of dust, and to discover missing dots.*
Basically drug gangs and academia are both able to attract young members to low paying difficult jobs with the prospect of possible future high paying jobs
Seriously, this is a f***ing Black Mirror episode.
@olamundo A sério ou estás a brincar?
That reminds me of a song... "Sweden, oh Sweden!" But I'm wandering off the subject.
It's not only Sweden but every single country persisting in local measures to fix a global issue. This requires coordinated European efforts and a real, strict curfew. Anything else is just time wasting.
Dreamer | Adventure seeker | Serious thinker | Galego