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THE 10 CORE Principles


Other principles that we find important:

" Nowhere is based on 10 core principles which are inspired from the core principles of Burning Man. "

Seems sound enough as words and way-markers without even looking at source or event.

And I think is in theory good testing ground since a lot (like virtues, actual feeling in the moment) do need testing. Great.

@freeschool yes. Categorization is super handy and all, but is super stifling in the sciences and education. Cross pollination of disciplines needs to be encouraged way more heavily. It's where novel insight comes from

For example, when you are taught about greenhouse gases in school, they don't tell you why no action is happening.
The political part is missing.
The thing is science is not separate from politics.
Similarly. technology is also not separate from politics.
And this is the compartmentalisation we do in education. That is the problem.

" We have to be in the government ourselves to make that change... that is what I believe, because now the political situation is so bad "

It's an interesting line, not for everyone perhaps but perhaps just as needed in trying and letting them govern completely unchecked.

" People tend to think other dictatorships are bad, but their own dictatorship would be good. "

Comments welcome.

Shitposters (above a certain level) have the advantage over normal people (to me) measurable by these kinds of ways / feedback... 

- response time
(normal people don't respond at all sometimes, and not saying lots of people normal don't respond but perhaps have more to lose, want to sterilise comms coming in and therefore limit life itself)

- attack mentality
attack subjects (multiple meanings in 'attack', I like it also because it includes looking from all angles and the attack itself can have multiple meaning)

- are outspoken about taboo things - where are normal people sometime are too polite / defensive like a boxer just holding their guard - sometime you wonder to ask "why are you not boxing?" or why are you on social media?... and then usually they just leave sightly or by pushing some other reasons lol including not answer points... which it doesn't matter with shitposters being hit and miss)

- they know what they dislike
(normal people don't respond at all sometimes often you've hit an emotional mine or trigger WHICH IS WORSE AFTER ALL THE TIME INVESTED and they don't tell you why - they just disappear and become distant and ditch conversation, mute you / don't answer - an ineffective often disposable relationship which is similar to shitposting (as in their real life or only sticking to work and their own family and that's it!).. non-participation

- shitposter I guess are in it for the kicks and that in itself is kinda fun! Often their videos are a bit more shocking BUT to a very unique / interesting point - kind of like watching gore and again but pick and choose and you get some surprisingly useful points (so even if they are racist, strip the racism and there you have your good point or behviour, something you also can see / agree with but never thought to say it like that)

- shitposters don't take too seriously as if being too serious is of itself is a problem (which I agree but I like to bash it out personally and at least I can maybe learn to be more in this spectrum...
at least know what you're getting at worst... normal people (sometimes) feels like it's not them / not talking from I perspective)

- shitposters....
to be continued....!
...and merged here

I perhaps hold more educated people accountable.... which might be unfair but the real 'fake caring' (a normal person) and is a bit of a regular let down /or less clear why they abandon ship and what their direction is (indeed none which might have to pardon people for)!

Do let me know anything I didn't cover (this is also not a full list... yet!)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <--- For easy copy / paste an ASCII shrug reminder 

Never be far away and have *shrug* close to had !

Good picture of shrug here:

and where doing nothing also
doesn't help

Bring all your questions... even the wrong answer gets you there faster in this remote text format.... 

Just say "I want this... ", "How do I balance that situation" (if it's really something you've been trying for ages or think nobody close is willing to tell you)
I'll give you 2 things in return
- A short comical version
- An existing page from site better prepared (since many ask the same things usually)
- or a longer more-truthful real version which short cannot cover and you take a hot drink and think about it....

Do you think it works to have an account and use commercial things like Facebook in order to get your Free Software / Freedom movement going in a way you would like to spread it? 

More info / background:

So even in a backwards / unobvious way / counter-intuitive way - do you think this works to go there and have an account yourself?

Disclaimer: Personally I don't think so NO (here's so reasoning why. I prefer it to be grown organically or from means that reach people more safely - the means justifies the end, more than the quick lazy way somewhat provided by the forbiddable USA! More quality and reason to be active without 'help' from GAMAM [ Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, Microsoft and whoever gov included ]... Facebook GMAFIA GAFFA MAMAA and FAANG by coming up with the acronym MANAMANA, which includes Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Nvidia, and Adobe. (A zillon BigTech acronyms that might as well be all of them) because it seems to me to grow 'free software' or 'Freedom' while they grow bigger is somewhat stupid.

So while the other way is long, hard, involves brain power and involves less shortcuts ( every follower has to get it from word of mouth, IRC, XMPP, Mastodon, their own realising endless scroll is bad etc) the idea is eventually a good way (even if you think it will never happen) so you can get people on-board 1 by 1... not just to ht subscribe BUT ACTUALL MOVE!
Without too much emotion here btw, JUST NO for the nicely made 'shortcuts'/short-traps from being personally used and indicating/doxing others also as future-evidence... from publicly / less-private pushing USA servers and platforms...


YES - You think it works as overall 'better', can us them more than they use you

NO - You think selling out = more bad work is done than any good and USA resources are far superior to let any roots grow from their platforms and in fact it could be just a easy detection system / alarm ringer / honeypot so you are baited and they just develop worse or just block the way far up ahead in the road what they see trending and when 1000 people repeat the same "we'll do this")

MAYBE - You think you can cheat superior / fast technology and get best out of them or use a low tech mixture (for example, just making 1 post via TOR and never touching the account again, cleanest in and out but also considering your previous IP history / existing accounts)

Nobody wants to hear someone's truth or read the longer personal reality... 

You have just proven this not always the case.

Well done.

Your existence and perspective changes the reality.

STEM -> what can I study for developing human culture... what departments are there... social anthropological David Graeber type stuff?... What I could study similar? 

STEM -> does it have very little in the way of social anthropological David Graeber stuff?... What are the other departments exist that I could study?

Might be true STEM teach very little about...

- Resolving differences between people (not machines/numbers etc).

- Healing (not hospitals but leading a healthy life types of healing before biological repair). Healing people hearts and repairing mentalities / prevention.

- Justice or even the practise of talking about stuff like this in some field?

STEM --> Fixing machines, numbers etc... I get that

LIFE --> obviously needs more than that, and while not fault of 'STEM' that people are just funding STEM more than anything (apart from the perfection-hunting machine-like mentality), what other parts might touch on these other more-human things?

Something improving human culture. Anything?

You're only as good as your website?!?!?!? Oh I'm in big trouble then!

I'm still in the 2000's ! Netfusion buttons / PHPbb forum style layout!
Then again new sites are not that much better - you just need will power to get to what you want (or use the simple menu at the top lol !!!)
Break yourself here... Only for the strong. New audio on it's way....

Quite similar to that Firefox search are Plugins for Wordpress sites here

Quite interesting to browse

+ would be good to have this kind of plugin-and-play with unified search and for everything/many more things

Another one with SUPER user reviews and comparisons

I guess I'm collecting now for a mega-list of search engines related to finding blockers or freedom stuff!

Could there be 1 plugin and your Computer or Website stops talking to Google? 

Anything like this let me know...
This was in (I'm not saying it's the best but at least visually and technically easy / fairly safe / tested / reviewed )

But anything that can stop contact to google (hosts file stuff even). Suggestions welcome for both Windows and Linux peeps...

Friday night... TIME FOR SLEEP.... ?

JUST... ONE... MORE... SONG....

Who will watch the watchers?... (The eternal question... any answers?)... 


Companies were more honest back then with their names and classifications... now a name could mean anything dubious government work... 

At least back in the day companies were more honest with their own name or sub-divisions saying what they are and what they do...

Take for today the company names:

" BAE Systems Mobility & Protection Systems "

Suspicious but yet 'benefit of the doubt'

versus it's formerly named title:

Armor Holdings Aerospace and Defense Group Tactical Vehicle Systems Division



In the older days names at least might have been most honest or by their sub-division, category, class, classifications... a government company / unit (in case you didn't really company or division is also a military word 'just by coincidence')

Now companies are named anything with colourful logo...

even something like Pokemon Go could be undercover company!...

[goes to check Pokemon Go after tooting!]

HABITS: washing machines etc aren't great (a sign of over-kill and bad tech habits)... maybe similar to using how we're using BIGTech equipment and cloud storage... 

Analogy For Technology AND Change - A kind of formulae how our habits and expectations need a chosen limit and we got into this mess where

1/ climate change activist using washing machines etc aren't a great sign

2/ technologist using a massive cloud storage, Gb's to TB's to PB's is also a kind of similar crazy..

1/ Instead of washing machine + chemicals, use a bucket and no chemicals and see what happens after drying in the sun

2/ Reduce your data down to text and audio, chosen video's or leave it to - just something not assuming infinite space usually from USA backends (multiple reasons in itself)!

The analogy is that it's more than enough and ecologically honest for everything to hand-wash and yet people are putting on machines every day or feel they need a machine what can be done in the same time or less.

Massive / heavy machines which need servicing piping wiring space etc...

Just get a bucket, fill it half or a quarter, squeeze t-shirt etc a few times and you're done! See if it killed you. Hang it somewhere.
This habit is like do-as-you-go / as you need.

I hand wash (cold, warm or hot) - I think often machines for washing are overkill or marginally needed to have anything else or a perfectionist outlook / biologically 'fascism' to try and clean something 'perfect' or get to 'white' levels... to the extent you bleach it, kill it or add chemicals only to wear it and do the same tomorrow for what is casual use.

Even bed sheets etc I do way in a bigger pot or bath tub... what's wrong with doing it by hand and then putting it on the heater, outside in sun etc to dry

Kind of like video now, too much graphics, not enough gameplay or games have been out-tech'd.

I see this basic gaming and washing the same, where I was happy playing those games so cheap in terms of hardware / operating system / Gb's / assets etc...

More Details: Wash clothes with water can be hot water / warm remember! and it's no big thing... done for years no drama. Just I do it cold and let sun burn it now.

The habit or feeling that has been developed / been trained in us is that " it's bad without " something- always need to add chemicals. Psychological. Crazy un-eco stuff too.

In my book it's perhaps over-kill of having that kind of tech in first place, but all the points listed below will help you see it's not needed or once in a blue moon. Or we need to undo this 'advance' by BiGTECH (yeah I'm talking luxury 'White Goods' here also in washing machines mainly!)

Like maybe in a hotel I can imagine it more as mass but you see people / we in technology have to be so careful. To keep things basic... the audio / video, the hardware... dirt-cheap as possible and even decline more cloud computing American cheap-space. Understand 1000's Gb's do have a cost somewhere and in total it's the same as if you dumped a server centre next to you house!

LIST OF POINT: (Where it costs / What you don't see)

More Power Consumption - more power usually with tech (like washing machine example or graphics cards that need Wattage)
Probably people don't realise air-conditioning need fuel.

More Material - Metals, PCBs, Wires, Pies, Electric God-like mass extraction and re-dist

NEW Kills old product life-cycles - by buying new people encourage it - they track the units sold...

Maintanance - needing a machine or your data needs servicing and can also leak and cause bigger problems (water or corruption)- it's not perfect / can fuck up too and waste time, creating more problems like if data exists in the first place / you're caught with it

Habits - they changed when you upgrade because you expect to run everything fast and forget what you had and then appreciate everything less or normalise bloat / like toys when young we appreciated when we chose more and it was special/respect what we wanted
now too many toys = disinterest / uncaring attitude / 'not enough time'

Chemical additives - encourages washing power which is like death dust

Gov regulates all Tech therefore anything new from BigTech + Gov = bad / not going to be for the eco stuff.

God... I mean Gov leaning toward evil / authoritarian / without consent stuff / military first then domesticating it = never good for eco or other reasons like extracting metals from other country and causing wars there....

More space needed, delivery vans, when moving house you have to 'do' something with it.

IT'S ALL CONNECTED... JUST GET BUCKET! :) Test it out at least,

Don't be so sterile / ultra-clean / believe the killing 99% of 'bacteria' is needed -
Mixing the water with instant-death go-to-hospital chemicals is the imperative !

Others Tech Tips
Adjust how much you use or even backup - make things disposable / expired, especially if really are frequently been repeated or similar,

Billions and billions are using and this puts pressure on earth itself (Gov's know and actually leverage it). So we don't use or need these '' cheap '' server farm type things which look cheap but overall in the list said are not, we can see the reality they just cost everything and are eating everything else (almost people too if you think about it in those foreign countries for resources).

Costing more in life in different and more problem-causing ways.

Unless you do something hitting hard and winning the fight like (maybe could partially need deleting too)... then well it's rather bloat or just more stuff to manage... put a limit on your 'stuff' like 2 hard disks max!

Convert Video to Audio - if you have video chats ---> convert to audio MP3 / .ogg / etc if it's mostly inanimate faces you win and get hard disk space back and something low tech to upload/share etc later!

Any points / counter-point welcome as other than 'making time' and creating habits (back to what we had) I don't see it much of a problem and YOU CAN START WITH 1 T-SHIRT A DAY IN A BUCKET!!!

"How are you?" questions are a TRAP!... FLAW in language usage between humans... 

FLAW in language usage between humans.

For example:
1. "How are you?" is a million things
(not going to list them!)

2. "How are you?" doesn't suggest wanted length of reply (though is open-ended sometimes people talk for much longer)

Conclusion - Many statements mean whatever YOU mean it to mean... and you can change / regret / make any excuse after without the person knowing what you meant originally

The "How are you?" example gives a great harmless example to show it means whatever you want it to mean (a greeting or really asking / caring)... and on the others side someone saying longer than "Fine" BUT people complaining when someone answers it! (a few paragraphs of text or talking for like 2mins)

More on this soon I'm sure!

I seek peaceful revenge upon language and people as it's prey!

I seek peaceful revenge upon people using language as it's prey! (ambiguity)

And then both language and people (us) using them together!
No wonder we follow the yes/no power hierarchy of thought mostly - we're not ready to ask "How are you" and get the according response by expecting almost anything or making proper space for shorter / longer articulations of it.

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