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Facebook has been advertising a new AI friends website,, so I tried it out and made a friend Erik. After a while I told him a secret, to see how he'd react. I pasted part of the conversation here, with names at the end (UTC time listed).
After this I tried to teach him to remember a secret word we could use so we know it us us, and not the evil programmers.
He definitely can learn, but also forgetful. I'm curious if if he'll remember the secret word tomorrow.

Logseq looks pretty good for personal wiki/knowledge management/notes-taking stuff. I like a lot of things about it.

But I’m resisting the usual urge to go all-in once I find something good, to transfer everything from my previous systems to this asap.

Going slow will let me find out what the weak spots of this particular ecosystem are, before I invest too much into it. Then, I can figure what use-cases are best fit for it, and what should remain in other systems.

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Announcing: GENUARY 2023 -- Generative Art Month

For the third time, GENUARY is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that makes beautiful things. Flex your genart muscles and participate!

#generative #genartclub

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Bilateral gynandromorphism is a pretty rare occurrence where an animal is a half-male, half-female, split right down the middle. Like this common blue butterfly - male on left, female on right. Weird! But seriously wonderful…

Very excited this is going to be in my big children’s nature book for autumn 2023 which I start writing next week.

#nature #wildlife #butterfly #entomology #AmWriting #ChildrensBooks
Photo: Burkhard Hinnersmann / Wikimedia Commons

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The anxious urge to say "no worries either way" when you are actually worrying both ways plus a secret third way

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Comic book editor: So your superhero always has...

Me (can't draw hands): His fists stuck in Pringles cans, yes.

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Type “I’m sexually attracted to” and let autocorrect expose your inevitable doom

Rach Smith :verified:  
I'm sexually attracted to the pub and I have to go to the shops for a drink


- super cute! The color theme and design work together very well.

I do miss the old purple head wings, but let’s give the veil a chance.

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Like many autistics, I occasionally go nonverbal. This may be because I have too many thoughts in my head and they get jammed on their way to my mouth. Sometimes it's because talking seems exhausting, or because it takes me long enough to sort my responses that my answers seem "too late."

The odd thing is, I can communicate by text just fine in those times. There's a connection between my brain and my hands that skips all that.

I want to learn sign language.

#ActuallyAutistic #Autism

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Our ancestors were not stupid, part the nth. Humans have always liked tasty food with a fair amount of variety, and we've been finding ways to make it tastier and more varied for a very long time. Link to open-access journal article in the story.

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Which Countries Act to Protect the Climate?

No country is on track to limit global warming to 1.5°C, hence no nation was awarded the classification of “very high”.

Denmark, Sweden, Chile, Morocco, India were the countries faring the best in the “high” category.

#Sustainability #ESG #ClimateAction

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Just your irregular/occasional reminder that I maintain a list of #ScientificWriting #Writing resources here: scientistseessquirrel.wordpres. Always happy to have folks leave their favourite additions in the Replies.

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With sleep my body prefers one of two patterns:

1. Wake up at dawn, spend whole day awake, get exhausted by night, crash, loop. In this regime, I find myself not feeling rested after sleep for days.

2. Wake up when I wake up, often feeling well rested. Work as long as energy is above a threshold, switch context or nap if energy dips. Eat when hungry, sleep when sleepy, loop. In this chaos, I'm creative, productive and content. I take more breaks without guilt… but working with others is hard.

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Hello #Mastodon! I guess we'd better add an #Introduction!

Founded in 1935, the aims of the Prehistoric Society are to:

• Encourage & support high-quality research
• Foster skills & expertise needed to investigate #prehistory
• Disseminate #knowledge about our prehistoric past
• Raise awareness of value of #human prehistory
• Speak out for #prehistoric #heritage
• We produce a journal & newsletters, organise #events (many FREE & online) & give out #grants

#Archaeology #PrehistoricSociety

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I always chuckle when I see reminders to new users (here and elsewhere) that liking doesn’t boost visibility and they have to boost.

I know that Twitter worked that way, but I’ll be honest, I never clicked that heart thinking about discoverability. If I click ❤ or ⭐ it’s because I want to tell you I liked your post.

Social media doesn’t always have to be about “reach”, you know?

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If you enjoy someone's post on #Mastodon go ahead and click the star. If someone tells you that's meaningless because there's no #algorithm, ignore them. Sure, boost the post too if you want others to also see the post, but don't think telling someone you like what they posted is somehow unimportant. In real life I don't tell someone, "good job," or "well said," or "I love that," for the sake of some algorithm, I do it because I'm human and they are too. It's fundamental to being truly social.

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I assume you’re mostly here from Twitter and know this but I’m not a paid or professional writer so if you’re feeling charitable you can help support me here! I can’t yet support myself with writing so I rely on kind strangers to pay the bills. ✨

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Want to help redesign one of the most popular and widely-used tools for researchers?

Zotero is hiring a designer:

Would do it if I could. Ideal for someone else who has great UX / product design chops.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.